Sikkim Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Sikkim Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Basic Understanding of Public Finance of Sikkim

Public finance as a concept may be understood on two levels –

  1. as a practical activity of all components of public administration and
  2. As a theoretical area.
  • The term “public finance“ may be defined as the identification of specific financial relationships and functions running between public administration bodies and institutions (i.e. public sector entities – the state) as one party and in mutual interaction with other entities of the economic system as the other party (i.e. private entities – households and companies).Sikkim Public Finance and fiscal Policy
  • These relationships and functions may be considered special as they include:
  1. Procuring public goods (production and provision);
  2. arranging and funding various transfers (particularly in the social area);
  3. Directing entities existing in the economy towards socially desirable behaviours; for instance through taxes, penalties, subsidies and other stimuli and charges.
  • In order to arrange the funding of the above-mentioned areas, there is a fiscal system (public budgeting system) whose aim is to collect the required amount of public revenue. Public revenue serves, at various levels of public budgets (governmental, regional and local), to fund public expenditures.
  • Public expenditures, public revenue and particularly taxes may be considered to be the fundamental elements of public finance. Important terms derived from these three elements include deficit, public debt, budgetary policy and fiscal policy.
  • The development of public finance is connected with economic mechanisms that should ideally lead to the effective and fair allocation of limited resources.

Public Finance – Causes of Development Aspects of Sikkim

  • The reason for developing public funding is the state intention to soften the drawbacks resulting from economic decisions made by individual entities (households and companies). It uses fiscal tools (public revenue and expenditure) to accomplish this.
  • Certain behaviour is classified as the “quasi-fiscal funding principle”, where publiclaw goods are funded from off-budgetary resources (e.g. the public-law television in the Czech Republic is funded from television licence fees).
  • Another important term that relates to public finance, and that is also a strong argument for its development, is market failure.
  • The market system follows supply and demand through the price mechanism. It is a system that has developed itself, and that has strong ties with the interactions between people and companies.
  • All these entities strive to maximize their benefit (welfare). The greatest benefit is strongly interconnected with reaching the economic optimum condition.
  • A system that reaches the optimum is considered, in the neoclassical economics concept, to be efficient, fair and stable.
  • The ideal condition is called the Pareto optimum. This exists in an economy when none of the involved entities can improve its position without worsening another entity’s position. If any of the entities intends to improve its position, it is possible for it to do so only to the detriment of another entity. The existence of perfect competition is a necessary requirement for reaching the optimum.
  • The three above-mentioned elements (efficiency, stability and fairness) are connected with microeconomics from the viewpoint of efficiency, connected with macroeconomics from the viewpoint of stability, and connected with sciences outside economics from the viewpoint of fairness. The perception of fairness is investigated by other social sciences, and is closely linked to ethics, etc.
  • If no conditions exist for reaching a market-efficient solution, or the conditions are simply violated for any reason, market failure will ensue.
  • It consists of the following:
  1. The allocation of resources is not efficient,
  2. The economy in the area of macroeconomics indicators oscillates around the desired values and
  3. The distribution of wealth and income may diverge from the consensus on fairness.
  • It is then up to the state to perform its fiscal function (the public finance function) in those three areas in order to preferably eliminate or at least reduce market failure. Specifically, those are microeconomic failures from the allocation function perspective, macroeconomic failures from the stabilization function perspective, and the redistribution function then falls into the area of market failure caused by outside economies.
  • If the conditions for perfect competition are not met, a malfunction in the price mechanism will arise, which disturbs the allocation mechanism. Some failures can be eliminated without public finance intervention through auto-regulation (the internalization of externalities). However, others are part of the government’s allocation function and its fiscal tools (taxes and governmental purchases or transfers).
  • Macroeconomic failure is indicated by instability in the economic system that usually suffers from cyclical inflation, a high rate of unemployment, low or even negative growth of production or problems in the foreign trade balance, etc.
  • The above-mentioned macroeconomic cases of instability are why governments perform the state stabilization functions (stabilization fiscal functions).
  • The state uses several tools to perform the stabilization function. The basic classification is a division into monetary and fiscal tools. The monetary tools include open market operations, the setting of basic interest rates, determining the level of mandatory minimum reserves, etc. Fiscal tools may include public expenditure, public revenue and ways of funding deficits.
  • The causes of market failure outside the economy relate to reaching fairness in society through the distribution of wealth and income. With the distribution of wealth, the market does not practically perceive fairness. In this case, the state performs a redistributive role with 5h3 principles of solidarity, social conscience, charity, etc. based on the social consensus.
  • The state performs the redistribution function through two basic categories of tools. The first includes revenue (tax) and the other expenditures (transfers, grants and subsidies).
  1. First, a tax transfer mechanism may be implemented through a combination of progressive taxation of high incomes and transfers (subsidies) in favour of low income households.
  2. Secondly, this can occur through the taxation of luxury goods combined with subsidies on goods for the low-income population.

Fiscal Policy Meaning

  • Arthur Smithies defines fiscal policy as “a policy under which the government uses its expenditure and revenue programmes to produce desirable effects and avoid undesirable effects on the national income, production and employment.”
  • Though the ultimate aim of fiscal policy in the long-run stabilisation of the economy, yet it can be achieved by moderating short-run economic fluctuations.
  • In this context, Otto Eckstein defines fiscal policy as “changes in taxes and expenditures which aim at short-run goals of full employment and price-level stability.

Objective of Fiscal Policy

  1. To maintain and achieve full employment.
  2. To stabilise the price level.
  3. To stabilise the growth rate of the economy
  4. To maintain equilibrium in the balance of payments.
  5. To promote the economic development of underdeveloped countries

Revenue Receipt Aspects of Sikkim

  • Tax Revenue Comprises taxes collected and retained by the State and State’s share of union taxes under Article 280(3) of the Constitution.
  • Non-Tax Revenue Includes interest receipts, dividends, profits etc. Grants in Aid and Contributions
  • Grants-in-aid represent central assistance to the State Government from the Union Government. Includes ‘External Grant Assistance’ and ‘Aid, Material & Equipment’ received from Foreign Governments and channelised through the Union Government. In turn, the State Government also gives Grants-in-aid to Panchayati Raj Institutions, Autonomous Bodies etc.


Expenditure Aspects of Sikkim

  • Expenditure is classified as Revenue Expenditure (which is used to meet the day-to-day running of the Government), and Capital Expenditure (which is used to create permanent assets, or to enhance the utility of such assets or to reduce permanent liabilities). Expenditure is further classified under Plan and Non-plan across different services viz., General services, Social services and Economic Services.
  1. General Services Includes Justice, Police, Jail, PWD, Pension etc.
  2. Social Services Includes Education, Health & Family Welfare, Water Supply , Welfare of SC-ST etc.
  3. Economic Services Includes Agriculture, Rural Development, Irrigation, Cooperation, Energy, Industries, Transport etc.

Medium Term Fiscal Plan for Sikkim: 2016-17

Introduction – Fiscal Policy Overview

  • The fiscal year 2016-17 is the second year of the award period of the 14th Finance Commission (FFC). The fiscal stress faced by the State in the year 2015-16 persisted in 2016-17 as well.
  • The fiscal challenges faced by the State necessitated modifications in the financing pattern based on the changes in resource transfers by the Central Government.
  • The share of Sikkim in the divisible pool of Central taxes has been raised to 0.367 per cent as compared to the share of 0.239 recommended by the 13th FC.
  • The increase in State’s and rise in the divisible pool of Central taxes from 32 to 42 percent due to the recommendations of the FFC has resulted in higher tax devolution to the State. However, rise in tax devolution subsumed many grants to the State and overall Central transfer was declined last year.
  • However, the State Government is committed to improve the provision of the public services and protect the spending on priority sectors while being prudent in fiscal management.
  • The Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act of 2010 (FRBM Act) provides the benchmark for fiscal management in the State.
  • The FRBM Act was enacted in the State with the objective of providing fiscal stability and conducting the fiscal policy in a sustainable manner to reduce the deficit and stabilize the debt burden.
  • It is expected that a rule based fiscal policy will establish long run fiscal sustainability improving the credibility of the Government policy and focus on spending to build social and physical infrastructure.
  • Given that the State has a limited base to generate resources internally and the provision of public services in a difficult hilly terrain is costly, the Government needs to calibrate it fiscal policy and spending pattern with a restraint provided through the fiscal rules.
  • The State Government, over the years, managed to adhere to the fiscal targets, while adopting a development oriented fiscal policy. The overall fiscal management in terms of budget decisions and implementation has remained within the boundary set in the fiscal rules.
  • The fiscal adjustment path for Sikkim recommended by the Thirteenth Finance Commission (TFC) with targeted fiscal deficit to ensure sustainable level of debt ended at 2014-15.
  • The FRBM Act of the State took into account the recommendations made by the 14th Finance Commission starting from the fiscal year 2015-16.The FFC recommended certain changes in the fiscal consolidation process to provide flexibility in the fiscal management of the State.
  • The State Government has brought amendments this fiscal to the State FRBM Act reflecting these recommendations.
  • The development oriented fiscal management over the years helped the State Government achieving socio-economic development and an inclusive growth process. Creating an enabling environment for different sections of the society, different tribal groups, women, and young people to participate in economic activities and contribute to the development of the State has remained as major objectives of the Government

Achievement of social sector commitments

  • Achievement of social sector commitments constitutes an important element of resource allocation decisions in the context of rule based fiscal policy that restricts incurring deficit and borrowing to a sustainable level. The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) at constant prices recorded a healthy growth rate of 7.88 percent in 2013-14.
  • The per capita income of the state, which was Rs.30727 in 2004-05, has increased substantially to Rs.196144 in 2016-17 at current prices. The major socioeconomic indicators for the State show commendable improvement.
  • The poverty ratio has declined to 8.19 per cent as compared to all India average of 21.92 per cent in 2011-12. The literacy rate at 81.40 per cent in 2011-12 is significant achievement. The IMR has gone down to 24 per 1000 in 2011 as compared to the all India average of 44.

Macroeconomic Outlook of Sikkim

  • The CSO has not updated the GSDP data of Sikkim for the year 2014-15. For all projection purposes, the method suggested by the FFC has been adopted to update the GSDP. The State GSDP, during 2012-13 and 2013-14, grew consistently at a reasonable rate of 7.6 and 7.9 per cent respectively.
  • While the service sector dominated the State income during 2005-06 to 2008-09, the share of Industry sector started increasing since 2009-10 and in 2013-14 the service sector constituted about 60.6 per cent of the total GSDP.
  • The relative share of industry sector has increased mostly driven by manufacturing, construction and power sectors. The inter-sectoral composition of GSDP since 2004-05 shows that the service sector, which accounted for half of the State GSDP till 2008-09, has declined to about 30 per cent in 2013-14.
  • The relative share of agriculture sector, which comprises of agriculture, forestry and fishing, has been declining over the years. The share of agriculture sector has come down from about 14 per cent in 2008-09 to 9.5 per cent in 2013-14.
  • The manufacturing and construction sectors remained as major contributors to the growth of the State economy. The year 2009-10 marks a clear shift in the growth path of the GSDP as the growth rate in this year jumped to a high of 73.6 per cent (89.9 per cent in current prices).
  • The impressive growth of power sector was basically driven by generation of hydroelectricity in newly commissioned power projects.
  • The manufacturing sector showed very high growth due to higher production in pharmaceutical industries and strengthening of small-scale industries. The manufacturing sector constitutes about one third of the State GSDP in 2013-14.
  • The initial burst in the growth of power and manufacturing sectors has stabilized in recent years. However, this established a strong base for the GSDP in Sikkim.


Fiscal Profile of the State

The Changing Fiscal Architecture and Its Impact on Sikkim

  • The budget for the year 2016-17 was the second budget after the FFC gave its recommendations on devolution of resources to the States. Despite the rise in share of Sikkim in tax devolution, aggregate transfers to the State declined in 2015-16 relative to GSDP due to sharp decline in grants.
  • Based on the tax devolution share for Sikkim and grants recommended by the FFC, the State received less central transfers in 2015- 16 as compared to 2014-15. The loss of assured source of block grants has created fiscal stress for the State and it seems unlikely that the increased tax devolution would compensate for this.
  • The FFC increased tax devolution to the State from 32 per cent to 42 per cent to provide higher flexibility in the use of enhanced level of untied fund.
  • As the FFC relied on tax devolution to cover the assessed revenue expenditure needs of the States, it took a holistic view of the revenue expenditure needs of States without Plan and Non-Plan distinction.
  • The FFC departed from past practice by not awarding specificpurpose grants. These grants, according to the Commission, were small to make any impact and crate confusion where large Plan schemes already exist, and were left to the Centre and the states acting cooperatively for those needs. The only grants awarded by the Commission were disaster relief grants and grants for local bodies.
  • The Commission was required by their terms of reference to recommend grants for these two purposes. The commission steered clear of both the Plan/Non-Plan distinction and that between special-category and other states.
  • Consequent upon the enhancement of share of the states in the central divisible pool from the current 32 percent to 42 percent which is the biggest ever increase in vertical tax devolution, Central Assistance to State Plan has been restructured.
  • The Central Government has discontinued the normal central assistance (NCA), special plan assistance (SPA), special central assistance (SCA), and the additional central assistance (ACA).
  • The Central Government also delinked eight centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) from funding and brought about substantial changes in the funding pattern of some other schemes.
  • The higher growth rate assumed by the FFC resulted in higher assessed revenue of the State during the award period of the Commission.
  • The own tax revenue projected for 2015-16 by the Commission is Rs 876.00 crore (calculation is based on GSDP of Rs 20634 crore), which rises to Rs.3039 crores in the year 2019-20.
  • Higher tax projection by the Commission reduced the pre-devolution revenue deficit gap for the State during the award period. The FFC projected revenue receipts seems to be unachievable.
  • The FFC transfer to the State also depends on the resource mobilization by the Central Government. While the FFC recommended Rs.2129 crores as share in Central Taxes to Sikkim, the Union budget for 2015-16 provided Rs.1929 crores only.
  • The actual flow however, was much less at Rs.1870 crores. This implies a gap of Rs.259 crores, which is expected to grow in the future years unless the the Central taxes increases considerably.
  • Decline in Central Grants and the gap in actual flow of tax devolution to that of the budget projection makes it very difficult to provide funds to the infrastructure projects started earlier based on the fund flow mechanism existing under the then Planning Commission and the Finance Commission.

Expenditure Profile

  • The Government of Sikkim has successfully controlled the revenue expenditure as percentage to GSDP. This has helped the State to increase the revenue surplus and expand the capital expenditure.
  • The priority sectors in social and economic services were traditionally given emphasis in resource allocation. The State Government has initiated several schemes in education and health to improve overall social and human infrastructure in the State.
  • The revenue expenditure, which was at 29.8 per cent relative to GSDP in 2009-10, was compressed to 23.12 per cent in 2014-15 and was budgeted at 23 percent in 2016-17. While the level of expenditure on social and economic services was protected in 2015-16 as compared to the previous year, the level of spending relative to GSDP projected for the year 2016-17 was low.
  • The expenditure compression in 2016-17 was due to lower availability of resources.

Outstanding Debt and Government Guarantee

  • Maintaining the debt burden of the State at sustainable level remains one of the major objectives of the fiscal management of the State as reflected in the FRBM Act.
  • The TFC in their revised fiscal roadmap have worked out the yearly outstanding debt burden for all the states aligning with the fiscal path.
  • The debt-GSDP ratio in the State has been reduced considerably, which is projected to be 23 per cent in 201617 BE.
  • The decline in the average cost of debt of the state because of the debt restructuring formula of the Twelfth Finance Commission has helped to lowering the debt burden.
  • Decline in the average cost of debt will result in reduction in the volume of interest payments and availability of higher fiscal space for the state government.
  • The interest payment has declined from 2.5 per cent in 2009-10 relative to GSDP to 1.6 per cent in 2016-17 (BE).

Medium Term Fiscal Plan: 2016-17 to 2018-19

Fiscal Indicators

  • The fiscal outcomes in the form of indicators like fiscal deficit, revenue deficit, and outstanding liabilities for previous year, current year, ensuing budget year and two outward years are presented.
  • The fiscal outcomes of the year 2014-15, for which audited figures are available, show that the State Government has adhered to the fiscal targets under the Act. In the year 2015-16, the Government took the benefit of flexibility provided by the FFC to raise the fiscal deficit to 3.25 percent to GSDP.
  • However, due to slippage in revenue receipts, the fiscal deficit has increased to 3.31 percent. The budget projections of the year 2016-17, however, show that the fiscal deficit has been contained at 3 percent of the GSDP. The Government managed to generate revenue surplus all along.
  • The projections for the budget year, 2016-17, and for two outward years, which give a medium term perspective to the fiscal stance, is aligned with the FRBM Act. The MTFP from 2016-17 to 2018-19 conforms to the recommendations of the FFC to anchor the fiscal deficit to 3 per cent of GSDP.
  • The MTFP 2016-17 presents the outlook of the fiscal management of the State Government in the medium term. The detailed projection of fiscal variables show that the revenue account surplus has been maintained during the MTFP period and the fiscal deficit has been stabilized at 3 per cent relative to the GSDP.
  • Despite reducing the revenue expenditure from 23 percent relative to GSDP to about 22.3 percent, the revenue surplus could not be increased due to low growth of revenues relative to the GSDP.
  • While GSDP is assumed to grow at 17.69 percent, the total revenue receipt grow at about 16 percent. The loss of block grants has pulled down the aggregate revenue receipts.
  • In nominal terms the revenue surplus increases from Rs.260.51 croers in 2016-17 (BE) to Rs.359.81 crores in 2018-19. Despite rise in fiscal deficit in nominal terms, it remains at 3 percent of GSDP, the mandatory requirement under the FRBM Act. The outstanding liabilities declines from 23.18 percent in 2016-17 BE to 22.29 percent in 2018-19.
  • As indicated, due to higher growth of GSDP, the fiscal variable in the medium term show a lower value. However, there has been substantial growth in revenue receipts and allocations to various sectors in nominal terms. While revenue receipts increases from Rs.4885 crores to Rs.6580 crores in the medium term, the revenue expenditure rises from Rs.4625 crores to Rs.6221 crores. The growth of revenue expenditure remains below the growth revenues.
  • The provision for capital outlay has increased from Rs.847 crores to Rs.1178 croers during MTFP period. Relative to GSDP, the capital outlay has shown an increase in the medium term.
  • Despite pressure on revenue receipts and competing demands, the focus on investments in infrastructure will remain a key factor in fiscal policy of the Government.

Summary Assessment

  • The State of Sikkim continues to face fiscal stress for the second year in a row after the fiscal architecture involving the fiscal federal arrangements have changed following the FFC recommendations.
  • As the Central transfers constitute a large portion of the State’s budget, the loss of some of assured source of revenue from plan grants has created difficulties in resource allocation in the State.
  • Although, the fiscal indicators show a declining trend due to high growth of GSDP, the nominal numbers show growth in revenues and resource allocation. The growth in resource allocation, particularly in the priority sectors in social and economic series and capital outlay has been restrained.
  • This has added increased responsibility on the State Government to generate higher revenue and continue with the traditional policy of emphasizing social and infrastructure sectors.
  • Despite the pressure on resources, the MTFP indicates a stable and growth oriented fiscal policy for Sikkim. The rise in production of electricity and growth of the manufacturing sector influenced the economic growth of the State in recent years.
  • The fiscal policy has to create an enabling environment for further growth and socioeconomic progress.
  • The resource allocation in the medium term focuses on enhancing the capital expenditure and social and economic sector spending. The economy needs better infrastructure and human development to make progress. The State Government has initiated several schemes in the social and economic sectors in recent years.
  • Despite the problem of cost disability, the State is committed to improving the service delivery spanning over the social and economic sector. The MTFP safeguards the fiscal consolidation process and provides adequate resources to existing schemes in priority areas.
  • The FFC recommended anchoring fiscal deficit to 3 per cent of the GSDP. The MTFP continues with the fiscal target set for fiscal deficit at 3 per cent. As debt stock in the State relative to the GSDP remains low, the debt-GSDP target remains stabilized. While projecting State taxes, the MTFP assumed higher buoyancy to augment resources, which will be achievable in the medium term.
  • The modernization of tax administration and efforts to improve the tax base is expected to improve the revenue receipts. It was observed that there has been some uncertainty in the flow of share in Central taxes. The tax devolution to the State varies depending upon the collection of Central taxes as the Finance Commission recommends a share in the divisible pool.
  • In the year 2015-16, against a budgeted amount of Rs.1924 crores, which was also less than what the FFC projected, the transfer to the State was only Rs.1870 crores. This level unpredictability affects State finances adversely.
  • The expenditure side restructuring in the MTFP was based on the realties regarding the resource availability and priorities expressed Government’s policies, and new schemes announced in the budget.
  • The MTFP protected the capital outlay relative to the GSDP and raised it marginally during the MTFP period. The rise in nominal terms is substantial. The rise in the capital expenditure will be instrumental in strengthening the infrastructure base in the State.
  • The State Government will be able to enhance the level of capital expenditure with the improvement in resource position.
  • What is important is to develop a policy to focus more on productive capital expenditure. The debt burden of the State remains below the limit suggested by the FFC to gain from the flexibility clause regarding the fiscal deficit.
  • The State Government has amended its FRBM Act in 2016-17 to avail the facility of increasing the borrowing limit and consequently the fiscal deficit by 0.25 present separately based on the FFC recommendations.
  • This will further help in maintaining the fiscal discipline and stability, adequate resource allocation to social and economic sector and strengthening infrastructure base.
The highlights of the Budget for the year 2017-18 with a summarized account of the receipts and disbursements incorporated in the budget.





AMOUNT (in crore)




Tax Revenue



2 Non Tax Revenue 426.46



State’s Share of Central Taxes



4 Grant in Aid 1752.56
5 Gross Borrowings 881.60
6 Recoveries of Loans and Advances 0.80
7 Net Public Accounts 13.10
A Total Receipts 6221.81
1 Revenue Expenditure 4613.47
2 Capital Expenditure 1608.35



Total Expenditure




Workers Peasant and Tribal Movements in Sikkim

Workers Peasant and Tribal Movements in Sikkim

The Anti-dam Movement in Sikkim: Resurgence of Lepcha and Bhutia Identity at Helm

  • Sikkim is a small Himalayan State which is located in India’s north -east region.
  • Prior to its merger with India in 1975, Sikkim was under the Chogyal Dynasty formed in 1642 under the influence of Tibetan theocracy.
  • Today, it is primarily constituted by the Lepchas, Bhutias and the Nepalese ethnic group.
  • It also consists of people from the places like Bihar, Bengal, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and other places of India who are generally referred as “plainsmen” who migrated during the 1890s.
  • In recent years Sikkim has witnessed a boom in terms of number of hydel power projects being build here to an extent that it is almost close in acquiring the title for having highest dam density in the world.
  • This was part of the 50,000 MW Hydroelectric initiative launched by the Prime Minister of India in May, 2003.
  • But, the construction of power projects did not go all without opposition.
  • The resistance has come primarily from the Lepcha and Bhutia community in Sikkim in three distinct phases.
  • Though initially legitimized basing religion and culture, the movement as it progressed has been successful in revealing information and realities which may well serve in understanding and furthering the studies in development communication.

Resurgence of Bhutia and Lepcha Identity

  • One of the notable consequences of the anti-hydel protests in Sikkim over the years is it has bestowed the reassertion of Lepcha and Bhutia identity in Sikkim.
  • One peculiar character of all the anti-hydel protests in Sikkim is that all are primarily led and supported by the Lepcha and Bhutia community in Sikkim, thought there are some exceptions in the ongoing protest.
  • Sikkim is primarily constituted by the Lepchas, Bhutias and the Nepalese ethnic group.
  • It also consists of people from the places like Bihar, Bengal, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and other places of India who are generally referred as “plainsmen” who migrated during the 1890s.
  • Historically, the degree of social distance and discrimination among diverse ethnic groups was very strong, particularly between the Lepcha- Bhutia and Nepali community.
  • Ethnicity played a vital role during the formation of political parties in Sikkim, beginning from 1940’s. Political parties were chiefly constituted on ethnic lines.
  • They were many reasons contributing to these social gaps.
  • Initially, when the Chogyal regime recognised the status of the Subjects of Sikkim under Sikkim Subject Regulation 1961, the Nepalese who formed about 70 per cent of population in Sikkim and the plainsmen were excluded.
  • Earliest Nepalese settlers were later recognized and granted Sikkimese status, though the plainsmen had always been excluded.
  • For such reasons, there has always been hostility and differences among these ethnic groups. This hostility is primarily over the limited resource management in Sikkim.
  • The case of anti-hydel protest in Sikkim is an overt signal of such hostility.
  • However, over the years, particularly after the joining of Sikkim with the Indian Union in 1975, the antagonism between these ethnic groups to an extent was abbreviating, through various cross-cultural interactions, until the abrupt and haphazard endorsement of manifold hydro power plants in recent years.
  • This has propelled the Lepchas and the Bhutias to protest the construction of dams under various banners simultaneously is once again resuscitating and widening the waning differences between these ethnic groups.

Helen Lepcha Alias Sabitri Devi: Lone Freedom Fighter from the Lepcha Tribe

  • Helen Lepcha alias Sabitri Devi was one of the most famous Freedom fighters from the hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim.
  • Originally a resident of Kurseong town she traces her lineage to a small hamlet in the village of Sangmoo near Namchi in South Sikkim.
  • She is the only woman freedom fighter born in the state of Sikkim and even though she spent most of her life in hills of Darjeeling; Sikkim has come forward to name her as the daughter of their soil.
  • In the event of Major Durga Malla and Captain Ram Singh Thakuri taking precedence among the freedom fighters from Darjeeling hills, Smt. Sabitri Devi has been given due recognition in her birth state of Sikkim.
  • Born into a Lepcha family of Achung Lepcha, she was the third daughter among seven.
  • It is said she was born around 1902 and soon after her family moved from Sangmoo village to Kurseong.
  • Even today stand the Chorten she paid maintenance for annually and the pear tree she fondly remembered from her childhood in her homestead.

Sikkim: Ethnic struggle

  • Almost all issues in Sikkim originate from and end in its ethnic diversity.
  • Lepchas, the original inhabitants are today facing extinction; the Bhutias who ruled after them are also in a minority.
  • Nepalis, who immigrated in large numbers in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, are now in an overwhelming majority and are clamouring for their right to rule.
  • Adding to the confusion is a large number of plainsmen, identified as “of Indian origin”. The tension and bitterness created by the ethnic struggle have cut across party lines.
  • The Central and state governments are committed to the abolition of the present “parity system” under which Lepchas and Bhutias who constitute only 20 per cent of the population have 15 seats reserved in the 32-member Assembly.
  • Nepalis – in 1975, of 133,000 voters 98,000 were Nepalis – also have a similar number of seats. This was done under a formula devised by the Chogyal to keep Nepali power in check. Nepalis find this regulation stifling under it since they cannot hope to dominate Sikkim’s politics.
  • Citizenship Problems: Sikkim will probably be the first region in the recent past, where the most debated issues in the elections will pertain to those of the elections itself.
  • After the merger of Sikkim with India, the Indian Government granted citizenship to all Sikkimese subjects listed by the former Chogyal’s administration.
  • But Nepalis who came to Sikkim after 1961 -when the Sikkim Subject Regulation came into force-were not made Sikkim subjects and hence were missed out in the Indian list as well. Ironically, the political movement of 1973 which had dethroned the Chogyal, Palden Thondup Namgyal, had the active backing of thousands of such Nepalis.
  • They are said to number about 50,000 and Nepali politicians are working hard for their inclusion on the election rolls.
  • Incongruity: An equally unfortunate case is that of people of Indian origin in Sikkim, who are estimated to number about 60,000. In the normal course, when a person changes his place of residence from one state to another no restriction is placed on his right to contest an election from his new state.
  • But in Sikkim, people of Indian origin-some have been staying since very long-who form over 20 per cent of the population are foreigners in their own country and do not retain the right to contest elections

Sikkim : Trade and Commerce

Sikkim : Trade and Commerce

Sikkim is one of the fastest growing states in India. The state has favorable agro-climatic conditions, which support agriculture, horticulture and forestry. As per the state budget 2016-17, Sikkim got certified as first fully organic state in India by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

Between 2004-05 and 2015-16, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.44 per cent to US$ 2.75 billion whereas the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) expanded at a CAGR of 19.11 per cent to US$ 2.33 billion.

The State Government has achieved remarkable progress in the core areas of agriculture, health, education and development in infrastructure. Today, Sikkim is the most talked-about state in the Country.

Sikkim has evolved as a progressive State with marked improvements in socio-economic indicators, despite facing the disadvantages of inadequate connectivity, high cost of infrastructure building and maintenance, difficulty in delivering services to dispersed populations in hilly areas.

People of Sikkim engage in different economic activities, prominent among which are Tourism, Industries, horticulture & agriculture etc. giving rise to a definite occupational structure. Major contributions to the economy are provided by sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture, Forest, Mining, Industries, Power, Tourism, Aqua Culture and  Livestock etc.

Agricultural economy

The state’s economy is largely agrarian, based on the terraced farming of rice and the cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, oil seeds, pulses, spices, cereals barley, oranges, tea and cardamom.

Agriculture is vital to the progress of Sikkim as more than 64% of the population depends on it for their livelihoods. The Sikkim AGRISNET is an internet-based agriculture information centre to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector. Sikkim has a suitable climate for agricultural and horticultural products. It supports multiple crops; viz., rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, urad, pea, soya bean, mustard and large cardamom. The surveyed arable land in Sikkim is 109,000 ha, of which only 9.5% is used, this provides a vast untapped potential for development. The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state.

Agriculture is the major economic activity and is practiced on terraced field that has been laboriously created from steep hillsides. There are in all 689 enterprises that have been identified, which are mostly concentrated in rural areas.

Sikkim is the largest producer of cardamom and also boasts to utilize largest area for its cultivation. Tea is exported to USSR & Germany. A coffee plantation has also been started at Majitar.

The  economy broadly depends on the agriculture which provides livelihood to the majority of population in the state. However, it’s progress remained limited due to difficult topography and other natural barriers. As a result all head sectors related to agriculture emerged, government is doing its best to improve the situation.


Horticulture also contributes to the economy of  Sikkim. Large Cardamom, ginger and turmeric are the principal crops while Mandarin orange, guava, mango, banana and so on are the principal fruits grown in the state. The department of Horticulture is deeply involved in motivating and providing technical guidance to local farmers. Sikkim is also a paradise for flowers. Gladioli, anthuriums, lilliums, primulas, rhododendrons, orchids as well as many other floral species thrive here. The state is home to an amazing 450 species of exotic orchids alone. There is immense potential for developing floriculture on a commercial basis here, and the department of Horticulture is making concerted efforts to turn this sector into an export-oriented industry.


Sikkim has rich bio diversity and thus provides economic activities. The total land area managed by and under administrative control of Forest Department is above 80% of the total geographical area of the state. The composition ranges from tropical Dry Deciduous Forests with Sal and its associates in the valleys of Teesta and Rangit to the Alpine Scrub and Grasslands in high altitudes. During the two last decades Forest Department has laid emphasis on development of fodder and fuel wood in the agriculture fallow lands of the villagers giving priority to plantation of broom grass for fodder and for economic up liftment of the villagers.

Aqua Culture

Pisiculture is an important area of economic activity particularly in the context of enabling the rural people. The state’s natural resources endowments with an extensive network of freshwater rivers, lakes and streams offers conditions which are conducive for development of inland fisheries where a variety of carps and trout’s can thrive. With a view to exploit these natural resources endowments.


Mulberry, muga, eri and  oak-tussar are cultivated in Sikkim. The Sericulture Directorate is responsible for development of sericulture in Sikkim. The sericulture potentiality of Sikkim state has been explored jointly by the State Department and Central Silk Board, through launching a flagship programme titled Catalytic Development Programme. Over the years with consorted efforts from the both ends (state and central governments), considerable success have been achieved by the state sericulture industry in generating employment. Raw silk production in the state increased from 0.20 metric tonnes in 2013-14 to 6.0 metric tonnes in 2015-16.


Animal Husbandry provides an additional source of income to the people. Animal husbandry form an extremely important element in the effort to bring about substantial improvements in living standards. The overall area available for agriculture operations is limited to about 15% of the geographical area of the state and with the increasing population, per capita land availability has been consistently declining, it is therefore, essential, that supplementary sources of income should be developed in order to provide not only the much needed support to the rural families but also to make available in increasing quantity, protein rich food items such as milk, egg, and meat. Adequate number of livestock like cattle, buffaloes, pigs, sheep’s, goats, yaks and few other are reared in Sikkim. Yaks are reared in north eastern ranges bordering Tibet, Bhutan and western region bordering Nepal.

Industries and Mining

The Commerce and Industries Department of Sikkim is involved in promoting trade and industry in Sikkim. The Sikkim Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (SIDICO) is the state-level institution engaged in promoting, financing and developing the tiny and small scale industries (SSI) sector in the state.

Brewing, distilling, tanning and watch making are the main industries located in the southern regions of Sikkim. A small mining industry exists in the state, extracting minerals such as copper, dolomite, talc, graphite, quartzite, coal, zinc and lead. Sikkim has identified Rangpo-Gangtok, Melli-Jorethang, Jorethang-Rishi and Ranipool-Gangtok as industrial corridors with provision for giving land to investors on a lease basis.

The units that are engaged in the manufacturing sector are mainly dealing with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, liquors, foam mattresses, food products, iron rods, etc. Sikkim has identified agro-based industries, horticulture and floriculture, minor forest-based industries, animal husbandry and dairy products, tourism-related industries, IT including knowledge-based industries, precision oriented high value-low volume products,

hydro-power, tea, education and hospitality as thrust sectors. The Information Technology (IT) Department, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up a state-of-the-art IT Park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong.


Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labor costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. The North-East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy, 2007 and the pollution free atmosphere are highly beneficial for pharma investments in Sikkim. Some of the policy incentives are: 100% excise duty exemption on finished products. 100% income tax exemption. 30% capital investment subsidy on investments in plant and machinery.

The policy of framework in regard to industrialization in Sikkim has to be formulated keeping in mind the particular factors endowments that the state has the limitations in regard to resources, particularly, minerals and industrial raw materials as well as man power. The state is not so rich in mineral resources and apart from the deposits of copper, lead and zinc, no other viable and exploitable mineral deposits have so far been discovered. While on the other hand the state enjoys a tranquil climate, a dust free atmosphere and peaceful industrial entrepreneurial talent, has also to be taken note of. In regard to industrial development, a number of small and medium units have been promoted in the state. For example, The Sikkim Time Corporation (SITCO) and Government Institute of Handicraft and Handlooms.


The state of Sikkim is endowed with rich geological resources. The department of mines and geology has been responsible for exploration and establishment of mineral resources, with the object of developing commercially exploitable mineral resources. Moderate to fair amount of success has been achieved during the investigation carried out by different agencies in certain sectors namely dolomite, coal, quartzite, graphite, lime stone, silliminite, talc, mineral water, thermal springs, building stone and materials for porcelain.


Tourism provides the main thrust to the economy. With the tranquil climate, the natural beauty and the fine cultural heritage of Sikkim, the growth of tourism has immense possibilities. There are large number of places of tourist attraction particularly the snow clad mountains, the lakes and unspoiled forest areas and valleys of flowers. The advantage of having very fine monasteries in Sikkim can also be taken to attract Buddhist tourists from countries like Japan and the South Eastern countries.

Sikkim was the first to promote the concept of eco-tourism, village tourism and home stay tourism in the country. This essential concept promoting man-nature affinity has been recognized as a new model of tourism. Today, Sikkim is already on the national and international tourism map.

Sikkim has been featured and ranked 17th in the New York Times “52 best places to go in 2017”. Similarly, Sikkim has also been featured as the best destination to visit in the world in 2014.

The Year 2017 has been declared as the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, an area of development in which Sikkim has already made considerable strides with eco-friendly tourism and the development of innovative initiatives such as Chaar Dham and Tathagatha Tsal. Additionally, Gangtok City has been recognized as the safest tourist destination in the country.

Keeping nature at the backdrop, the State Government proposes to promote tourism mainly through nature based tourism. Few activities which are proposed include, Rock Art Sculpture, Folk Healing Center and Yoga Sthan. In the niche Tourism Sector, facilities such as golf courses, water sports etc, are being proposed.

A priority has been given to create mega projects, one example of which is the Sky Walk at Bhaleydunga. The Ropeway to Bhaleydunga, currently under progress is expected to be completed in 2 years time. Today, Sikkim having been featured in leading International Journals and magazines, has become one of the most sought after destinations and caters to all types of tourists. Film tourism is also catching up fast with the support of the government, as many recent film shoots by popular Bollywood artistes in the state takes place.

Through sustainable forest management practices and massive afforestation drives, about 72.60 lakh saplings have been planted till date under the State Government’s flagship programmes such as Smritivan, State Green Mission, Ten Minutes to Earth and Paryavaran Mahotsav. The forest and tree cover of the State has increased by about 4% over the last two decades from 43.95% to 47.80%. The State Government has also banned the use and sale of disposable Styrofoam products, prohibited the burning of tyres, agricultural waste, use of packaged drinking water bottles, bursting of crackers in Sikkim which are first such prohibitions imposed in the entire world.

The declaration of the Khangchendzonga National Park as UNESCO’s World Heritage Site on 17th July, 2016 at Istanbul, Turkey, is a testimony to the tireless efforts of the government. The Khangchendzonga National Park has also been declared as one of the 100 top Green Destinations of the world for the second consecutive time. In addition to this, the State Government is also proposing to develop a world class Biodiversity Park and Ecotourism Centre at Tendong, South Sikkim.

The State Government has now prioritized the construction of a Ropeway from Pelling to Sangacholing Monastery in West Sikkim connecting

the landmark statue of Lord Chenrezig, that is near completion, to Pelling. This project along with the Statue of Lord Chenrezig would be a great value addition to tourism in boosting tourism footfall in the State. The boost in the tourist footfall is very encouraging as Sikkim hosted over 8 lakhs tourists in 2016 alone.

Major initiatives taken by the government to promote economy of the state

The state government launched Sikkim AGRISNET, an internet-based agriculture information centre, to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector.

The Government of Sikkim has placed information technology high on its agenda. The budget allocation for information and broadcasting is expected to be US$ 0.96 million during 2015-16.

Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labour costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. These include Cipla, Sun Pharma, ZydusCadila, Alembic, IPCA, Alkem Lab, Intas Pharma, Torrent Pharma and Unichem.

The Sikkim government has announced a technical collaboration with floriculturists from the Netherlands and Thailand to develop the state’s potential in floriculture and market cut flowers from the state globally.

The Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up an IT park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong. The IT Park will have state-of-the-art facilities that will offer a plug and play environment and cater to the specific needs of the information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) segments.

In order to give a boost to handloom and handicrafts sector, the Government of Sikkim has been making several efforts, which include providing training to upgrade the quality and designs of the products; bringing expertise and professionals for their marketing and supply, etc.

The Sikkim Government plans to set up Tea Development Corporation of Sikkim, which would be the nodal agency for developing the tea Industry in Sikkim. It would work to expand the Temi tea estates in the state and acquire new gardens either wholly or partially owned by the government.

The Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), a partnership between the Government of Sikkim and Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG), provides technical, healthcare and science education. It is rated as one of the top universities in the country.

The State Government is very concerned with the youth populace and therefore, has laid special emphasis to skill the youth and to make them employable and self-dependent so that they can lead a life of self-respect and confidence. A separate Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building therefore has been setup with its network of the State Institute of Capacity Building, Livelihood schools, Industrial Training Institutes, Kaushal Kendras and Incubation Centres for skilling the youth. These initiatives aim at creating opportunities for self-employment, for industrial wage employment, and community based employment as Social Entrepreneurs.

Till December 2016, a total number of 10,151 trainees have been trained in sectors such as Beauty & Wellness, Tourism & Hospitality, Apparel, Homestay, Driver cum Tour Guide, Primary Teacher Training etc. An Atal incubation centre has been approved by the Ministry of Skill Development in Assam Lingzey. Two more incubation projects for the distillation of lemon grass oil has been set up in Kerabari, South Sikkim, and Timberbong, West Sikkim, under the Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana.

Sikkim : Tax and Economic Reforms

Sikkim : Tax and Economic Reforms

The economic liberalization in India , initiated in 1991, with principles of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization

(LPG) of the country’s economic policies, with the goal of making the economy more market and service-oriented and expanding the role of private and foreign investment. Specific changes include a reduction in import tariffs, deregulation of markets, reduction of taxes, and greater foreign investment. Liberalization has been credited by its proponents for the high economic growth recorded by the country in the 1990s and 2000s. And it has positive impact on the state of Bihar as can be visibly seen from various sectors.

India’s GDP has increased thereafter and also  the GSDP of state has increased many folds.  Between 2004-05 and 2015-16, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Sikkim has expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.44 per cent to US$ 2.75 billion whereas the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) expanded at a CAGR of 19.11 per cent to US$ 2.33 billion.

Agricultural Sector

The state’s economy is largely agrarian, based on the terraced farming of rice and the cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, barley, oranges, tea and cardamom. Sikkim produces more cardamom than any other Indian state, and is home to the largest cultivated area of cardamom

Sikkim has a suitable climate for agricultural and horticultural products. It supports multiple crops; viz., rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, urad, pea, soya bean, mustard and large cardamom. Sikkim is the top producer of large cardamom, contributing over 80 per cent to India’s total production.

As per the state budget 2016-17, Sikkim got certified as first fully organic state in India by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

Organic Farming

Sikkim has been transformed as the first Organic State of the country and the world by design and have opened unlimited opportunities in sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.

Industrial Sector

Industries plays an important part to the development of the state. State government has taken various measures to provide impetus to the growth of the economy.

There has been a drastic shift in the sectoral contribution from primary and tertiary to the secondary sector. The overall performance of the economy of the state during 2015-16 was encouraging. At a CAGR of 33.91%, the secondary sector witnessed the fastest growth among the three sectors during 2004-05 to 2015-16. It was driven by manufacturing, construction and electricity, gas & water supply. In 2015-16, the secondary sector contributed 67.73% to the state’s GSDP at current prices.

The state follows the North East Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2007, which provides several incentives and concessions for investment. Institutional support is provided through various central and state government agencies viz., North East Council, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and Commerce and Industries Department.

The main industries like Brewing, distilling, tanning and watchmaking are located in the southern regions of Sikkim.

Tertiary sector

State government has implemented various policies to increase the growth rate of Tertiary sector. Various policies like IT Policy , Tourism Policy gives impetus for the growth of the services sector and hence development of economy. Industrial sector contributes majorly to the development, followed by the tertiary sector at 23.65% and primary sector at 8.62%. The tertiary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.23% between 2004-05 and 2015-16. The growth has been driven by trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, transport, communications and other services. The primary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.55% between 2004-05 and 2015-16.

Tourism provides the main thrust to the economy. With the tranquil climate, the natural beauty and the fine cultural heritage of Sikkim, the growth of tourism has immense possibilities. There are large number of places of tourist attraction particularly the snow clad mountains, the lakes and unspoiled forest areas and valleys of flowers. The advantage of having very fine monasteries in Sikkim can also be taken to attract Buddhist tourists from countries like Japan and the South Eastern countries.


Total Receipts and Total Expenditure

For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget.

After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20 crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 crores.

The fiscal deficit remains in adherence to the fiscal management targets set in the Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2010, i.e. not more than 3% of GSDP. The contribution from total tax revenue is of the order of Rs. 669.51 crores and in the case of Non-Tax revenue, Rs. 426.46 crores.


total gross expenditure includes allocations amounting to Rs. 81.76 crores under the dispensation of the North Eastern Council, Rs. 153.66 crores under Non Lapsable Pool of Central Resources, and Rs. 1326.76 crores under Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

In Union budget, the distinction between Plan and Non-Plan has been done away with from the year 2017-18 onwards. This has been done as a measure towards bringing about major fiscal and budgetary reforms while retaining the distinction on the basis of Revenue and Capital expenditures. Since the Union and the States have to work together on the methodology, State has also adopted the same system from the financial year 2017-18 budget.

Tax proposals

Accordingly, the main taxes of the State Government like the Value Added Tax, Central Sales Tax, Entry Tax, Cess and Luxury Tax etc. and also the taxes of the Government of India like the Central Excise and Services Tax, have now been subsumed in the Goods and Services Tax.

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

GST, will replace multiple state and central taxes to create one national market and single tax in the country. This bill seeks to subsume all central indirect levies like excise duty, countervailing duty and service tax and also state taxes such as value added tax, entry tax and luxury tax, to create a single, pan-India market.

GST will be a game changer in the states as they eradicate the cascading effect on goods and services.GST will bring down the cost of goods and services as there will be no cascading effects of taxes. He added that GST is expected to increase revenue by widening the tax base and improving the taxpayer compliance. 7% items are such on which no taxes would be levied, 14% items would be in the lowest bracket of 5% tax, 17% items will have 12% tax, 43% items will have 18% tax, and 19% items, which are generally not used by people will have 28% tax.

Only the Goods and Services Tax will be levied in place of all these taxes in the indirect tax regime. Petroleum products and liquor have been kept out of the GST, as of now. The rates of the tax will be uniform on goods and services in the entire nation. As per the decision taken by the GST Council, the Goods and Services Tax will be implemented from 1st July, 2017 onwards.

The State Government has made all necessary preparations for the implementation of the new tax regime so that the trade and industry of the State do not face any difficulties. E-payment will be made compulsory for the payment of taxes.


Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main theme of the Budget 2017-18 – Sustainable Development

Total Receipts and Total Expenditure

For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget.

After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20 crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 crores.

The fiscal deficit remains in adherence to the fiscal management targets set in the Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2010, i.e. not more than 3% of GSDP. The contribution from total tax revenue is of the order of Rs. 669.51 crores and in the case of Non-Tax revenue, Rs. 426.46 crores.

The total gross expenditure includes allocations amounting to Rs. 81.76 crores under the dispensation of the North Eastern Council, Rs. 153.66 crores under Non Lapsable Pool of Central Resources, and Rs. 1326.76 crores under Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

In Union budget, the distinction between Plan and Non-Plan has been done away with from the year 2017-18 onwards. This has been done as a measure towards bringing about major fiscal and budgetary reforms while retaining the distinction on the basis of Revenue and Capital expenditures. Since the Union and the States have to work together on the methodology, State has also adopted the same system from the financial year 2017-18 budget.

Reforms in various sectors

Eco Smart Villages

A new concept of “Eco-Smart Villages” is being proposed in this budget with an initial budgetary provision of 1 crore. This is being proposed on the premise that each village has its own characteristic strengths which can

be developed independently in providing welfare services and local employment to the people. Each village could develop their unique development models, whether in the promotion of village tourism, pilgrimage centres or dairy farming, etc. This also includes the development of “One Home One Garden” concept through which each household will develop a personal garden with the Government providing necessary technical support.


Education in Sikkim is free up to the college level and state is further  making sincere efforts to improve educational standards further both in terms of coverage and quality.

A programme for Educational Quality Improvement launched in eight pilot Senior Secondary Schools of the State has received a funding of around one crore from North Eastern Council. Further it is set to be expanded to cover all Senior Secondary Schools of the State.


In the terms of clean and renewable energy, Sikkim has attained self-sufficiency in power generation. The Teesta Stage-III with 1200 MW capacity was successfully commissioned on 17th February 2017. State’s total installed capacity has improved to 2013.07 MW subsequently, by initiating other hydro electric projects. The on-going 97 MW Tashiding and 96 MW Dikchu hydro power projects are scheduled to be commissioned by

April/May of 2017. The installed capacity will be enhanced correspondingly.

This is a historic milestone and it has made the State self-reliant in clean energy production and has boosted the State’s revenue generation capacity. With the commissioning of such power projects at this scale, state is  no more a consumer state when it comes to energy. The state has become a producer State that provides energy for the nation.

It is estimated that Sikkim has a peak potential capacity of 8,000 MW and a steady 3,000 MW of hydroelectric power. About 28 hydropower projects are being set up in the state under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.


The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state. During 2015-16, the state government recognized the existing MPCS in the state to promote and enhance organic farming in the state. As a result of these initiatives, the state was certified as the first fully organic state in India, by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

The Sikkim Organic Mission is introducing an e-voucher card system as an effective mechanism to distribute assistances under the Direct Benefit Transfer for ensuring that the Scheme funds are channeled directly to the beneficiaries. This would be a first of its kind initiative in Sikkim and probably in the Country as well.

The state government launched Sikkim AGRISNET, an internet-based agriculture information centre, to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector.

The Sikkim government has announced a technical collaboration with floriculturists from the Netherlands and Thailand to develop the state’s potential in floriculture and market cut flowers from the state globally.

The state government is targeting to launch new agricultural schemes for making farming more profitable in the state and allowing the youth to determine agriculture as a budding source of livelihood. Implementation of such schemes is expected to result in increase in the area utilization for the cultivation and production of various crops.

The Sikkim Government plans to set up Tea Development Corporation of Sikkim, which would be the nodal agency for developing the tea Industry in Sikkim. It would work to expand the Temi tea estates in the state and acquire new gardens either wholly or partially owned by the government.


Tourism in Sikkim has emerged as the new profession of the  people with its vast natural potential. Promotion of village tourism, homestay, cultural tourism, trekking tourism, ecotourism, wellness tourism, flori–tourism and adventure tourism has given fillip to the tourism trade in the state where a large of number of people are engaged under different employment opportunities.


As of 2015-16, Sikkim had a total road network of 2,425.45 km. The state government proposed an allocation of US$ 15.36 million for construction of roads and bridges in the state and US$ 7.46 million for road transport.

The total allocation of budget for urban development is estimated to be US$ 5.94 million during 2015-16. In addition, US$ 17.14 million would be allocated for the development of water supply and sanitation and housing sector in the state.


Allocated budget for the industry and minerals sector in Sikkim is estimated to be US$ 9.46 million. Out of this total allocation, villages and small industries would be allocated US$ 5.97 million and large industries would be allocated US$ 2.75 million. The remaining US$ 0.73 million would be allocated to the non-ferrous mining and metallurgical industries of the state.

Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labour costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. These include Cipla, Sun Pharma, ZydusCadila, Alembic, IPCA, Alkem Lab, Intas Pharma, Torrent Pharma and Unichem.

In order to give a boost to handloom and handicrafts sector, the Government of Sikkim has been making several efforts, which include providing training to upgrade the quality and designs of the products; bringing expertise and professionals for their marketing and supply, etc.

The Government of Sikkim has placed information technology high on its agenda. The budget allocation for information and broadcasting is expected to be US$ 0.96 million during 2015-16.

The Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up an IT park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong. The IT Park will have state-of-the-art facilities that will offer a plug and play environment and cater to the specific needs of the information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) segments.


Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Animal husbandry of Sikkim

  • Livestock sector in Sikkim is highly livelihood intensive, agriculture along with livestock is the single largest employer in the state, over 80 per cent of the rural households in the state own livestock and earn supplementary incomes from them, distribution of livestock holdings is less iniquitous – over 85 per cent of all species of livestock are owned by the marginal and small holders.
  • For this reason, income from livestock is more equitably distributed. Livestock sector contribution to Sikkim’s Gross Domestic Product in 2002 was over 6 per cent.
  • In the Sikkim context, livestock has immense potential for diversification in agriculture, offering gainful employment and incremental incomes to tens of thousands of landless, marginal and small farmers.Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Livestock wealth of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

  • Livestock production in Sikkim is predominantly the endeavour of the small producers.
  • Marginal and small farmers own nearly 85 per cent of all species of livestock and poultry, even though they own or operate less than 55 per cent of the farmland in Sikkim.
  • Even the tiny organised poultry industry in Sikkim is made up of small broiler farms.
  • Over 80 per cent of all rural households own livestock (often a mix of several species) as part of the traditional mixed crop-livestock farming system: earning substantial incomes and enriching family diets with nutrient rich animal products.

Contribution of livestock to Sikkim economy

  • Contribution of LS to State economy- 8.16%GSDP
    • Employment in LS 4.5% growth rate per annum
    • Milk is the second largest agriculture produce next to maize
    • 70 % main workforce
  • The Sikkim LSRE Sector Analysis however shows that over 60 per cent of the rural household income in Sikkim comes from livestock farming.


On the basis of the detailed Sector Analysis carried out by the State Livestock Review Exercise in 2003-04, and in the light of the facts placed above, it appears that the following will be the most appropriate policy considerations for the growth of livestock sector in Animal husbandry of Sikkim:

  • Use the livestock sector as a growth engine for the social and economic development of the rural population, increasing rural selfemployment opportunities, enabling steady growth of rural household income and improved quality of life in the Sikkim villages.
  • Enable the small producers to actively participate in the process of development by equipping them with appropriate skills and technologies to transform the growing challenges of the market place into opportunities to build comparative and competitive advantages through improved livestock quality and higher productivity.
  • Ensure the ecological and environmental sustainability of the livestock sector growth and modernisation; constantly monitoring the environmental impact of the growth process and designing policies and programmes to effectively mitigate their adverse impact

Department of Animal Husbandry Livestock, Fisheries and Veterinary Services, Government of Sikkim

Main Objectives:

Major objectives and strategies followed for livestock development during the years are as under:

  • Expand and strengthen infrastructure for artificial insemination, which improve its efficiency and effectiveness using frozen semen technology for crossbreeding purposes.
  • Create a seed stock of qualitatively superior bulls, which would form the nucleus germ-plasm pool to build milch herd of high production cattle.
  • Bring about genetic improvement of important livestock breeds through selective breeding and crossbreeding of low production non-descript stock, both for milk and for draught purposes. Steps are taken to conserve important indigenous breeds of the State.
  • Establish linkage between rural milk producers and urban consumers by replicating the “Anand Pattern” dairy cooperatives in the State and lessen the adverse impact of seasonal imbalances in milk production and marketing.
  • Improve the productivity of pasture lands by introducing improve fodder seeds and increased use of wasteland for fodder production.
  • Optimise the use of crop residue through provision of appropriate supplements and conservation of green fodder.
  • Promote stall-feeding in order to reduce overgrazing and degradation of village grazing lands.
  • Develop adequate animal health services for protection of livestock, with special emphasis on eradication of most prevalent diseases in the State
  • Explore the marketing avenues for sale of livestock products like wool, meat, eggs and day old chicks, cheese and utilize by-products of slaughter waste as well as to find export-oriented programmes of the State livestock products.


Goat Farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

  • Goat is known as ‘Poor man’s cow’ in India and is a very important component in dry land farming system.
  • Marginal or undulating lands unsuitable for other types of animals like cow or buffalo, goat is the best alternative.
  • With very low investments goat rearing can be made in to a profitable venture for small and marginal farmers.

Sheep farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

  • Few countries in the world have no sheep.
  • They are found in tropical countries and in the arctic, in hot climates and in the cold, on the desert and in humid areas.
  • There are over 800 breeds of sheep in the world, in a variety of sizes, shapes, types and colours.
  • Sheep were domesticated long before the dawn of recorded history.
  • Wool fibres have been found in remains of primitive villages of Switzerland that date back an estimated 20000 years.
  • Egyptian sculpture dating 4000-5000 B.C. portrays the importance of this species to people.
  • Much mention is made in the Bible of flocks, shepherds, sacrificial lambs, and garments made of wool.
  • The Roman empire prized sheep, anointed them with special oils, and combed their fleece to produce fine quality fibres that were woven into fabric for the togas of the elite.
  • Perhaps the first ruminants domesticated by man along with goats, sheep are a very valuable and important asset to mankind.
  • Domesticated sheep : phylum Chordata (backbone), class Mammalia (suckle their young), order Artiodactyla (hooved, even-toed), family Bovidae(ruminants), genus Ovis (domestic and wild sheep), and species Ovisaries

Emu rearing

  • Emus belong to ratite group and have high economic value for their meat, eggs, oil, skin and feathers.
  • These birds are adaptable to varied climatic conditions.
  • Although emu and ostrich were introduced in India, emu farming has gained much importance.
  • Ratite birds have poorly developed wings and include emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary and kiwi.
  • Emu and ostrich are reared commercially in many parts of the world for their meat, oil, skin and feathers, which are of high economic value.
  • The anatomical and physiological features of these birds appear to be suitable for temperate and tropical climatic conditions.
  • These birds can be well maintained on extensive (ranches) and semi intensive rearing systems with reasonably high fibrous diets.
  • United State, Australia and China are leading in emu farming. Emu birds are well adapted to Indian climatic conditions.

Features of Emu

  • Emu has long neck, relatively small naked head, three toes and body covered with feathers Birds initially have longitudinal stripes on body (0-3 months age) then gradually turn to brown by 4-12 months age.
  • Mature birds have bare blue neck and mottled body feathers. Adult bird height is about 6 feet with a weight of 45-60 kg. Legs are long covered with scaly skin adaptable to hardy and dry soil.
  • Natural food of emu is insects, tender leaves of plant and forages. It also eats different kinds of vegetables and fruits like carrot, cucumber, papaya etc. Female is the larger of the two, especially during breeding season when the male may fast.
  • The female is the dominant member of the pair.
  • Emus live for about 30 years.
  • It may produce eggs for more than 16 years.
  • Birds can be maintained as flock or pair.

Rabbit Farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Why Rabbit Farming?

  • With available small investment and in a small place rabbit farming gives more income
  • Rabbits eat ordinary feed and convert them into a protein rich high quality meat
  • Apart from meat production they can also be reared for hide and fur.

Rabbit Farming is for whom?

  • For landless farmers, uneducated youth and women, rabbit farming gives an additional income as a part time job

Advantages of Rabbit Farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

  • By rabbit rearing one can produce a quality protein rich meat for his own family
  • Rabbits can be fed with easily available leaves, waste vegetables, grains available in the home
  • Growth rate in broiler rabbits is very high. They attain 2 kgs at the age of three months
  • Litter size (Number of young ones born/ kindling) in rabbits is high (around 8-12)
  • When compared to the other meats rabbit meat contain high protein (21%) and less fat (8%). So this meat is suitable for all age groups from adults to children


Quail Farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Advantages of quail farming

  • Requires minimum floor space
  • Needs low investment
  • Quails are comparatively sturdy birds
  • Can be marketed at an early age ie. five weeks
  • Early sexual maturity – starts laying eggs in about six to seven weeks of age
  • High rate of egg laying -280 eggs per year
  • Quail meat is tastier than chicken and has less fat content. It promotes body and brain development in children.
  • Nutritionally, the quail eggs are on par with that of chicken eggs. Moreover, they contain less cholesterol.
  • Quail meat and eggs are a nutritious diet for pregnant and nursing mothers.



Turkey farming of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Breeds of turkeys in India

The varieties are as follows

  1. Board breasted bronze:The basic plumage color is black and not bronze. The females have black breast feathers with white tips, which help in sex determination as early as 12 weeks of age.
  2. Board breasted white:This is a cross between Board breasted bronze and White Holland with white feathers. White plumage turkeys seems to be suitable Indian-Agro climatic conditions as they have better heat tolerance and also good and clean in appearance after dressing.
  3. Beltsville small white: It closely resembles the Board breasted white in color and shape but smaller in size. Egg production, fertility and hatchability tend to be higher and broodiness tends to be lower than heavy varieties.
  4. Nandanam turkey 1: This variety is a cross between the black desi variety and exotic Beltsville small white variety. It is suited for Tamil Nadu climatic conditions

Marketing of turkeys

The body weight of adult male and adult female turkey at the 16th week is 7.26 kg and 5.53kg. This is optimum weight for marketing the turkeys.

Turkey egg:

  • The turkey will start lay from the 30th week of age and its production period is 24 weeks from the point of lay.
  • Under proper feeding and artificial lightening management turkey hens lay as much as 60-100 eggs annually.
  • Nearly 70 percent of the eggs will be laid in the afternoon.
  • The turkey eggs are tinted and weigh about 85 gms.
  • Egg is noticeably pointed at one end with strong shell.
  • The protein, lipid carbohydrate and mineral content of turkey egg are 13.1%, 11.8%, 1.7% and 0.8% respectively. The cholesterol is 15.67-23.97 mg/gm of yolk

Turkey meat:

  • People prefer turkey meat because of its leanest nature.
  • The protein, fat, energy value of turkey meat are 24%,6.6%, 162 Calories per 100 gm of meat.
  • Mineral like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and sodium are present.
  • It is also rich in essential amino acids and vitamins like niacin, vitamin B6 and B12.
  • It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids and low in cholesterol.
  • A market study shows that a male turkey sold at 24 weeks of age weighing 10 to 20 kg with expenditure of Rs.300 to 450 will give a profit of Rs. 500 to 600.
  • Likewise a female will give a profit of Rs.300 to 400 in a span of 24 weeks time. Besides, the turkey can be reared in scavenging and semi-scavenging conditions also.


PIG FARMING of Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Advantages of pig rearing

  • Pigs convert inedible feeds, forages, certain grain byproducts obtained from mills, meat by products, damaged feeds and garbage into valuable nutritious meat. Most of these feeds are either not edible or not very palatable to human beings
  • Pig grows fast and is a prolific breeder, farrowing 10 to 12 piglets at a time. It is capable of producing two litters per year under optimal management conditions
  • The carcass return is quite high ie. 60-80 percent of live body weight
  • With a small investment on building and equipment, proper feeding and sound disease control programme the farmer can profitably utilize his time and labour in this subsidiary occupation
  • The faeces of pigs is used as a manure to maintain soil fertility

Pig farming- for whom?

  • Small and landless farmers
  • Part time earning for educated youth having agriculture as occupation
  • Uneducated / Unemployed youth
  • Farm women


The indigenous pig has been the basis used for pig production for a long period of time. It is small in size. Improved breeds are now being used for grading up the form the basis for pig production in the rural areas.


Decision-Making: concept, process and techniques


DECISION MAKING is an essential part of planning. Decision making and problem solving are used in all management functions, although usually they are considered a part of the planning phase. A discussion of the origins of management science leads into one on modeling, the five-step process of management science, and the process of engineering problem solving.

Decision-making is an integral part of modern management. Essentially, Rational or sound decision making is taken as primary function of management. Every manager takes hundreds and hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously making it as the key component in the role of a manager. Decisions play important roles as they determine both organizational and managerial activities. A decision can be defined as a course of action purposely chosen from a set of alternatives to achieve organizational or managerial objectives or goals. Decision making process is continuous and indispensable component of managing any organization or business activities. Decisions are made to sustain the activities of all business activities and organizational functioning.

Relation to Planning


Managerial decision making is the process of making a conscious choice between two or more rational alternatives in order to select the one that will produce the most desirable consequences (benefits) relative to unwanted consequences (costs). If there is only one alternative, there is nothing to decide.

If planning is truly “deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who is to do it” , then decision making is an essential part of planning. Decision making is also required in designing and staffing an organization, developing methods of motivating subordinates, and identifying corrective actions in the control process. However, it is conventionally studied as part of the planning function, and it is discussed here.

Occasions for Decision


the occasions for decision originate in three distinct fields:

(a) from authoritative communications from superiors;

(b) from cases referred for decision by subordinates; and

(c) from cases originating in the initiative of the executive concerned.

Types of Decisions






Programmed decisions are routine and repetitive, and the organization typically develops specific ways to handle them. A programmed decision might involve determining how products will be arranged on the shelves of a supermarket. For this kind of routine, repetitive problem, standard arrangement decisions are typically made according to established management guidelines.




Non programmed decisions are typically one shot decisions that are usually less structured than programmed decision.


Decision Making under Certainty

Decision making under certainty implies that we are certain of the future state of nature (or we assume that we are). (In our model, this means that the probability p of future N is 1.0, and all other futures have zero probability.) The solution, naturally, is to choose the alternative A that gives us the most favorable outcome O

. Although this may seem like a trivial exercise, there are many problems that are so complex that sophisticated mathematical techniques are needed to find the best solution.



Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.






Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.


Want: Desire for specific satisfier of need.


Demand: Want for a specific product backed up by ability and willingness

to buy.


Marketers cannot create needs. Needs pre exists. Marketers can influence wants. This is done in combination with societal influencers.



Product is anything that can satisfy need/ want.


Product component-              1.Physical Good.

  1. Service.
  2. Idea.


Hence, products are really a via- media for services.

Hence, in marketing, focus is on providing/ satisfying service rather than providing products.


Marketing Myopia:  Focus on products rather than on customer needs.




  • Decision for purchase made based on value/ cost satisfaction delivered by product/ offering.
  • Product fulfills/ satisfies Need/ Want.
  • Value is products capacity to satisfy needs/ wants as per consumer’s perception or estimation.
  • Each product would have a cost/ price elements attached to it.


VALUE– Products capacity to satisfy.

COST–    Price of each products.




EXCHANGE: – The act/ process of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. For exchange potential to exist, the following conditions must be fulfilled.

  1. There must be at least two parties.
  2. Each party has something of value for other party.
  3. Each party is capable of communication & delivery
  4. Each party is free to accept/ reject the exchange offer.
  5. Each party believes it is appropriate to deal with the other party.


TRANSACTION: – Event that happens at the end of an exchange. Exchange is a process towards an agreement. When agreement is reached, we say a transaction has taken place.


Proof of transaction is BILL/ INVOICE.


TRANSFER: – It is one way. Hence, differ from Transaction.


NEGOTIATION: – Process of trying to arrive at mutually agreeable terms.

Negotiation may lead to               – Transaction

– Decision not to Transaction




Relationship marketing:-    It’s a pattern of building long term satisfying relationship with customers, suppliers, distributors in order to retain their long term performances and business.


Outcome of Relationship Marketing is a MARKETING NETWORK.


MARKETING NETWORK:      It is made up of the company and its customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, advertisement agencies, retailers, research & development with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationship.


Competition is between whole network for market share and NOT between companies alone.



A market consists of all potential customers sharing particular need/ want who may be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy need/ want.


Types of Markets:

  1. Resource Market,
  2. Manufacturing Market,
  • Intermediary Market,
  1. Consumer Market,
  2. Government market.




Working with markets to actualize potential exchanges for the purpose of satisfying needs and wants.


One party seeks the exchange more actively, called

as “Marketer”, and the other party is called “Prospect”.


Prospect is someone whom marketer identifies as potentially willing and able to engage in exchange.


Marketer may be seller or buyer. Most of time, marketer is seller.

A marketer is a company serving a market in the face of competition.


Marketing Management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties.


AMA- American Marketing Association.


It defines marketing management as the process of planning & executing the conception of pricing, promotion, distribution of goods, services, ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

  • Can be practiced in any market.
  • Task of marketing management is to influence the level, timing, composition of demand in a way that will help the organization to achieve its objective. Hence, marketing management is essentially demand management.



Traditional Concept of Marketing


According to this concept, marketing consists of those activities which are concerned with the transfer of ownership of goods from producers to consumers. Thus, marketing means selling of goods and services. In other words, it is the process by which goods are made available to ultimate consumers from their place of origin. The traditional concept of marketing corresponds to the general notion of marketing, which means selling goods and services after they have been produced. The emphasis of marketing corresponds is on the sale of goods and services. Consumer satisfaction is not given adequate emphasis. Viewed in this way, marketing is regarded as Production/Sales oriented.


Modern concept of Marketing


According to the modern concept, Marketing is the concerned with creation of customer. Creation of Customers means identification of Consumer needs and organising business to satisfy needs. Marketing in the modern sense involves decision regarding the following matters.


  • Products to be produced.
  • Prices to be charged from Customers.
  • Promotional techniques to be adapted to contact and influence existing and potential customers.
  • Selection of middlemen to be used to distribute goods and service.


Modern concept of marketing requires all the above decisions to be taken after due consideration of consumer needs and their satisfaction.

The business objective of earning profit is sought to be achieved through provision of consumer satisfaction. This concept of marketing is regarded as consumer oriented as the emphasis of business is laid on consumer needs and their satisfaction.


Five fundamental concept of marketing are –

  1. Exchange concept
  2. Production concept
  3. Product concept
  4. Sales concept
  5. Marketing concept


  1. Exchange Concept: The exchange concept holds that the exchange of a product between seller & buyer is the central idea of marketing Exchange is an important part of marketing, but marketing is much wider concept.


  1. Production Concept: The production concept is one of the oldest concepts in business. It holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and expensive. Manager of Production oriented business concentrate on achieving high production efficiency low cost & mass distribution.


  1. Product Concept: This concept holds that consumers will prefer those products that are high in quality, performance or innovative features. Managers in these organization focus on making superior products and improving them. Sometimes, this concept leads to marketing myopia, Marketing myopia is a short-sightedness about business. Excessive attention to production or the product or selling aspects at the cost of customers & his actual needs creates this myopia.


  1. Selling Concepts: This concept focuses on aggressively promoting & pushing its products, it cannot except its product to get picked up automatically by the customer. The purpose is basically to sell more stuff to more people, in order to make profits.


  1. Marketing Concept: The marketing concept emerged in the mid 1950’s. The business generally shifted from a product – cantered, make & sell philosophy, to a customer centered, sense & respond philosophy. The job is not to find the right customers for your product, but to find right products for your customers. The Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consist of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering & communicating superior customers value. This concept puts the customers at both the beginning & the end of the business cycle. Every department & every worker should think customer & act customer.



Marketing involves a number of activities. To begin with, an organisation may decide on its target group of customers to be served. Once the target group is decided, the product is to be placed in the market by providing the appropriate product, price, distribution and promotional efforts. These are to be combined or mixed in an appropriate proportion so as to achieve the marketing goal. Such mix of product, price, distribution and promotional efforts is known as ‘Marketing Mix’.




So, Marketing Mix consists

of 4Ps They are :-


  • Products,
  • Price,
  • Place (distribution) and


These 4 ‘P’s are called as elements of marketing and together they constitute the marketing mix. All these are inter-related because a decision in one area affects decisions in other areas.




Product refers to the goods and services offered by the organisation. A pair of shoes, a plate of dahi-vada, a lipstick, all are products. All these are purchased because they satisfy one or more of our needs.  The term product is defined as “anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want”. It normally includes physical objects and services. So, in simple words, product can be described as a bundle of benefits which a marketer offers to the consumer for a price.


Product can be broadly classified on the basis of


 (1) USE,    (2) DURABILITY,   and    (3)TANGIBLITY


  • Based onUSE, the product can be classified as:


   (a) Consumer Goods and

(b) Industrial Goods.


  • Consumer goods: Goods meant for personal consumption by the households or ultimate consumers are called consumer goods. This includes items like toiletries, groceries, clothes etc. Based on consumers’ buying behaviour the consumer goods can be further classified as :


(i) Convenience Goods;   (ii) Shopping Goods; and  (iii) Speciality Goods.


  • Convenience Goods :


The convenience goods are bought frequently without much planning or shopping effort and are also consumed quickly. Buying decision in case of these goods does not involve much pre-planning. Such goods are usually sold at convenient retail outlets.


  • Shopping Goods:


These are goods which are purchased less frequently and are used very slowly like clothes, shoes, household appliances. In case of these goods, consumers make choice of a product considering its suitability, price, style, quality and products of competitors and substitutes, if any. In other words, the consumers usually spend a considerable amount of time and effort to finalise their purchase decision as they lack complete information prior to their shopping trip. shopping goods involve much more expenses than convenience goods.


  • Speciality Goods :


As  some special characteristics of certain categories of goods, people generally put special efforts to buy them. They are ready to buy these goods at prices at which they are offered and also put in extra time to locate the seller to make the purchase. Examples of speciality goods are cameras, TV sets, new automobiles etc.


(b) Industrial Goods:  Goods meant for consumption or use as inputs in production    of other products or provision of some service is termed as ‘industrial goods’. These are meant for non-personal and commercial use and include (i) raw materials, (ii) machinery, (iii) components, and (iv) operating supplies (such as lubricants, stationery etc). The buyers of industrial goods are supposed to be knowledgeable, cost conscious and rational in their purchase and therefore, the marketers follow different pricing, distribution and promotional strategies for their sale.


  • Based on DURABILITY , the products can be classified as :


(a) Durable Goods and

 (b) Non-durable Goods


  • Durable Goods : Durable goods are products which are used for a long period i.e., for months or years together. Examples of such goods are refrigerator, car, washing machine etc. In case of these goods, seller’s reputation and presale and after-sale service are important determinants of purchase decision.


  • Non-durable Goods: Non-durable goods are products that are normally consumed in one go or last for a few uses. Examples of such products are soap, salt, pickles, sauce etc. These items are consumed quickly and we purchase these goods more often. Such items are generally made available by the producer through large number of convenient retail outlets. Profit margins on such items are usually kept low.



  • Based on TANGIBLITY , the products can be classified as:


(a) Tangible Goods and

(b) Intangible Goods.


  • Tangible Goods : Most goods, whether these are consumer goods or industrial goods and whether these are durable or non-durable, fall in this category as they have a physical form, that can be touched and seen. Thus, all items like groceries, cars, raw-materials, machinery etc. fall in the category of tangible goods.


  • Intangible Goods : Intangible goods refer to services provided to the individual consumers or to the organisational buyers (industrial, commercial, institutional, government etc.). Services are essentially intangible activities which provide want or need satisfaction. Medical treatment, postal, banking and insurance services etc., all fall in this category.





It is the exchange value of goods and services in terms of Money. Pricing (determination of price to be charged) is another important element of marketing mix and It plays a crucial role in the success of a product in the market.


It has to be fixed after taking various aspects into consideration. The factors usually taken into account while determining the price of a product can be broadly described as follows:


  • Cost: No business can survive unless it covers its cost of production and distribution. In large number of products, the retail prices are determined by adding a reasonable profit margin to the cost. Higher the cost, higher is likely to be the price, lower the cost lower the price.


  • Demand: Demand also affects the price in a big way. When there is limited supply of a product and the demand is high, people buy even if high prices are charged by the producer. The price is dependent upon prospective buyers’ capacity and willingness to pay and their preference for the product. In this context, price elasticity, i.e. responsiveness of demand to changes in price should also be kept in view.



  • Competition: The price charged by the competitor for similar product is an important determinant of price. A marketer would not like to charge a price higher than the competitor for fear of losing customers.


  • Marketing Objectives: A firm may have different marketing objectives such as maximisation of profit, maximisation of sales, bigger market share, survival in the market and so on. The prices have to be determined accordingly.


  • Government Regulation: Prices of some essential products are regulated by the government under the Essential Commodities Act. For example, prior to liberalisation of the economy, cement and steel prices were decided by the government. Hence, it is essential that the existing statutory limits, if any, are also kept in view while determining the prices of products by the producers.



Methods of fixing the price can be broadly divided into the following categories-


  1. Cost based pricing
  2. Competition based pricing
  3. Demand based pricing
  4. Objective based pricing


  1. Cost Based Pricing: Under this method, price of the product is fixed by adding the amount of desired profit margin to the cost of the product. While calculating the price in this way, all costs (variable as well as fixed) incurred in manufacturing the product are taken into consideration.


  1. Competition Based Pricing: In case of products where market is highly competitive and there is negligible difference in quality of competing brands, price is usually fixed closer to the price of the competing brands. It is called ‘young rate pricing’ and is a very convenient method because the marketers do not have to worry much about demand and cost and effect the change as per the changes by the industry leaders.


  1. Demand Based Pricing: At times, prices are determined by the demand for the product. Under this method, without paying much attention to cost and competitor’s prices, the marketers try to ascertain the demand for the product. If the demand is high they decide to take advantage and fix a high price. If the demand is low, they fix low prices for their product


  1. Objective Based Pricing: This method is applicable to introduction of new (innovative) products. If, at the introductory stage of the products, the organisation wishes to penetrate the market i.e., to capture large parts of the market and discourage the prospective competitors to enter into the fray, it fixes a low price. Alternatively, the organisation may decide to skim the market i.e., to earn high profit by taking advantage of a group of customers who give more importance to their status or distinction and are willing to pay even a higher price for it. In such a situation they fix quite high price at the introductory stage of their product and market it to only those customers who can afford it.





A distribution channel consists of the set of people and firms involved in the transfer of title to a product as the product moves from producer to ultimate consumer or business user. Basically it refers to the vital links connecting the manufacturers and producers and the ultimate consumers/users. It includes both the producer and the end user and also the middlemen/agents engaged in the process of transfer of title of goods.






  • Zero stage channel of distribution


Manufacturer —-> Consumer


Zero stage distribution channel exists where there is direct sale of goods by the producer to the consumer. This direct contact with the consumer can be made through door-todoor salesmen, own retail outlets or even through direct mail.


  • One stage channel of distribution


Manufacturer—–>Retailer——–> Consumer


This type of distribution channel is preferred by manufacturers of consumer durables like refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine, etc. where individual purchase involves large amount.


  • Two stage channel of distribution




This is the most commonly used channel of distribution for the sale of consumer    goods. In this case, there are two middlemen used, namely, wholesaler and retailer. This is applicable to products where markets are spread over a large area, value of individual purchase is small and the frequency of purchase is high.


  • Three stage channel of distribution


Manufacturer—->Agents—-> Wholesaler—>Retailer—>Consumer


When the number of wholesalers used is large and they are scattered throughout the country, the manufacturers often use the services of mercantile agents who act as a link between the producer and the wholesaler. They are also known as distributor.





Promotion refers to the process of informing and persuading the consumers to buy certain product. By using this process, the marketers convey persuasive message and information to its potential customers.


It is thus a persuasive communication and also serves as a reminder. A firm uses different tools for its promotional activities which are as follows:


– Advertising

– Publicity

– Personal selling

– Sales promotion


These are also termed as four elements of a promotion mix.





  • Advertising: Advertising is the most commonly used tool for informing the present and prospective consumers about the product, its quality, features, availability, etc. It is a paid form of non-personal communication through different media about a product, idea, a service or an organisation by an identified sponsor. It can be done through print media like newspaper, magazines, billboards, electronic media like radio, television etc. It is a very flexible and comparatively low cost tool of promotion.


  • Publicity: This is a non-paid process of generating wide range of communication to contribute a favourable attitude towards the product and the organisation. As the articles in newspapers about an organisation, its products and policies. The other tools of publicity are press conference, publication and news in the electronic media etc. It is published or broadcasted without charging any money from the firm. Marketers often spend a lot of time and effort in getting news items placed in the media for creation of a favourable image of the company and its products.



  • Personal selling: It is a direct presentation of the product to the consumers or prospective buyers. It refers to the use of salespersons to persuade the buyers to act favourably and buy the product. It is most effective promotional tool in case of industrial goods.


  • Sales promotion: This refers to short-term and temporary incentives to purchase or induce trials of new goods. The tool includes contests, games, gifts, trade shows, Discounts, etc. Sales promotional activities are often carried out at retail levels.








Wealth maximization is the concept of increasing the value of a business in order to increase the value of the shares held by stockholders. The concept requires a company’s management team to continually search for the highest possible returns on funds invested in the business, while mitigating any associated risk of loss.


Wealth maximization simply means

maximization of shareholder’s wealth. It is a combination of two words viz. wealth and maximization. A wealth of a shareholder maximizes when the net worth of a company maximizes.





  1. Measurement of Wealth
  2. Market Value of Shares
  3. Common Goal
  4.  D’s Of Financial Decisions
  5. Shareholder’s Expectations



  1. Measurement of Wealth


The main Principle of financial management is the Maximization of Shareholders Wealth. Shareholder’s Wealth is measured on the basis of economic value. Economic value is based on cash flows and not profit. Economic Value is defined as: “The present value of future cash flows generated by a decision, discounted at appropriate rate of discount which reflects the degree of associated risk“.


  1. Market Value of Shares


The future cash flow is estimated for the present value. The present value is the Market Price of share. As Shareholder’s wealth is equal to the market price of shares held by him, any increase in Market price of shares would result in an increase in Shareholder’s Wealth.


  1. Common Goal

The Maximization of Shareholder’s Wealth is the common goal between the Shareholders and the Management. The recognition of this goal motivates the Management to allocate the available resources in an optimum way.






  1. 3 D’s Of Financial Decisions

The Maximization of Shareholder’s wealth indicates that the Market price of share is related to three basic financial decisions:

The investment decisions,

The financing decision,

The dividend decision.


  1. Shareholder’s Expectations


Shareholder’s expectations are about future cash flows based on current cash flows and projected future growth. The market price of share shows these expectations.