Workers Peasant and Tribal Movements in Sikkim

Workers Peasant and Tribal Movements in Sikkim

The Anti-dam Movement in Sikkim: Resurgence of Lepcha and Bhutia Identity at Helm

  • Sikkim is a small Himalayan State which is located in India’s north -east region.
  • Prior to its merger with India in 1975, Sikkim was under the Chogyal Dynasty formed in 1642 under the influence of Tibetan theocracy.
  • Today, it is primarily constituted by the Lepchas, Bhutias and the Nepalese ethnic group.
  • It also consists of people from the places like Bihar, Bengal, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and other places of India who are generally referred as “plainsmen” who migrated during the 1890s.
  • In recent years Sikkim has witnessed a boom in terms of number of hydel power projects being build here to an extent that it is almost close in acquiring the title for having highest dam density in the world.
  • This was part of the 50,000 MW Hydroelectric initiative launched by the Prime Minister of India in 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube
May, 2003.
  • But, the construction of power projects did not go all without opposition.
  • The resistance has come primarily from the Lepcha and Bhutia community in Sikkim in three distinct phases.
  • Though initially legitimized basing religion and culture, the movement as it progressed has been successful in revealing information and realities which may well serve in understanding and furthering the studies in development communication.
  • Resurgence of Bhutia and Lepcha Identity

    • One of the notable consequences of the anti-hydel protests in Sikkim over the years is it has bestowed the reassertion of Lepcha and Bhutia identity in Sikkim.
    • One peculiar character of all the anti-hydel protests in Sikkim is that all are primarily led and supported by the Lepcha and Bhutia community in Sikkim, thought there are some exceptions in the ongoing protest.
    • Sikkim is primarily constituted by the Lepchas, Bhutias and the Nepalese ethnic group.
    • It also consists of people from the places like Bihar, Bengal, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and other places of India who are generally referred as “plainsmen” who migrated during the 1890s.
    • Historically, the degree of social distance and discrimination among diverse ethnic groups was very strong, particularly between the Lepcha- Bhutia and Nepali community.
    • Ethnicity played a vital role during the formation of political parties in Sikkim, beginning from 1940’s. Political parties were chiefly constituted on ethnic lines.
    • They were many reasons contributing to these social gaps.
    • Initially, when the Chogyal regime recognised the status of the Subjects of Sikkim under Sikkim Subject Regulation 1961, the Nepalese who formed about 70 per cent of population in Sikkim and the plainsmen were excluded.
    • Earliest Nepalese settlers were later recognized and granted Sikkimese status, though the plainsmen had always been excluded.
    • For such reasons, there has always been hostility and differences among these ethnic groups. This hostility is primarily over the limited resource management in Sikkim.
    • The case of anti-hydel protest in Sikkim is an overt signal of such hostility.
    • However, over the years, particularly after the joining of Sikkim with the Indian Union in 1975, the antagonism between these ethnic groups to an extent was abbreviating, through various cross-cultural interactions, until the abrupt and haphazard endorsement of manifold hydro power plants in recent years.
    • This has propelled the Lepchas and the Bhutias to protest the construction of dams under various banners simultaneously is once again resuscitating and widening the waning differences between these ethnic groups.

    Helen Lepcha Alias Sabitri Devi: Lone Freedom Fighter from the Lepcha Tribe

    • Helen Lepcha alias Sabitri Devi was one of the most famous Freedom fighters from the hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim.
    • Originally a resident of Kurseong town she traces her lineage to a small hamlet in the village of Sangmoo near Namchi in South Sikkim.
    • She is the only woman freedom fighter born in the state of Sikkim and even though she spent most of her life in hills of Darjeeling; Sikkim has come forward to name her as the daughter of their soil.
    • In the event of Major Durga Malla and Captain Ram Singh Thakuri taking precedence among the freedom fighters from Darjeeling hills, Smt. Sabitri Devi has been given due recognition in her birth state of Sikkim.
    • Born into a Lepcha family of Achung Lepcha, she was the third daughter among seven.
    • It is said she was born around 1902 and soon after her family moved from Sangmoo village to Kurseong.
    • Even today stand the Chorten she paid maintenance for annually and the pear tree she fondly remembered from her childhood in her homestead.

    Sikkim: Ethnic struggle

    • Almost all issues in Sikkim originate from and end in its ethnic diversity.
    • Lepchas, the original inhabitants are today facing extinction; the Bhutias who ruled after them are also in a minority.
    • Nepalis, who immigrated in large numbers in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, are now in an overwhelming majority and are clamouring for their right to rule.
    • Adding to the confusion is a large number of plainsmen, identified as “of Indian origin”. The tension and bitterness created by the ethnic struggle have cut across party lines.
    • The Central and state governments are committed to the abolition of the present “parity system” under which Lepchas and Bhutias who constitute only 20 per cent of the population have 15 seats reserved in the 32-member Assembly.
    • Nepalis – in 1975, of 133,000 voters 98,000 were Nepalis – also have a similar number of seats. This was done under a formula devised by the Chogyal to keep Nepali power in check. Nepalis find this regulation stifling under it since they cannot hope to dominate Sikkim’s politics.
    • Citizenship Problems: Sikkim will probably be the first region in the recent past, where the most debated issues in the elections will pertain to those of the elections itself.
    • After the merger of Sikkim with India, the Indian Government granted citizenship to all Sikkimese subjects listed by the former Chogyal’s administration.
    • But Nepalis who came to Sikkim after 1961 -when the Sikkim Subject Regulation came into force-were not made Sikkim subjects and hence were missed out in the Indian list as well. Ironically, the political movement of 1973 which had dethroned the Chogyal, Palden Thondup Namgyal, had the active backing of thousands of such Nepalis.
    • They are said to number about 50,000 and Nepali politicians are working hard for their inclusion on the election rolls.
    • Incongruity: An equally unfortunate case is that of people of Indian origin in Sikkim, who are estimated to number about 60,000. In the normal course, when a person changes his place of residence from one state to another no restriction is placed on his right to contest an election from his new state.
    • But in Sikkim, people of Indian origin-some have been staying since very long-who form over 20 per cent of the population are foreigners in their own country and do not retain the right to contest elections

    Fairs and Festivals of Sikkim

    Fairs and Festivals of Sikkim

    People and Culture of Sikkim

    • The People of Sikkim consist of three ethnic groups, that is, Lepcha, Bhutia and Nepali.
    • Communities of different hues intermingle freely in Sikkim to constitute a homogenous blend.
    • Hindu Temples coexist with Buddhist Monasteries, Churches, Mosque and Gurudwara.
    • The predominant Communities are Lepchas, Bhutias and Nepalese.
    • These myriad Cultures has produced a quintessential Sikkimese Culture that encompasses all ways and walk of life, but has also managed to preserve their own identity.
    • These can also be seen in the various places of Worship, Festivals and Cultural dances that are celebrated through the year.

    List of major Fairs and Festivals


    • Lossong celebrated all over Sikkim marks the end of the harvest season at the end of the tenth month of the Tibetan Year.
    • Taking cue from a good harvest and praying for even better prospects for the next crop, the festival is marked by religious masked dances in Enchey Monastery.
    • The dances symbolize the exorcizing of the evil spirits and the welcoming of the good spirits for the new year.
    • Lossong has now become an important festival where visitors from all over the world can get to see the local sporting events like archery, climbing of greased pole.
    • Local cuisine, handicrafts, floriculture and cultural programmes are some of the added attractions during the festival.
    • The festival is organized by Tribal Youth Association of Gangtok.

    Lampokhari Paryatan Mahotsav, Aritar

    • Located at a height of 5100 ft, Aritar is surrounded by lush green forest, lakes and paddy fields.
    • The entire Khanchendzonga range can be viewed from this place. Aritar offers adventure sports, nature trails.
    • Lampokhari is one of the serene lakes where one can enjoy boating.
    • Added attractions are Aritar Monastery, Mankhim Dara, Phusray Lake, Pango Lakha and Rachela

    Baisakhi Festival, Makha Tumin –Lingee

    • Organised to herald the spring season and the Nepali New Year.
    • Cultural programme, traditional customs, local cusinies and other local activities can be experienced


    • Sakewa is celebrated with great fervor by all the Kirat Khambu Rai community.
    • Also known as Bhumi/ Chandi Puja or land worshipping ceremony it is celebrated all over the State.
    • It is celebrated at that time of the year when cranes migrate to the Northern Hemisphere this indicates sowing season of cucumber, pumpkin and other kharif crops.
    • The festival begins with Shakti Puja at Mangkhim (temple) performed by a Chief Priest (Mangpa) for good harvest followed by the Shova Yatra.
    • Various traditional dishes like Wachipa, Bongchipa, Arakha Hengmawa, Baksa and Okrukma are served.

    Saga Dawa

    • Full moon day of the 4th month in the Tibetan Lunar Calendar, around end of May and early June.
    • Saga Dawa is a very important festival for the Buddhists.
    • This day is considered to be the holiest of the holy Buddhist Festival.
    • On this day Lord Buddha took birth, achieved Enlightenment and passed away attaining Nirvana.

    Bhanu Jayanti

    • A cultural festival organised to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Nepali poet, Bhanu Bhakta Acharya.
    • Competitions for school children are organised in various field such as poetry, drama etc.
    • Other programmes include cultural parade and culture programmes.

    Drukpa Tshechi

    • This festival celebrates Lord Buddha’s first preaching of the Four Noble Truths to his first five disciples at Saranath.
    • The festival is held on the 4th day of the 6th month of the Tibetan lunar calendar.
    • Prayers are conducted in the major monasteries all over the State.

    Namprikdang Namsoong , Dzongu, North Sikkim

    • Namsoong is celebrated to welcome the good spirits for the New Year.
    • Namsoong has now become an important festival where visitors from all over the world can get to see the local sporting events like archery, pole climbing etc Local cuisine, handicrafts, floriculture and cultural programmes are some of the added attractions during the festival.

    Cherry Tea Festival Temi South Sikkim

    • Tea plantation at Temi, South Sikkim was commenced in the year 1969.
    • The plantation ranges between the elevation range from 1460 to 1890 msl.
    • Temi being agro- climatically suitable for cultivation of China variety of tea plants initially procured from Darjeeling Tea Gardens.
    • The tea factory with orthodox type of manufacture was established in 1977.
    • The garden is consistently producing superior quality tea acceptable to wide markets both international and domestic segments.
    • The festival is organised with objectives as under:
    1. To promote Sikkim (Temi) Tea globally.
    2. To promote new destinations in and around South District.
    3. To promote home stays and village tourism in order to enhance and generate income of the local community.

    Lhabab Duechen

    • This festival epitomizes in a significant manner the descent of Buddha from the heaven of the thirtythree Gods after visiting his mother.
    • It is universally believed that Lord Buddha through his spiritual powers came to know about the whereabouts of his mother who did not live for a long time after his birth.
    • After gaining the necessary information about his mother he ascended to Heaven where he delivered sermons to his mother and other celestial beings.
    • During this period the disciples of the lord could not bear his long separation and longed to hear his preaching.
    • Buddha finally relented and descended on earth along a triple ladder that was prepared especially for the occasion by Viswakarma


    • The festival of Barahimizong is celebrated by the Mangar community living in Sikkim.
    • The celebration reflects the faith in almighty as the bestower and protector of mankind.
    • Through this festival, the gratitude to God is expressed by offering fresh harvest and seek good fortune for the coming days.


    Dasain ( Durga Puja)

    • Also known as Durga Puja, this fortnight long Hindu festival usually falls in the month of October.
    • The festival symbolizes the victory of the Hindu Goddess Durga over evil.
    • Barley seeds are sown in the soil on the first day of this festival and their growth foretells good harvest.
    • A week later is “Phulpati “meaning the day of flowers, followed by Maha Astami and Kala Ratri and Navami.
    • The 10th day of the festival is known as Vijay Dashmi and also marks the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana.
    • During this day people smear their foreheads with colored rice and the barley sprouts, which was sown on the first day of Dasain, are picked and placed over the ears.


    • Indrajatra is an important religious festival celebrated with pomp and fanfare by the Newar community in Sikkim.
    • It is belived that many centuries ago, Indra (king of Heaven)’s mother needed specially scented flowers (Parijat).
    • Indra looked for them but could not find them in heaven.
    • Indra discovered Parijat flowers in the Kathmandu Valley and tried to steal them for his mother. He was caught and imprisoned by people in the Valley.
    • Indra’s mother came searching for him and people were shocked to know what they had done.
    • They released Indra and dedicated one of the most colourful festivals of Nepal to him to calm down his anger.

    Pang Lhabsol

    • Pang Lhabsol, a festival unique to Sikkim is celebrated to offer gratitude to Mt Khanchendzonga, the Guardian Deity of Sikkim and to Yabdu, the Supreme Commander.
    • Rabong is now emerging as one of the important Buddhist Pilgrimage Destinations. Situated at the base of Maenam Hill, a sub-divisional headquarter and transit point for beautiful spots such as Chozo Lake, Ralong Monastery, Manilakhang Sakyamuni Cultural and Pilgrimage Centre and various tourist destinations of South Sikkim, Base Camp for trekkers to Maenam Hill and Borong Hot Spring.
    • A trek down to the sacred lake “Shar Chok Bhepu”, one of the four holiest caves in Sikkim, would be a memorable experience.

    Namchi Mahotsav Namchi ,South Sikkim

    • Namchi – “Top of the Sky”, nestled among the hills at an elevation of 4,400 feet.
    • The town commands a panoramic view of the surrounding hills and snow capped mountains and stretches of the valleys below.
    • It is an excellent place for short stay and village excursions.
    • Samdruptse “The Wish Fulfilling Hill” has 135 ft high statue of Guru Padmasambhava which is the highest in the world.
    • Siddheshvara Dham (Char Dham) is another state of the art pilgrimage centre wherein replica of all four Dham has been built around an eighty seven feet high statue of Lord Shiva.
    • All 12 jyotirlingaas are also built around the temple complex.
    • With so much to offer to the visitors the Toursim Committees are actively involved in promotion and publicity of Namchi, South Sikkim.
    • Every year Namchi Mahaotsav is celebrated in the month of October.
    • There are activities like traditional sports, sale and exhibition of local arts and handicrafts, cuisine, flower show and sale etc.

    Kagyed Dance

    • Kagyed dance, a customary dance festival, celebrated annually in Sikkim falls on the 28th and 29th day of the tenth month according to Tibetan calendar, which according to English calendar falls in the month of December.
    • In the name of eight tantrik Gods and Goddesses commonly called Kagyed, lamas on these days perform dances and sing songs in different monasteries and offer prayers to them requesting these deities to save human beings from the tormenting evil spirits and to bless them for good health and fortune.

    Red Panda Winter Festival, Gangtok

    • The winter season in Sikkim draws a spectacular image of Mt. Khangchendzonga in its ivory grandeur, providing an alluring background while corpuscular rays pierce through the scudding clouds over the skies, adorning Sikkim perfectly for the cold season.
    • Red Panda Winter Festival previously known as Sikkim Winter Carnival is organized in the cold months of December/ January annually.
    • Like most festivals, the Red Panda Winter Festival showcased the traditions and culture of the Sikkimese people.
    • The festival integrates the locals as well as the tourists with events and activities themed on a typical Himalayan winter.
    • From food stalls that serves exquisite and delicious cuisines of various ethnic tribes and communities, to cultural carnival showcasing diverse culture and traditions of Sikkimese people, flower shows, handloom and handicraft exhibitions, adventure sports, photography contests, rock –shows, karaoke and dancing and many more other interactions forms the affair of the festival.

    Pelling Tourism Festival

    • Pelling is one of the most popular tourist destinations.
    • Visitors can enjoy a magnificent view of the mountains including Mt. Khangchendzonga, the 3rd highest mountain in the world.
    • There are numerous tourist spots in and around Pelling.
    • A weeklong festival includes cultural extravaganza, sale of local handicrafts, handlooms and local cuisine


    • Lossong celebrated all over Sikkim marks the end of the harvest season at the end of the tenth month of the Tibetan Year.
    • Taking cue from a good harvest and praying for even better prospects for the next crop, the festival is marked by religious masked dances in Enchey Monastery.
    • The dances symbolize the exorcizing of the evil spirits and the welcoming of the good spirits for the new year.
    • Lossong has now become an important festival where visitors from all over the world can get to see the local sporting events like archery, climbing of greased pole.
    • Local cuisine, handicrafts, floriculture and cultural programmes are some of the added attractions during the festival.
    • The festival is organized by Tribal Youth Association of Gangtok.

    Guru Rinpoche’s Thrunkar Tshechu

    • “Guru Thrunkar Tshechu is celebrated as the birth day of Guru Padmasambhava, reverentially referred as ‘Guru Rinpoche’ in Eastern Himalayan region and Sikkim in particular.
    • Guru Rinpoche is revered and worshipped as guardian saint in Sikkim who blessed this land as ‘Bayul Demojong’ (hidden valley of rice) and transmitted tantric Buddhism in the region adjoined by Bhutan and Tibet in the 8th Century AD.
    • Among the galaxy of Buddhist monks, Arahats and Rinpoches, the prominence of Guru Padmasambhava as the principal associate and disciple of Lord Buddha stands out.
    • It was his prominence that transformed this land into predominantly a Buddhist land.
    • Guru Padmasambhava is not only revered by Buddhist but is held in high regard by the Sikkimese across all faiths.

    Tendong Lho Rum Faat

    • Tendong Lho Rum Faat is the oldest festival of indigenous Lepcha community of Sikkim.
    • The festival is related to with a legend of deluge.
    • The indigenous Lepchas residing in the Himalayan belt had earlier named each and every mountain, hills, rivers, valleys and ravines which was known as Nye-Mayel-Lang.
    • Some of these mountains and rivers, hills and ravines have not only carried beautiful and romantic folk lore but historical significance as well.
    • These mountains and valleys figure prominently in their local myths and folklores.
    • Tendong Lho Rum Faat is celebrated with great pomp and grandeur in Sikkim on 7th and 8th August every year.
    • It is a unique ritual maintained by our fore-fathers since time immemorial which is a matter of great pride for all of us.
    • Realizing its importance and need to preserve this age old tradition and culture of the indigenous Lepchas, the Tourism Department has included this festival in the tourism calendar of events.
    • The festival is organised annually by the Tendong Lho Rum Faat celebration committee.

    Dentam Rhododendron Festival

    • The three day long Dentam Rhododendron Festival is celebrated under Maneybong – Dentam Constituency in West Sikkim.
    • The festival will be staged in popular tourist destinations viz. Uttarey, Dentam, Hee Bermoik, Chyataal, Gurasaydara, Changay Village with host of activities ranging from nature to adventure based.

    Ram Nawami (Chaitey Dasain)

    • This is one of the most auspicious festivals of Sikkim and is observed in the honor of Lord Rama.
    • The grand celebrations commemorate the birth of the virtuous king Rama who is universally adored for his flourishing and righteous sovereignty.
    • People from all over the state gather together to celebrate this festival with much excitement and vigor.
    • Also known as Chaitey Dasain it is also celebrated as tourist festival. Devotees hikes towards Tendong Hill, South Sikkim for offering prayers.

    Sonam Lochhar

    • Lho means year or age and Sar means new or fresh.
    • The word Lhosar means New Year or beginning of new era.
    • Tamang community in Sikkim celebrates their new year on the first day of new moon or in other words the very next day after the no-moon day of month of Magh.
    • The Tibetan calendar is made up of twelve lunar months and Losar begins on the first day of the first month.


    • It is the Tibetan New year and is marked with a lot of gaiety and festivity across the State

    Jorethang Maghey Mela, Jorethang, South Sikkim

    • Maghey Sankrati is celebrated all over Sikkim as one of the major festivals of the Hindu community.
    • However, it is not confined to only one religious group.
    • People of different religions come together to take part in this festival.
    • There are fairs in almost all parts of Sikkim.
    • People gather to take a holy dip in the rivers of Teesta and Rangit.
    • One of the biggest celebration of this festival is in Jorethang, South Sikkim, which lies on the banks of river Rangit.
    • The main activities during this fair are sale and exhibition of local handicrafts and handlooms, floriculture and horticulture products, cultural programme and competitions in local dance and music.
    • The festival carries on for almost a week. People from neighboring State as well as tourists from all over the country as well as abroad visits Jorethang during this festival.
    • Some of the adventure activities which are popular in this area are paragliding and angling

    An Introduction to Economy of Sikkim

    An Introduction to Economy of Sikkim

    Sikkim is surrounded by vast stretches of Tibetan Plateaus in the north, the Chumbi Valley of Tibet and the Kingdom of Bhutan in the east, the Kingdom of Nepal in the west and Darjeeling district of West Bengal in the south. Sikkim has several snow-capped peaks including Kanchenjunga, the world’s third highest peak that attracts a large number of tourists from across the globe. The state has been able to bag seven out of 25 central government’s national projects to promote India as destination for adventure tourism globally.

    The gross state domestic product (GSDP) of Sikkim expanded at a high compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.44 per cent between 2004-05 and 2015-16.

    There has been a drastic shift in the sectoral contribution from primary and tertiary to the secondary sector. In 2015-16, the secondary sector contributed 67.73 per cent to the state’s GSDP at current prices. It was followed by the tertiary sector at 23.65 per cent and primary sector at 8.62 per cent. Moreover, at a CAGR of 33.91 per cent, the secondary sector has been the fastest growing among the three sectors from 2004-05 to 2015-16. It was driven by manufacturing, construction and electricity, gas & water supply.

    Agricultural Sector


    state’s economy is largely agrarian, based on the terraced farming of rice and the cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, barley, oranges, tea and cardamom. Sikkim produces more cardamom than any other Indian state, and is home to the largest cultivated area of cardamom

    Sikkim has a suitable climate for agricultural and horticultural products. It supports multiple crops; viz., rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, urad, pea, soya bean, mustard and large cardamom. Sikkim is the top producer of large cardamom, contributing over 80 per cent to India’s total production. As per the state budget 2016-17, Sikkim got certified as first fully organic state in India by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

    Organic Farming

    Sikkim has been transformed as the first Organic State of the country and the world by design and have opened unlimited opportunities in sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.

    Currently, state is exporting large cardamom, ginger, buckwheat, turmeric and cymbidium orchids. Our aim has been to fulfil the domestic market and export our surplus production outside the state.

    Under the National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Training, new emerging organic technologies are being disseminated to the farmers through training, demonstration, farm schools, exposure visits, formation of commodity interests groups and food security groups, etc.

    The Sikkim Organic Mission is introducing an e-voucher card system as an effective mechanism to distribute assistances under the Direct Benefit Transfer for ensuring that the Scheme’s funds are channeled directly to the beneficiaries. This would be a first of its kind initiative in Sikkim and probably in the Country as well.

    Industrial Sector

    There has been a drastic shift in the sectoral contribution from primary and tertiary to the secondary sector. The overall performance of the economy of the state during 2015-16 was encouraging. At a CAGR of 33.91%, the secondary sector witnessed the fastest growth among the three sectors during 2004-05 to 2015-16. It was driven by manufacturing, construction and electricity, gas & water supply. In 2015-16, the secondary sector contributed 67.73% to the state’s GSDP at current prices.

    The state follows the North East Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2007, which provides several incentives and concessions for investment. Institutional support is provided through various central and state government agencies viz., North East Council, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and Commerce and Industries Department.

    The main industries like Brewing, distilling, tanning and watchmaking are located in the southern regions of Sikkim.

    A small mining industry exists in the state, extracting minerals such as copper, dolomite, talc, graphite, quartzite, coal, zinc and lead. Sikkim has identified Rangpo-Gangtok, Melli-Jorethang, Jorethang-Rishi and Ranipool-Gangtok as industrial corridors with provision for giving land to investors on a lease basis.

    The units that are engaged in the manufacturing sector are mainly dealing with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, liquors, foam mattresses, food products, iron rods, etc.

    Sikkim has identified agro-based industries, horticulture and floriculture, minor forest-based industries, animal husbandry and dairy products, tourism-related industries, IT including knowledge-based industries, precision oriented high value-low volume products, hydro-power, tea, education and hospitality as thrust sectors.

    The Information Technology (IT) Department, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up a state-of-the-art IT Park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong.

    The state has attracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflows worth US$ 3.93 billion during the period April 2000 to March 2016, according to data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).

    Tertiary sector

    Industrial sector was followed by the tertiary sector at 23.65% and primary sector at 8.62%. The tertiary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.23% between 2004-05 and 2015-16. The growth has been driven by trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, transport, communications and other services. The primary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.55% between 2004-05 and 2015-16.

    Tourism provides the main thrust to the economy. With the tranquil climate, the natural beauty and the fine cultural heritage of Sikkim, the growth of tourism has immense possibilities. There are large number of places of tourist attraction particularly the snow clad mountains, the lakes and unspoiled forest areas and valleys of flowers. The advantage of having very fine monasteries in Sikkim can also be taken to attract Buddhist tourists from countries like Japan and the South Eastern countries.

    Sikkim was the first to promote the concept of eco-tourism, village tourism and home stay tourism in the country. This essential concept promoting man-nature affinity has been recognized as a new model of tourism.  Promotion of village tourism, homestay, cultural tourism, trekking tourism, ecotourism, wellness tourism, flori–tourism and adventure tourism has given fillip to the tourism trade in the state where a large of number of people are engaged under different employment opportunities.

    Sikkim has been

    featured and ranked 17th in the New York Times “52 best places to go in 2017”. Similarly, Sikkim has also been featured as the best destination to visit in the world in 2014.

    The Year 2017 has been declared as the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, an area of development in which Sikkim has already made considerable strides with eco-friendly tourism and the development of innovative initiatives such as Chaar Dham and Tathagatha Tsal. Additionally, Gangtok City has been recognized as the safest tourist destination in the country.

    FDI inflows  into the state during April 2000 to March 2016 reached to US$ 3.93 billion. A major part of these investments was directed towards power generation There are 27 completed electricity projects in the state. The central government has invested heavily in the hydro electric power generation projects in Sikkim Himagiri Hydro Energy Pvt Ltd. started the initial construction work of their new project namely; 300 MW Panan hydro power project.

    Recent Developments

    Allocated budget for the industry and minerals sector in Sikkim is estimated to be US$ 9.46 million during 2016-17. Out of this total allocation, villages and small industries would be allocated US$ 5.97 million and large industries would be allocated US$ 2.75 million. The remaining US$ 0.73 million would be allocated to the non-ferrous mining and metallurgical industries of the state.

    Sikkim’s geographical and environmental conditions are quite conducive for development of floriculture at a higher altitude. The state is also considered to be the Kingdom of flowers and is an innovator in cultivating Gladiolus.

    The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state. During 2015-16, the state government recognized the existing MPCS in the state to promote and enhance organic farming in the state. As a result of these initiatives, the state was certified as the first fully organic state in India, by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

    It is estimated that Sikkim has a peak potential capacity of 8,000 MW and a steady 3,000 MW of hydroelectric power. About 28 hydropower projects are being set up in the state under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.

    Other Key achievements

    Nirmal Rajya

    Sikkim became the first Nirmal Rajya in the country in 2008 by achieving 100% sanitation coverage and the  first State to achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status in the beginning of 2016.

    Zero Poverty

    Sikkim is the State with zero hunger and the first poverty free State in India. This goal has been achieved through consistent policy prescription and a rigorous implementation regime.

    Drainage system and River of Sikkim

    Drainage system and River of Sikkim

    • Sikkim is a small Himalayan state in north-east India situated between 27degree 00’ 46″ to 28 degree 07’ 48″ N latitude and 88 degree 00’ 58″ to 88 degree 55’ 25″E longitude with geographical area of 7,096 sq km constituting only 0.22% of total geographical area of India.
    • It has a human population of 5,40,493 as per Census, 2001, which constitutes only 0.05% of India’s total population.
    • The state is somewhat rectangular in shape with maximum length from north to south of about 112 km and maximum width of 90 km from east to west.
    • Sikkim is bounded in the north by the Tibetan plateau, by China (Tibet) on the northeast, by Pangola range of Bhutan on the southeast, by Darjeeling district of West Bengal on the south and Singalila range and Mt. Khangchendzonga on the west and northwest.
    • Entire state of Sikkim constitutes upper basin of Teesta river except for a small area of 75.62 sq km in extreme southeast that of Jaldhaka river, which originates in East Sikkim and flows through West Bengal parallel to Teesta river to meet Brahmaputra river.Drainage system and River of Sikkim
    • In southernmost part of Sikkim, Teesta river flows in southwest direction and defines the inter-state boundary between Sikkim and West Bengal up to Melli Bazar where it is joined by Rangit river which drains West Sikkim district.
    • Rangit river, the largest tributary of Teesta river in Sikkim, from Naya Bazar point flows in southeast direction and marks the interstate boundary between Sikkim and West Bengal in the southwest.

    Teesta River

    • One of the rivers that almost flow right across the length of Sikkim is the Teesta.
    • It’s major tributary is the Rangeet which originates from the Rathong Glacier, meets it at the border between Sikkim and West Bengal.
    • Teesta originates from the Cholamu lake where Teesta is hardly a stream.
    • No one can imagine that this innocuous looking stream would transform into a thundering mighty river less than a hundred kilometers downstream.
    • The source of the Teesta is the pristine Tso Lhamu Lake in North Sikkim, some 5,300 metres above sea level.
    • The glacial waters then move downwards to meet Zemu Chu just above Lachen village and then rushing down deep gorges it meets Lhachung Chu at Chungthang.
    • At Mangan, the river is joined by the Talung Chu as it continues its journey down, finally reaching Singtam in East Sikkim, becoming slower and widening to almost double its width.
    • Further down at Melli, the Teesta merges with the river Rangeet which is born of the Rathong glacier in West Sikkim, before entering the plains of North Bengal and eventually joining Brahmaputra in Bangladesh.
    • During monsoons the otherwise innocuous looking rivers of Sikkim become swollen, swift, muddy and dangerous.
    • The rivers are narrow, serpentine and full of rocks and hence are not navigable.
    • Because of swift currents hitting rocks, the rivers are very noisy and can be heard for miles together.
    • The Teesta finally joins the Bhramaputra in Bangladesh.
    • The rivers are fed by snow melting on the mountains as well as rain that accumulates in the catchment areas during the monsoons.
    • Human settlements usually must exist above the level of rivers and hence even if flooding takes place life and property remain safe.

    The Rangeet or Rangit

    • It is a tributary of the Teesta river, which is the largest river in the Indian state of Sikkim.
    • The Rangeet river originates in the Himalayanmountains in West Sikkim The river also forms the boundary between Sikkim and Darjeeling district.
    • A perennial river, it is fed by the melting snow of the Himalayas in early summer and the monsoonrains in June–September.
    • It is popular among rafting enthusiasts owing to its turbulent waters.
    • The river flows past the towns of Jorethang, Pellingand Legship.
    • During its final few kilometres, it joins the TeestaRiver at a confluence known as Tribeni, which is a popular picnic spot.
    • The Rangeet River has an NHPChydropower plant with the capacity of 60 megawatts (80,000 hp) capacity in Sikkim.

    River Rangpo

    • It is a river in the Indian state of Sikkim.
    • A tributary of the Teesta River, it is fed by the Rangpo chu.
    • The town of Rangpo in Sikkim lies on River Rangpo north bank.
    • The river forms the border between Sikkim and West Bengal states at Rangpo town.
    • There is no separate name for the town in West Bengal that lies on south bank of the river and therefore it is also called Rangpo.
    • The river runs through most of East Sikkim and a few parts of the Darjeeling District of North Bengal.
    • This tributary flows mainly from east to west with a variable channel pattern including braided, meandering, straight, gorge and blocked lake.
    • Landslides are very common along the river bank as cliff-like bedrocks are considerably exposed along the river valley wall.
    • Its confluence with Teesta River is immediately downstream of Rangpo town.


    The Talung River 

    • It is an east-south east flowing river in the North Sikim Himalayas.
    • It originates at the Talung-Tonsyong Glacier’s confluenceat the meeting point of Talung and Tongshiong River & then flows east south east to meet the River Teesta near Singhik, North Sikkim of India.
    • The upper catchment is fed by a number of streams and rivulets.
    • These streams & rivulets flow from the southern part of Simvu-Sinialchu region to meet the main river.
    • Another tributary which feeds the main stream flows from the Zorpetam mountain valley.
    • Zorepetam valley is a typical inaccessible mountain terrain in the east of Pandim and Tinchenkhang.
    • Number of River of Sikkim originates from this region.
    • Owing to the complexity of the river systems its name in its catchment area changes from place to place.
    • According to records it is Rukel Chu at first, then Rungayang or Rongyoung Chu and thereafter Talung River or Tholung Chu till its confluence

    The Jaldhaka River

    • It is also known as Dichu River in earlier times, is a trans-boundary river with a length of 192 kilometres that originates from the Kupup or Bitang Lake in southeastern Sikkim in the eastern Himalayas and flows through Bhutan and the Kalimpong, Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar districts of West Bengal, India.
    • At that point the river enters Bangladesh through the Lalmonirhat District and then joins with the Dharla River until the Dharla debouches into the Brahmaputra River near the Kurigram District.
    • Due to the river’s wandering over several international borders, only a small length of the river lies within Bangladesh

    The Lachen River 

    • It is a tributary of the Teesta River in the state of Sikkim, India.
    • It is one of the two main tributaries of the Teesta along with the Lachung River, which rise on opposite sides of the Donga Rangein neighbouring Bhutan and converge in Chungthang in the North Sikkim district.

    The Lachung River

    • Itis a tributary of the Teesta River located in the North Indian state of Sikkim.
    • It is a chief tributary of the Teesta, which is an important river in Sikkim along with Rangeet River.
    • The village of Lachungis perched on the craggy bank of the river approximately 23 kilometres from Chungthang. It is at Chungthang where the Lachung and Lachen rivers converge and give rise to the Teesta.
    • The river is 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) above sea level.


    Drainage systems

    Drainage systems, also known as river systems, are the patterns formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land.

    Teesta River Basin Information

    • The river Teesta is one of the main Himalayan rivers and originates from the glaciers of Sikkim in North at an elevation of about 5,280 m.
    • The river rises in mountainous terrain in extreme north as Chhombo Chhu, which flows eastward and then southward to be joined by Zemu Chhu, upstream of Lachen village near Zema.
    • The river takes a gentle turn in southeast direction and meets Lachung Chhu at Chungthang where it takes the form of a mighty Himalayan river.Drainage system and River of Sikkim
    • Teesta, therefore, is the main river of the state with its several tributaries viz. Zemu Chhu, Lachung Chhu, Rangyong Chhu, Dik Chhu, Rani Khola, Rangpo Chhu and Rangit river and constitutes an extremely important resource of the state.
    • After the confluence of Teesta river and Lachung Chhu at Chungthang, the river gradually widens and takes a strong westward turn upstream of Tong and after flowing down to Singhik, the river drops from 1,550 m to 750 m.
    • At Singhik, the river receives one of its major tributaries, Rangyong Chhu on its right bank, which originates from the Talung glacier, a part of the Khangchendzonga mountain range.
    • From Singhik, the river flows southwards to Dikchu with a 200 m drop through a very deep valley for about 30 km.
    • From Dikchu onwards, the river takes many sharp and wide curves and flows down to Singtam with a further drop of about 200m.
    • Rangpo Chhu, which drains the Chhangu lake area in East Sikkim joins Teesta river on its left bank at Rangpo. Downstream of Rangpo, Teesta river widens and is joined by Rangit river at Melli Bazar on Sikkim-West Bengal border.
    • From Melli Bazar downstream, the river leaves the hilly terrain and enters the plains of West Bengal at Sevoke near Siliguri. Teesta river ultimately drains into Brahmaputra at Teestamukh Ghat (Kamarjani-Bahadurabad in Rangpu district of Bangladesh) and traverses a distance of about 400 km from its origin.
    • Teesta and most of its tributaries are flashy mountain rivers and carry boulders and considerable quantity of sediment. The flow is turbulent and characterised by high velocities.
    • Throughout its course in Sikkim, Teesta and its tributaries flow in very narrow and deep valleys having precipitous hill slopes, except where the tributaries join the main stream.
    • The hill slopes are mostly friable and landslips are very common throughout the basin.


    • The main Teesta while flowing from north to south divides the state into two parts.
    • Teesta drainage basin in Sikkim cover an area of 7,020.38 sq km of Sikkim and 75.32 sq km of the state is under Jaldhaka river watershed, which is not the part of Teesta basin. In order to understand the profile and behaviour of the prominent tributaries of Teesta river basin in Sikkim, Teesta basin was divided into its major tributary watersheds.
    • The entire Teesta basin falling in Sikkim has been delineated into 17 watersheds following the conventional methodology of delineation based upon drainage order classification.
    • For this Survey of India toposheets at 1:50,000 scale were used, with ridge line demarcating the boundaries between adjacent watersheds.
    • These watersheds vary in size and shape depending upon the drainage pattern in a particular watershed.

    Agriculture of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

    Agriculture of Sikkim

    • The economy of Sikkim is linked with Agriculture of Sikkim that serves as the source of livelihood and economic security of sizeable native population.
    • The growth, however, has been restricted because of biotic and abiotic factors.
    • It is estimated that over 80 per cent of the rural population depends on agriculture and allied sectors for economic, food, and nutritional security.
    • The agriculture systems practiced in Sikkim are integrated in natures that have evolved through years of experimentation by the farmers.
    • A marginal improvement in the lifestyle of the farmers has been witnessed with the adoption of modern technologies.
    • Sikkim State has some inherent strength that largely supports organic farming.
    • The policies and programmes on organic farming, in tune with our natural endowment envisage making Sikkim a Model Organic State.
    • The march towards organic farming has led to substantial departmental intervention.
    • A large number of initiatives have been taken by the Agriculture and Horticulture departments. Subscribe on YouTube
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    Area, Production and Productivity in Agriculture of Sikkim 2015-16

               Crop Area (000’ hectares) Production (000’ tones) Productivity (kg./ha)
    Rice 10.67 19.69 1845.25
    Wheat 0.32 0.35 1071.21
    Maize 38.96 68.31 1753.56
    Finger Millet 2.85 2.91 1020.33
    Barley 0.45 0.47 1055.93
    Buckwheat 3.57 3.47 972.27
    Pulses 5.67 5.38 948.85
    Oilseeds 6.94 6.31 909.75



    • Cultivation of rice requires hot and moist climate.
    • It is a Kharief crop and is sown in March-April and harvested in Autumn.
    • Sufficient water must cover the fields.
    • Temperature: Rice requires hot and humid conditions. The temperature should be fairly high i.e. 24°C mean monthly temperature with average temperature of 22°C to 32°C.
    • Rainfall: Rainfall ranging between 150-300 cm is suitable for its growth, where rainfall is less than 100 cm, rice is cultivated with the help of irrigation.
    • Soil: Rice is grown in varied soil conditions but deep clayey and loamy soil provides the ideal conditions.


    • Wheat is another cereal crop of Sikkim growing in almost all villages of Sikkim having cool winter and hot summer climate, irrespective of elevation and irrigation facilities.
    • It is a rabi crop and its plant requires a cool and somewhat moist climate in the beginning and warm and dry weather at the harvest time.
    • The average rainfall should be between 50 to 70 cms. and that too at intervals.
    • It is sown in August and harvested in March, April.


    • Maize is one of the most important cereal crops of Agriculture of Sikkim.
    • It is grown over an area of about 36,000-40,000 hectare which is about 35-40% of total cultivable area.
    • It requires hot dry climate.
    • Rainfall required for maize varies from 75 cms to 125 cms.
    • It is sown in May-July and harvested in August-November.

    Oil- seed

    • Rape Seed, Mustard, linseed, sesamum, toria, cottonseed are the chief varieties of oil-seeds.
    • They require hot and moist climate.


    • Barley is a minor rabi cereal crop of Sikkim grown only in small pockets over an area of about 1.15 thousand hectare.
    • The production of barley is subjected by systematic implementation of Agronomic Practices as well as crop improvement work including introduction and Acclimatization of high yielding varieties.

    Tuber crops, spices, fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants

    • Tuber Crops: Potato,Sweet Potata
    • Spices: Large Cardamom, Ginger, Chilli, Turmeric, Coriander
    • Fruits: Mandarin, Passion fruit, Banana, Guava, Papaya, Jack fruit, Litchi
    • Vegetables: Brocoli, Onion, Brinjal, Carrot, Iskus, Pumpkin, Radish, Tomato, Tree Tomato, Cabbage, Cauli flower
    • Ornamental Plants: Anthurium, Cymbidium, Rose

    Important Organic Cash Crops of Agriculture of Sikkim

    • Important organically grown cash crops of the state are oranges, large cardomom, ginger, turmeric, cherry paper, baby corn, buck heat, pulses etc.
    • All these organic crops have a high demand in domestic and international markets.


    • Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) is the most common among citrus fruits grown in India.
    • It occupies nearly 50% of the total citrus area in India.
    • Mandatrin group includes all types of loose jacket oranges commonly called Santra or mandarin such as Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Khasi Mandarin, Sikkim Mandarin etc.
    • Sikkim mandarin represents the most important commercial fruit of Sikkim and is similar to the Nepal or Assam or Darjeeling mandarin.


    • The Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an important spice used conventionally as a natural food colorant and as an additive for imparting to food orange-yellow colour, flavor and aroma.
    • It is also valued as an antiseptic for its anti-inflammatory property and is used in beauty treatment or in the cosmetic industry and dye plants.
    • It is the most researched spice for medicinal use and occupy prominent place in traditional medicine system for treatment of cough, flu, anemia, asthma, sprain and pain, skin diseases, sinus etc. It is loaded with antioxidant properties.
    • It is propagated through tuberous seed rhizome. Its cultivation in unutilized areas and forest areas as well as in cultivated land is gaining popularity in the state in recent years, especially in niche areas having an altitude of 3000 ft amsl and less.
    • With similar cultivation practices as that of ginger, turmeric is grown both as pure crop as well as mixed with maize, chilly, bean, vegetable etc under both rainfed and irrigated conditions.
    • Small and marginal farmers in the state take up the crop in small operational holdings with cultivation of the crop contributing to generation of income as well as in promotion of livelihood of farmers in the state


    • The area and production of this crop in Sikkim are 2760 hectares and 1,380 tonnes respectively.
    • It is widely grown in the hilly tracts of the Sikkim.
    • In recent years, the area and production has gone up considerably.
    • It is now considered a cash crop fetching even higher price than rice.
    • As a result, it is not only grown on slopy dry land but also as a chief rotational crop between paddy and maize in Sikkim.
    • The crop is grown right from 300 m to 2,500 m in the hills.


    • Baby Corn cultivation is a recent development in Sikkim.
    • Major motive behind popularization of the crop is to increase the economic condition of farmers.
    • The potential of growing the crop in the state is visualized from the production and productivity of maize.
    • Thought less remunerative, maize is the only crop in Sikkim which is successfully grown in approximately 39000 ha area across different agroecological condition.


    • Ginger is cultivated in Sikkim since time immemorial.
    • It is also used for religious purpose by Limboo Phedangma and Rai Bijuwas which shows its attachment with the people of Sikkim from ancient period.
    • Its commercial value has been recently exploited due to sudden price hike in market.
    • Now, it is grown as one of the important cash crops of Sikkim below 1,500 m amsl occupying a considerable area.
    • The important ginger-growing areas are:
    1. Mangalbaria, Chakung, Tharpu, Gyalshing, Zoom in West district;
    2. Turuk, Sumbuk, Rateypani, Namthang, Mellidara, Maniram, Namchi and Temi-Tarku in South district;
    3. Rhenock, Rongli, Pakyong, Rorathang, Khamdong, Pendam, Sirwani and Rangpo in East district and in small pockets of North district.
    • The important markets of ginger are Melli, Gyalshing, Rangpo, Singtam, Nayabazar and Resh.


    • It is a native crop of Agriculture of Sikkim.
    • The presence of wild species, locally known as ‘Churumpa’ like Amomum aromaticum, A. dealbatum, A. Kingir, A. corynostachyum, A. Lingiforme etc. and tremendous variability within the cultivated species in Sikkim support the view of its origin.
    • It is the most important revenue earning crop of Agriculture of Sikkim.
    • The dried capsules are marketed at Amritsar,Delhi, Kanpur, Kolkata and Lucknow for further distribution.
    • Large cardamom is also cultivated in parts of Uttarakhand and in some other North-Eastern States.
    • Nepal and Bhutan are other countries where large cardamom is cultivate.


    Salient Features of  India/Agriculture of Sikkim

    1. Subsistence Agriculture of Sikkim: Most parts of India have subsistence agriculture. This type of agriculture has been practised in India for several hundreds of years and still prevails in a larger part of India in spite of the large scale change in agricultural practices after independence.
    2. Pressure of population on Agriculture of Sikkim: Despite increase in urbanization and industrialization, about 70% of population is still directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture.
    3. Mechanization of farming of Agriculture of Sikkim: Green Revolution took place in India in the late sixties and early seventies. After more than forty years of Green Revolution and revolution in agricultural machinery and equipments, complete mechanization is still a distant dream
    4. Dependence upon monsoon: Since independence, there has been a rapid expansion of irrigation infrastructure. Despite the large scale expansion, only about one third of total cropped area is irrigated today. As a consequence, two third of cropped areas is still dependent upon monsoon. Monsoon in India is uncertain and unreliable. This has become even more unreliable due to change in climate.
    5. Variety of crops Agriculture of Sikkim: India has diversity of topography, climate and soil. Since India has both tropical and temperate climate, crops of both the climate are found in India. There are very few countries in the world that have variety comparable to that of India..
    6. Predominance of food crops of Agriculture of Sikkim: Since Indian agriculture has to feed a large population, production of food crops is the first priority of the farmers almost everywhere in the country. However, in recent years, there has been a decline in the share of land used for food crops due to various other commercially most advantageous uses of this land.
    7. Seasonal patterns of Agriculture of Sikkim: India has three distinct agricultural/cropping seasons. You might have heard about kharif, rabi and zaid. In India there are specific crops grown in these three seasons. For example rice is a kharif crop whereas wheat is a rabi crop.


    Challenges are faced by farmers

    Farmers of our country are facing lot of problems regarding agricultural production of crop. Few of them are shortlisted below:

    • Uncertain weather
    • Uneven water availability
    • Lesser yield
    • Low quality crops
    • Lack of soil nutrients
    • Buyer’s monopoly
    • Less cash in hand
    • Less scientific guidance during agricultural
    • Less information regarding selection of crop seed
    • Inadequate information of plant root moisture holding capacity
    • Less information of scientific irrigation process for maximum yield
    • Less aware of the market and growing technology