Sikkim : Schemes and Projects

Sikkim : Schemes and Projects

Various schemes have been implemented in the State for the growth and development. In order to provide inclusive growth and provide equal benefits and opportunities to all the people, schemes have been launched.

Various schemes are as

Chief Ministers Start Up Scheme

In order to develop entrepreneurship to young minds , this scheme has been launched. In this scheme, 25% subsidy will be provided with an investment of up to Rs. 20 lakhs. This Scheme is being launched with the objective to boost entrepreneurship and encourage start-up ventures by providing them with financial support. Initially a sum of Rs. 10  crores is being earmarked during this fiscal.


Proud Mother Scheme

A new scheme has been launched with initial allocation of Rs. 5 crores, known as “Proud Mother Scheme” which provides a cash incentive of Rs. 7000 at the time of birth of the first child and another Rs. 10,000 at the time of birth of the second child.

Chief Minister’s Annual and Total Health Checkup (CATCH)

It is first of its kind public Health care initiative in the country .The programme’s first phase covering more than 95% of total population has been completed.

In this health profile of all the citizens have to be made. It provides comprehensive health care with focus on health promotions and preventions of  by annual and periodical head to toe health check up free of cost. for all the citizens of Sikkim.

Mukhya Mantri Jeevan Raksha Khosh

It was started in the state during 2014-15, by the state government under which financial assistance of US$ 0.03 million would be provided to the patients. The patients under the BPL category would be granted a financial assistance of US$ 0.05 million.

Rural Development

Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana

The state government has launched Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana. Under this scheme, the Sikkim government will construct 250 residential housing units. The decision was taken by the Sikkim Housing & Development Board.

A list of the beneficiaries of Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana will be prepared by the state government. Besides this, the state government has also approved housing scheme of flats in east Sikkim. Although this scheme will be joint ventured under the state government and the private agencies but houses will be provided to the poor people of the state.

Green Mission

Sikkim Organic Mission

State has voluntarily adopted Organic mission and act as a role model for the whole world.

The process for bringing total cultivable land of 58,168 hectare under Organic Mission has been started in 2010. Agencies accredited by Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority are certifying the organic process in

Organic products like fruits and vegetables not only provide additional value to the farmers but  also provides multiple benefits. It also supplements the ecotourism of the Sikkim .

Sikkim Green Mission

State Green Mission has completed 12 years in June 2017. Its main aim is to boos t green measures in the state. The  mission envisages in avenue plantation and beautification of all vacant and waste lands It protects roads from sides and also in maintaining aesthetic beauty for the travelers.

10 minutes to  Earth Mission

Six lakh saplings of trees and flowering plants are planted every year within 10 minutes just before monsoon since 2009. This will help in sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The forest department provides free saplings to other departments and other organizations. It is also being done in Urban areas, as in these areas ornamental flowers and shrubs have been planted.

Universal Financial Inclusion

The Chief Minister’s Rural Universal Financial Inclusion Programme was launched during the Independence Day Celebration on 15th Aug, 2010. The programme aims to provide universal access to formal banking services to rural Sikkim, provide easy access to formal financial services, ensure inclusive and equitable growth, empower rural women and to accelerate economic development in rural areas in general.

It will also provide insurance services related to house and personal accident to the beneficiary families. Under this programme, about 70,000 rural families in the State will be benefited by opening a savings bank account in the name of the mother of the nuclear family. They will be able to operate this account through a composite biometric smart bank card. The facility for savings and withdrawals from these bank accounts will be provided in the Gram Panchayat Unit itself by opening 163 Points of Service (PoS) facilities to be operated by Banking Business Correspondents as per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines.

Self Sufficiency Mission

Government has made significant strides in transforming it as a producer State particularly in regard to enhancement of produce from the agriculture and allied sectors. State is working hard to ensure that all kinds of demands created in the State are met within the State. And state wants to see the people of Sikkim themselves fulfill local demands by becoming producers of goods and services. State has been successful in achieving 100% chicken meat and eggs self sufficiency within the State. Government is  striving towards creating vital infrastructure for training, value addition and marketing in this sector to enable people to become producers.

Social Security Mission

Under the mission, the State government has initiated various schemes for different age groups. Various shelter homes for welfare of distressed women have been established. Besides, the State government has introduced welfare schemes for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes and Other Backward Classes. The schemes are in the form of scholarships, inputs to farmers belonging to marginalized section of society, Scheduled Caste sub-plan and Tribal sub-plan and establishments of a development corporation for the various communities.

Government has worked relentlessly to guarantee full socio-cultural and economic security to all section of the people on a larger canvass of human centric development. Special dispensation in various forms and formats is bring provided to the needy and deserving sections of citizens belonging to various social groups, differently abled persons, old aged and vulnerable groups.

Skill Development Mission

The Skill Development Initiative was launched in 2003 and apart from the Directorate of Capacity Building, the State Institute of Capacity Building at Karfectar with state of the art facilities for residential training have been established. Under the Chief Minister’s Self-Employment Scheme 5,780 youths have been covered for self-vocational ventures encompassing various agro-based activities and IT and Tourism related vocations.. Many boys and girls primarily from rural areas are undergoing different kinds of vocational up gradation trainings in such Institutes across the State.

Chief Minister’s Self Reliant Mission

Objective : Main objective is to empower youth to realise their full potential and understand their roles and responsibilities in making full contribution to the development. This mission plays the significant role in creating employment  opportunity  thereby  making  financial  independent  by  setting micr0 small and medium enterprise  in the state.

Various sectors include

Industrial-Manufacturing, Processing & preservation of food items.

Animals Husbandry-Dairy, piggery, Poultry , bee keeping.

Tourism-Rural tourism, eco tourism, gust house, home stays, cyber cafes, restaurant/fast food ,travel agencies, adventure tourism(pare gliding , rafting, trekking).

Handicrafts-indigenous  handicraft like carpet & ravi weaving ,woodcraft, traditional painting ,tailoring ,jewellery, black smithy.

Agriculture, Floriculture & horticulture-organic seed production ,ginger, cardamom, orange & apple plantation. ,vermin  compost,  bio-fertilizer production, orchid production, seasonal flower production etc.

IT Sector-computer hardware, software programming, web designing. Creative Sector-Fashion design, interior design draftsmanship.

Sikkim Tourism Policy 2015

To create a plan for the development of human resources in the tourism sector. Providing a quality experience to tourists by enhancing the infrastructure and transport facilities in the state.

To promote tourism in the state of Sikkim by creating a marketing cell within the Tourism Department.

To establish Sikkim as an ultimate and unique ecotourism destination, offering memorable and high quality learning experiences to visitors to contribute to poverty alleviation and promote nature conservation.

To promote ecotourism in a sustainable manner based on the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

IT Policy of Sikkim

To provide better governance and generate employment.

To improve productivity in government departments through computerization.

To promote the Northeast as an attractive investment destination through several concessions and incentives.

Vegetation of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Vegetation of Sikkim

  • Sikkim provides a great variety of habitats, that support and sustains rich flora and fauna.
  • The Vegetation of Sikkim changes from tropical to subtropical upwards through middle hills with much coniferous and Oak forests of temperate character to the higher slopes with sub alpine scrub and alpine “meadows” generally related to higher alpine flora of the north temperate zone.
  • Sikkim has been known to be the most humid region in the whole range of Himalaya, because of its proximity to the Bay of Bengal and direct exposure to the south-west monsoon.
  • The annual rainfall ranges from 200 – 500 cm in most of its inner valleys except for its northern most region which receives scanty rainfall.
  • Throughout the year, but particularly from June to September, monsoon brings heavy rainfall to the state.
  • Lower hills and valleys enjoy a sub tropical climate, warm in winter, hot and extremely humid in summer.
  • Towards interior the climate becomes gradually more temperate.

Flowering Plants of Sikkim

  • Sikkim is one of the biodiversity rich states of our country.
  • The flowering plant diversity Sof the state with some indicative figures of dominant genera like Bulbophyllum, Calanthe, Coelogyne, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Gentiana, Juncus, Pedicularis, Primula, Rhododendron and Swertia recorded from the region.Vegetation of Sikkim
  • Nearly 165 species have been named after the state, as they were first collected from the state or plants were known to occur in Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • Some of the representative endemic species of the state have also been listed.
  • One hundred ninety seven families, 1371 genera have been appended with indicative number of species of each genus known to occur in Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • In all more than 4450 species of flowering plants recorded so far.


Biodiversity of Vegetation of Sikkim

  • India is recognized as one of the 12 mega diversity centres of the world. Out of the 18 Biodiversity hot-spots in the world, India owns 2, namely the Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas.
  • Sikkim covering just 0.2 % of the geographical area of the country has tremendous biodiversity and has been identified as one of the HOT-SPOT in the Eastern Himalayas.
  • There are 10 bio-geographic zones & 25 biotic provinces— which have 16 major forests types & > 200 sub types as per (Champion & Seth 1968).
  • Sikkim falls under Himalayan (2) Bio-geographic zone & Central Himalaya (2c) biotic province—-having about 9 types of forests types (Champion & Seth).
  • The State is endowed with rich floral and faunal diversity. Species wise, the State harbors over 4500 flowering plants, 550 Orchids, 36 Rhododendrons, 16 Conifers, 28 Bamboos, 362 Ferns and its allies, 9 Tree Ferns, 30 Primulas, 11 Oaks, over 424 Medicinal plants, 144+ mammals, 550 Birds, 48 Fishes and over 600 Butterflies.
  • While these figures are still not absolute, it may be kept in mind that this is only the mega-fauna and flora.
  • The tremendous diversity of insects like beetles and moths as well as a host of other life forms is yet to be enumerated.
  • Most of the high altitude medicinal plants are rare and endangered species.
  • Sikkim also has 28 Mountains/Peaks, more than 80 Glaciers, 227 high altitude lakes/wetlands and over 104 rivers and streams.
  • Nature has been particularly generous in her gift of sylvan treasures to the state of Sikkim.
  • Luxuriant forest, abound in all part of state and variety of medicinal plants, herbs, shrubs, bamboos and trees growing in state is truly rich.
  • In the forest, there are number of plants whose medicinal values have been well recognized by local people as well as by different pharmaceutical, insecticidal and perfumery sectors.
  • Medicinal plants ought to be given the status of a “National Resources” because their sustained availability is essential to sustain one of the world’s oldest medicinal traditions, a priceless legacy of the Indian people.
  • The local inhabitants for treatment of various ailments use numerous herbal remedies.
  • Modern medicines owes to the flora of these mountains.
  • Many inhabitants for treatment of various ailments use numerous herbal remedies.
  • Many species of Himalayan origin have revolutionized the allopathic systems of medicine

Forest and Forestry of Vegetation of Sikkim

  • Forest is one of the richest natural resources of Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • With luxuriant forest abounding in all part of state, Forestry has been the major land use in the State and 82.31% of the total geographical area of the State is under the administrative control of the State Forest Department.Vegetation of Sikkim
  • The total forest and tree cover of the State is 3392 sq. km (47.80% of the total geographical area of the state).
  • The composition ranges from tropical Dry Deciduous Forests with Sal and its associates in the valleys of Teesta and Rangit to the Alpine Scrub and grassland in high altitude.

Forest Type of Vegetation of Sikkim

S.No. Groups Characteristic of Species Altitude (Mts) Places
1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 1.      Dillenia pentagyna

2.      Dysoxylum floribundum

3.      Gymnema arborea

4.      Lagerostroemia patviflora

5.      Shorea robusta

6.      Toona ciliata

250-900 Rangpo Chhu, Sherwani,  Jorethang, Rangit
2. Sub-Tropical Forest      
Sub-Tropical Broad Leaved  Forest 1.      Albizia procera,

2.      Alnus Nepalensis,

3.      Bauhinia purpurea

4.      Castanopsis indica, 

5.      Macaranga denticulate

6.      Michelia champaca,

7.      Schima wallichii

1000-2000 Tong,Gyalzing, Sangklang Selem Chakung Chhu.
ii)Sub Tropical Pine forests 1.      Pinus roxburghii,

2.       Engelhardtia colebrookiana

3.      Quercus leucotrichophora

1000-1800 Gangtok, Gyalzing,     Rongli
3. Montantane Wet Temperate Forest
Broad Leaved
1.      Acer campbellii,

2.      Engelhardtia spicata,

3.      Machilus edulis,

4.      Michelia cathcartii,

5.      Quercus lamellose,

6.      Taxus baccata

1700-2700 Chunthang- Lachung, Yumthang
ii)Mixed Coniferous
temperate forest
1.      Abies densa,        

2.      Acer campbellii,

3.        Betula utiis,

4.       Rhododendron,  arboreum,

5.      Abies densa,

6.      Taxus baccata,

7.      Tsuga dumosa,   

8.      Larix   griffithianum

2700-3000 Lachen, Zemu, Yathang, Lachung
4. Sub-Alpine Forest
 Sub-Alpine Forest 1.      Abies densa,

2.       Betula utiis

3.       Casiope fastigata

4.       Rhododendron sp.

Above 3000 Above Yathang
5. Moist Alpine
i) Birch-  Rhododendron  Scrub Forest 1.      Betula utilis,

2.      Sorbus foliolosa,

3.      Rhododendron campanulatum,

Above 3600 Thangu, Maiminchu
ii) Deciduous
Alpine Scrub
1.      Betula utilis, 

2.      Berberis sp.,

3.       Lonicera sp., 

4.      Rosa sp

3600-3900 Changu      Thangu
iii) Dwarf Rhododen ron  Scrub 1.      Rhododendron lepidotum Above 3600 Thangu
iv) Alpine pastures 1.      Allium,

2.      Anemone,

3.      Delphinium

Above 4000 Chopta  Yumasong
b) Dry Alpine Scrub      
 i) Dwarf Juniperous scrub 1.      Juniperusrecurva  

2.      J. wallichiana

Above 3600 Chopta    Chhangu
ii) Dry alpine scrub 1.      Ephedra gerardiana,

2.       Meconopsis sp., 

3.      Ribes sp.

Above 4000 Chopta