Handicrafts of Sikkim

Handicrafts of Sikkim

  • Traditional arts and handicrafts have been the very breath of Indian Civilization visa-vis Sikkim too.
  • Significantly, Sikkim is also known for its traditional handicrafts, paintings, motifs, carpet, traditional tribal shoes, dresses, ornaments, weaving, and so on.
  • The traditional handicrafts in Sikkim had has enormous cultural significance.
  • Many of the Bhutia and Lepcha as well as Nepalese are engaged in traditional handicrafts production of Sikkim.

Handloom Weaving of Sikkim

  • In ancient times, the Lepcha’s of Sikkim were said to use yarn spun out of stinging nettle (sisnu) plant to weave clothes.
  • Today cotton and woollen yarn are used together with vegetable dyes and synthetic colours.
  • Lepcha weaves or ‘thara’ is woven in vertical looms with a backstrap. Such looms are of small width.
  • Traditional design with different colours are used to make tharas which are used for making bedspreads, bags, belts, curtains, cushion covers, table mats, tray cloths etc, apart from their traditional dress.

Woodcarving of Sikkim

  • It is one of the most important crafts of Sikkim.
  • Traditionally, only the Buddhists Bhutias and Lepchas used to practise wood carving. Indeed, wood carving is an ancient art form of both the Lepchas and Bhutias of Sikkim.
  • The items of woodcraft having wide range of variety can be found from household items to partitions to eight Buddhists lucky signs.
  • Woodcrafts are available in the following shapes choktse or table, almirah, sofa-sets, drawers or bhodin , screens, lamp stands, cheosum or altars, wall decorations, etc.

Wooden mask of Sikkim

  • One of the most important materials items of Buddhists’ traditional culture that has special socio-religious significance is wooden mask of various types being used during their religious dances by the Lamas.
  • The masks are carved out of the tough light wood of the giant climber called Zaru-shing, mostly found in the high altitude areas of Sikkim.
  • While in Tibet they were composed of mashed paper and cloth.
  • In all cases they are beautifully painted and varnished, and are provided with yak tail wig.
  • Each mask has a specific meaning and a story with certain religious connotation associated Various Wooden Masks with it.
  • Traditionally the mask dances are staged by the Lamas or monks in the Gonpas or Monasteries.
  • Such dances are normally performed only by men in the monasteries.
  • There are different types of mask normally made by Bhutias and Lepchas like mask of Khangchendzonga, mask of Garura, mask of Mahakal, etc.

Thangka Painting of Sikkim

  • The important Thangka is a paintings of divinities or group of divinities on silk clothes which depicts different incarnations and life of Lord Buddha, Goddess Doma (Tara), Guru Padmasambhav or God Chana Dorji or for that matter, any Tibetan saint, wheel of life (one of the purest Buddhists emblems) or some other deity, surrounded by deities of lesser significance etc.
  • Thangkas are the religious scrolls found hung in monasteries and houses of Buddhists.
  • It has an excellent tradition in Sikkim.
  • Such paintings are considered very auspicious and are supposed to drive away evil spirits.
  • Thangka painting is a renowned art of Sikkim.
  • “The Thangka works of master craftsmen sell for thousands of rupees abroad. They work in seclusion in remote villages” as cited by exgovernor of Sikkim namely Taleyarkhan (1981)

Cane and bamboo work of Sikkim

  • It is also the traditional handicraft Bhutias, Lepchas and Nepalese of Sikkim.
  • Cane and bamboo pieces are first of all split by using simple tools like Khukri or knife to make thin strips.
  • Thereafter the strips are sized as per requirement and are then intricately woven and modified and improved upon as per the graphical design.
  • There are varieties of cane and bamboo-craft products like, fruit, baskets, bamboo flower sticks bear mugs, hair clips, tea-trays, tea strainers, spoons, flower vases, piras, mats, hats and tumblers.
  • In Sikkim bamboo grows in abundance. But the cane is grown only in limited areas; thereby bulk of it comes from neighboring Siliguri or other parts of the North East.

Preparation of Lucky signs of Sikkim

  • Another important handicraft is the ‘Lucky signs’ mostly made by women in Sikkim.
  • The lucky signs are made by adopting two types of methods
  1. one type of embroidery work done by using needle on silk or ‘sharteen’ clothes
  2. Another is the paintwork (fabric) on silkl’shirteen’ clothes.
  • Such lucky signs are presented either in the form of words or symbol. It is used as wall hanging and means the ‘symbol of peace’.

Hand-made paper making of Sikkim

  • It is another important handicraft item.
  • Apart from other units, there is another important section namely Handmade – paper unit in the Government Institute of Cottage Industry at Gangtok, Unit was opened in the year of 1962.
  • Handmade paper, namely ,
  1. Rayon paper (used for rapping);
  2. Rags paper (used for making files);
  3. Card sheet (used for making greeting cards and paper bag).
  • Raw materials are used to be brought from Kolkata.

Carpet Weaving of Sikkim

  • Traditionally, carpet (locally known as Den) weaving is a symbol of cultural expression in the state of Sikkim.
  • Besides, Carpet is very important export oriented handicraft industry in Sikkim.
  • The carpets are of with various exquisite and intricate designs, motifs and colours which are typical of Sikkimese type and made of various sizes.
  • The price ranges vary according to size and quality of the particular carpet. Carpet weaving is dominated Carpet product by women.
  • Though it is a traditional activity, very few families follow it as apart of family tradition.

Blanket Weaving of Sikkim

  • It is also one of the traditional handicrafts of Sikkim
  • It is normally done by women particularly in North Sikkim.
  • The blankets are woven on loom, and the raw materials are available in local market.
  • There are mainly two sizes of blanket available i.e. 4 ft. by 6ft. and 4 ft. by 7 ft.

Soft Toys of Sikkim Supported by Sikkim Government and GoI

  • The Soft Toys Production unit of the Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom, Zero Point, Gangtok is one of the prominent sectors for support and creation of self employment in Sikkim.
  • This sector is being re-energized into a home to home industry through a project initiative namely “Production and Training for Soft Toys at Gangtok, Sikkim “funded by the North Eastern Council, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and also Government of Sikkim.
  • The toy making craft is an activity that can supplement and contribute to the family income and also create self employment.
  • The focus of the department is therefore to facilitate continuous capacity building and skill upgradation in this sector and thereby create a resource base of trained manpower.
  • Quality standardization and product diversification are two important areas of focus and therefore the best raw materials for creation of quality products are being used in the training centres.
  • The training module has been oriented in such a manner so as to emphasis and promote products that are closely connected with the environment and also identify with the local ethos.
  • Our main motto is to offer quality products to our valued customers at competitive prices.
  • The Soft Toys Sector provides self employment and income to the large number of artisan in terms of quality and cost comparativeness of the soft toys products of DHH are compared to the best of the world.
  • Presently, one project on “Production and Training on Soft Toys at Gangtok, Sikkim” funded by North East Council is underway and 225 numbers of trainees are being trained all over the state.
  • The department is required to ensure placement and create self employment for the trainees within and outside the state.

Sikkim : Tax and Economic Reforms

Sikkim : Tax and Economic Reforms

The economic liberalization in India , initiated in 1991, with principles of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization (LPG) of the country’s economic policies, with the goal of making the economy more market and service-oriented and expanding the role of private and foreign investment. Specific changes include a reduction in import tariffs, deregulation of markets, reduction of taxes, and greater foreign investment. Liberalization has been credited by its proponents for the high economic growth recorded by the country in the 1990s and 2000s. And it has positive impact on the state of Bihar as can be visibly seen from various sectors.

India’s GDP has increased thereafter and also  the GSDP of state has increased many folds.  Between 2004-05 and 2015-16, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Sikkim has expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.44 per cent to US$ 2.75 billion whereas the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) expanded at a CAGR of 19.11 per cent to US$ 2.33 billion.

Agricultural Sector

The state’s economy is largely agrarian, based on the terraced farming of rice and the cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, barley, oranges, tea and cardamom. Sikkim produces more cardamom than any other Indian state, and is home to the largest cultivated area of cardamom

Sikkim has a suitable climate for agricultural and horticultural products. It supports multiple crops; viz., rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, urad, pea, soya bean, mustard and large cardamom. Sikkim is the top producer of large cardamom, contributing over 80 per cent to India’s total production.

As per the state budget 2016-17, Sikkim got certified as first fully organic state in India by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

Organic Farming

Sikkim has been transformed as the first Organic State of the country and the world by design and have opened unlimited opportunities in sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.

Industrial Sector

Industries plays an important part to the development of the state. State government has taken various measures to provide impetus to the growth of the economy.

There has been a drastic shift in the sectoral contribution from primary and tertiary to the secondary sector. The overall performance of the economy of the state during 2015-16 was encouraging. At a CAGR of 33.91%, the secondary sector witnessed the fastest growth among the three sectors during 2004-05 to 2015-16. It was driven by manufacturing, construction and electricity, gas & water supply. In 2015-16, the secondary sector contributed 67.73% to the state’s GSDP at current prices.

The state follows the North East Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2007, which provides several incentives and concessions for investment. Institutional support is provided through various central and state government agencies viz., North East Council, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and Commerce and Industries Department.

The main industries like Brewing, distilling, tanning and watchmaking are located in the southern regions of Sikkim.

Tertiary sector

State government has implemented various policies to increase the growth rate of Tertiary sector. Various policies like IT Policy , Tourism Policy gives impetus for the growth of the services sector and hence development of economy. Industrial sector contributes majorly to the development, followed by the tertiary sector at 23.65% and primary sector at 8.62%. The tertiary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.23% between 2004-05 and 2015-16. The growth has been driven by trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, transport, communications and other services. The primary sector grew at a CAGR of 15.55% between 2004-05 and 2015-16.

Tourism provides the main thrust to the economy. With the tranquil climate, the natural beauty and the fine cultural heritage of Sikkim, the growth of tourism has immense possibilities. There are large number of places of tourist attraction particularly the snow clad mountains, the lakes and unspoiled forest areas and valleys of flowers. The advantage of having very fine monasteries in Sikkim can also be taken to attract Buddhist tourists from countries like Japan and the South Eastern countries.


Total Receipts and Total Expenditure

For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget.

After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20 crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 crores.

The fiscal deficit remains in adherence to the fiscal management targets set in the Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2010, i.e. not more than 3% of GSDP. The contribution from total tax revenue is of the order of Rs. 669.51 crores and in the case of Non-Tax revenue, Rs. 426.46 crores.

The total gross expenditure includes allocations amounting to Rs. 81.76 crores under the dispensation of the North Eastern Council, Rs. 153.66 crores under Non Lapsable Pool of Central Resources, and Rs. 1326.76 crores under Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

In Union budget, the distinction between Plan and Non-Plan has been done away with from the year 2017-18 onwards. This has been done as a measure towards bringing about major fiscal and budgetary reforms while retaining the distinction on the basis of Revenue and Capital expenditures. Since the Union and the States have to work together on the methodology, State has also adopted the same system from the financial year 2017-18 budget.

Tax proposals

Accordingly, the main taxes of the State Government like the Value Added Tax, Central Sales Tax, Entry Tax, Cess and Luxury Tax etc. and also the taxes of the Government of India like the Central Excise and Services Tax, have now been subsumed in the Goods and Services Tax.

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

GST, will replace multiple state and central taxes to create one national market and single tax in the country. This bill seeks to subsume all central indirect levies like excise duty, countervailing duty and service tax and also state taxes such as value added tax, entry tax and luxury tax, to create a single, pan-India market.

GST will be a game changer in the states as they eradicate the cascading effect on goods and services.GST will bring down the cost of goods and services as there will be no cascading effects of taxes. He added that GST is expected to increase revenue by widening the tax base and improving the taxpayer compliance. 7% items are such on which no taxes would be levied, 14% items would be in the lowest bracket of 5% tax, 17% items will have 12% tax, 43% items will have 18% tax, and 19% items, which are generally not used by people will have 28% tax.

Only the Goods and Services Tax will be levied in place of all these taxes in the indirect tax regime. Petroleum products and liquor have been kept out of the GST, as of now. The rates of the tax will be uniform on goods and services in the entire nation. As per the decision taken by the GST Council, the Goods and Services Tax will be implemented from 1st July, 2017 onwards.

The State Government has made all necessary preparations for the implementation of the new tax regime so that the trade and industry of the State do not face any difficulties. E-payment will be made compulsory for the payment of taxes.


Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main theme of the Budget 2017-18 – Sustainable Development

Total Receipts and Total Expenditure

For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget.

After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20 crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 crores.

The fiscal deficit remains in adherence to the fiscal management targets set in the Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2010, i.e. not more than 3% of GSDP. The contribution from total tax revenue is of the order of Rs. 669.51 crores and in the case of Non-Tax revenue, Rs. 426.46 crores.

The total gross expenditure includes allocations amounting to Rs. 81.76 crores under the dispensation of the North Eastern Council, Rs. 153.66 crores under Non Lapsable Pool of Central Resources, and Rs. 1326.76 crores under Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

In Union budget, the distinction between Plan and Non-Plan has been done away with from the year 2017-18 onwards. This has been done as a measure towards bringing about major fiscal and budgetary reforms while retaining the distinction on the basis of Revenue and Capital expenditures. Since the Union and the States have to work together on the methodology, State has also adopted the same system from the financial year 2017-18 budget.

Reforms in various sectors

Eco Smart Villages

A new concept of “Eco-Smart Villages” is being proposed in this budget with an initial budgetary provision of 1 crore. This is being proposed on the premise that each village has its own characteristic strengths which can be developed independently in providing welfare services and local employment to the people. Each village could develop their unique development models, whether in the promotion of village tourism, pilgrimage centres or dairy farming, etc. This also includes the development of “One Home One Garden” concept through which each household will develop a personal garden with the Government providing necessary technical support.


Education in Sikkim is free up to the college level and state is further  making sincere efforts to improve educational standards further both in terms of coverage and quality.

A programme for Educational Quality Improvement launched in eight pilot Senior Secondary Schools of the State has received a funding of around one crore from North Eastern Council. Further it is set to be expanded to cover all Senior Secondary Schools of the State.


In the terms of clean and renewable energy, Sikkim has attained self-sufficiency in power generation. The Teesta Stage-III with 1200 MW capacity was successfully commissioned on 17th February 2017. State’s total installed capacity has improved to 2013.07 MW subsequently, by initiating other hydro electric projects. The on-going 97 MW Tashiding and 96 MW Dikchu hydro power projects are scheduled to be commissioned by April/May of 2017. The installed capacity will be enhanced correspondingly.

This is a historic milestone and it has made the State self-reliant in clean energy production and has boosted the State’s revenue generation capacity. With the commissioning of such power projects at this scale, state is  no more a consumer state when it comes to energy. The state has become a producer State that provides energy for the nation.

It is estimated that Sikkim has a peak potential capacity of 8,000 MW and a steady 3,000 MW of hydroelectric power. About 28 hydropower projects are being set up in the state under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.


The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state. During 2015-16, the state government recognized the existing MPCS in the state to promote and enhance organic farming in the state. As a result of these initiatives, the state was certified as the first fully organic state in India, by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

The Sikkim Organic Mission is introducing an e-voucher card system as an effective mechanism to distribute assistances under the Direct Benefit Transfer for ensuring that the Scheme funds are channeled directly to the beneficiaries. This would be a first of its kind initiative in Sikkim and probably in the Country as well.

The state government launched Sikkim AGRISNET, an internet-based agriculture information centre, to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector.

The Sikkim government has announced a technical collaboration with floriculturists from the Netherlands and Thailand to develop the state’s potential in floriculture and market cut flowers from the state globally.

The state government is targeting to launch new agricultural schemes for making farming more profitable in the state and allowing the youth to determine agriculture as a budding source of livelihood. Implementation of such schemes is expected to result in increase in the area utilization for the cultivation and production of various crops.

The Sikkim Government plans to set up Tea Development Corporation of Sikkim, which would be the nodal agency for developing the tea Industry in Sikkim. It would work to expand the Temi tea estates in the state and acquire new gardens either wholly or partially owned by the government.


Tourism in Sikkim has emerged as the new profession of the  people with its vast natural potential. Promotion of village tourism, homestay, cultural tourism, trekking tourism, ecotourism, wellness tourism, flori–tourism and adventure tourism has given fillip to the tourism trade in the state where a large of number of people are engaged under different employment opportunities.


As of 2015-16, Sikkim had a total road network of 2,425.45 km. The state government proposed an allocation of US$ 15.36 million for construction of roads and bridges in the state and US$ 7.46 million for road transport.

The total allocation of budget for urban development is estimated to be US$ 5.94 million during 2015-16. In addition, US$ 17.14 million would be allocated for the development of water supply and sanitation and housing sector in the state.


Allocated budget for the industry and minerals sector in Sikkim is estimated to be US$ 9.46 million. Out of this total allocation, villages and small industries would be allocated US$ 5.97 million and large industries would be allocated US$ 2.75 million. The remaining US$ 0.73 million would be allocated to the non-ferrous mining and metallurgical industries of the state.

Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labour costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. These include Cipla, Sun Pharma, ZydusCadila, Alembic, IPCA, Alkem Lab, Intas Pharma, Torrent Pharma and Unichem.

In order to give a boost to handloom and handicrafts sector, the Government of Sikkim has been making several efforts, which include providing training to upgrade the quality and designs of the products; bringing expertise and professionals for their marketing and supply, etc.

The Government of Sikkim has placed information technology high on its agenda. The budget allocation for information and broadcasting is expected to be US$ 0.96 million during 2015-16.

The Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up an IT park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong. The IT Park will have state-of-the-art facilities that will offer a plug and play environment and cater to the specific needs of the information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) segments.