Sikkim Food security

Sikkim Food security

Food Security Index of India as well as Sikkm

  • In India, the dimension of food security is important despite attaining self-sufficiency in food production. Though there has been a considerable improvement in productivity and production of rice and wheat, we have not been able to eliminate chronic hunger and poverty. Understanding of the different dimensions of food security, therefore, is of critical importance.
  • The concept of food security in the Indian context has been increasingly refined during the last 50 years.
  • After World War II, food security meant building emergency grain reserves and ensuring the physical availability of food in the market.Sikkim Food security
  • After the onset of green revolution in the late 1960s, it became obvious that economic access to food is equally important to ensure food security at the household level.
  • During the 1980s, the principle of social access was emphasised, with special reference to marginalised communities and gender discrimination.
  • After the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) conference in Rio de Janeiro, there has been an increasing recognition of the role of environmental factors in food security.
  • The ecological foundations essential for sustained agricultural progress are increasingly under stress due to human activities.
  • One of the early initiatives in assessing the food security scenario in the country was the release of a series of Atlases by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) that looked into the food security in rural and urban areas and also the Sustainability of Food Security atlas of India.
  • Ensuring food security is an overall objective of development programmes in most developing economies like India. Several problems, such as hunger, malnutrition, under-nutrition and poverty, Association between Food Insecurity and Poverty Poverty Low productivity Human Development Food insecurity, hunger & Malnutrition Poor physical & Cognitive development arise due to food insecurity.

Historical View on Food Security across India as well as Sikkim

  • India‟s Public Distribution System (PDS) is the largest distribution network of its kind in the world. PDS was introduced around World War II as a war-time rationing measure.
  • Before the 1960s, distribution through PDS was generally dependant on imports of food grains.
  • It was expanded in the 1960s as a response to the food shortages of the time; subsequently, the government set up the Agriculture Prices Commission and the Food Corporation of India to improve domestic procurement and storage of food grains for PDS.
  • By the 1970s, PDS had evolved into a universal scheme for the distribution of subsidised food.
  • In the 1990s, the scheme was revamped to improve access of food grains to people in hilly and inaccessible areas, and to target the poor.
  • Subsequently, in 1997, the government launched the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), with a focus on the poor.
  • TPDS aims to provide subsidised food and fuel to the poor through a network of ration shops.
  • Food grains such as rice and wheat that are provided under TPDS are procured from farmers, allocated to states and delivered to the ration shop where the beneficiary buys his entitlement.
  • The centre and states share the responsibilities of identifying the poor, procuring grains and delivering food grains to beneficiaries.
  • In September 2013, Parliament enacted the National Food Security Act, 2013.
  • The Act relies largely on the existing TPDS to deliver food grains as legal entitlements to poor households.
  • This marks a shift by making the right to food a justiciable right. In order to understand the implications of this Act, the note maps the food supply chain from the farmer to the beneficiary, identifies challenges to implementation of TPDS, and discusses alternatives to reform TPDS.

Sikkim Food Security also based on National Food Security

  • The National Development Council (NDC) in its 53rd meeting held on 29th May, 2007 adopted a resolution to launch a Food Security Mission comprising rice, wheat and pulses to increase the production of rice by 10 million tons, wheat by 8 million tons and pulses by 2 million tons by the end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12).
  • Accordingly, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, ‘National Food Security Mission’ (NFSM), was launched in October 2007.
  • The Mission is being continued during 12th Five Year Plan with new targets of additional production of food grains of 25 million tons of food grains comprising of 10 million tons rice, 8 million tons of wheat, 4 million tons of pulses and 3 million tons of coarse cereals by the end of 12th Five Year Plan.
  • The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) during the 12th Five Year Plan will have five components
  1. NFSM- Rice;
  2. NFSM-Wheat;
  3. NFSM-Pulses,
  4. NFSM-Coarse cereals and
  5. NFSM-Commercial Crops.

Area Coverage under NFSM from 2016-17 onwards:

  • From 2016-17, NFSM is implemented in 638 districts of 29 states.
  • NFSM-Rice is being implemented in 194 districts of 25 states.
  • NFSM-Wheat is being implemented in 126 districts of 11 states.
  • NFSM-Pulses is being implemented in 638 districts of 29 states
  • An NFSM-Coarse cereal is being implemented in 265 districts of 28 states.

Sikkim Food Security and Related Department work

  • Since independence, the Government of India has been implementing various schemes focusing on the poor for their upliftment. The government at the center as well as in the state has introduced various schemes whereby enabling the poor to at least two square meals in a day. Development would lose its meaning to a hungry man.

The Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department of Government of Sikkim

  • The Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department is entrusted with the task of implementing the Public Distribution System that envisages providing quality food grains, at subsidized rates and to ensure equitable distribution. The department has the dual duty of procuring and distributing food grains and petroleum products as well as monitoring and enforcing regulatory orders of the government.

Functions the Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department of Government of Sikkim

The main functions of Food & Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department are:

  1. Procurement of food-grains covered under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) from Food Corporation of India as per allotment.
  2. Transportation, storage and distribution of food-grains and other essential commodities in the state through a chain of Govt. Food Grain Godowns, Identified Fair Price Shops/Retail Shops, MPCS and Consumer Co-operative Societies (CCS).
  3. Ensure regular availability of food grains and other essential food commodities.
  4. Provide ration cards to the residents of the state.


  1. Rice and Sugar -Being made available directly to the consumers all over the state through Govt. Food Grains godowns /Fair Price Shops/MPCS.CSS and through Ration Cards
  2. Wheat and Iodized Salt -APL category Whole Meal Atta and Iodized salt is being made available with the assistance of  Nominees and Agents appointed by the State Govt. through Fair Price and other shops.
  3. Blue Dyed Kerosene (SK Oil)Procured by  Dealers appointed by  Oil Companies , is made available for the consumption of general consumers by the Department  through identified Fair Price and other authorized retail shops.

Sikkim Government Major Initiative for food Security and Welfare of People of Sikkim

Mukhya Mantri Antodaya Annadan Yojana of Sikkim Govt:

  • The poorest of the poor from the 43,428 BPL families earlier identified were further identified for the Antodaya Annadan Yojana Scheme.
  • The 9914 beneficiaries under this scheme are entitled to 35 kgs of rice @3 /- per kg per month.
  • The State Government however rechristened the name of the Scheme to Mukhya Mantri Antodaya AnnadanYojana from 23rd August 2003 and 9914 Families are provided 35 kgs of rice free of cost, 347 MTs of rice is distributed under this scheme to the beneficiary families.

Expanded Antodaya Annadan Yojana of Sikkim Govt:  

  • The Government of India allocates 578 MTs of rice under the Antodaya Anna Yojana out of which 347 MTs of rice is distributed under the MMAAY scheme, and the remaining 231 MTs of rice is distributed to 6600 families under this scheme.
  • The beneficiaries are issued 35 kgs of rice @3/- per kg per month.

Annapurna Scheme of Sikkim Govt:

  • Under this scheme helpless aged people above the age of 65 years who have no one to support them and are eligible for National Old Age Pension but have not received them are provided with 10 kgs of rice free of cost.
  • The beneficiaries of this scheme have been provided rice from April 2000.
  • A total of 2500 beneficiaries are availing rice under this scheme.
  • A separate and distinct Ration Card has been provided to the beneficiaries free of cost

Whole Wheat of Sikkim Govt:

  • The Government of India allocates 245 MTs of whole wheat to the State.
  • For the convenience of the public it is ground into whole meal atta and distributed to ration card holders at the scale of 1 kg per individual @8.92 per kg per month through Fair Price Shops and other designated shops.
  • The State also received 1145 MT of wheat as special adhoc allotment during the year. This was sold at the rate of 12/- per kg/ per person.

Levy Sugar of Sikkim Govt:

  • The State of Sikkim is allotted 391 MTs of Levy Sugar per month.
  • Consequent upon the inability of supplying levy sugar by the Food Corporation of India from their depots in the State, the State lifts the allotted quota by engaging an agent directly from various Sugar Mills, of Uttar Pradesh.
  • The sugar is transported by road to Siliguri and further transported to different Food Godowns in the State.
  • The retail sale price of levy sugar has been fix at 25.40 per kg inclusive of transportation cost. Effort is being made by the Department to avail subsidy under “Price Equalization Fund” to enable the Government for distributing levy sugar at a lower price.

Kerosene Oil of Sikkim Govt:

  • Sikkim is allotted 546 KL of Kerosene Oil per month.
  • This is issued through Fair Price Shops/Ration Cards at a scale of 1.25 litres per individual in rural areas and 1 litre in the urban areas.

Ration Cards of Sikkim Govt:

  • Apart from the distinct family ration cards for BPL families the department has issued 4, 30,547 individual APL ration cards with digital computerized photos imprinted on it.
  • An individual above the age of five years is entitled to a ration card on production of documentary proof that he/she is a local resident.
  • Effort is being made to issue new biometric ration cards to weed out bogus/duplicate ration cards.

Fair Price Shops of Sikkim Govt:

  • There are 1420 approved Fair Price Shops including Co-operative Societies all over the State. All the Fair Price Shops are registered with the Department.
  • The Fair Price Shops are required to deposit a sum of 5000/- (five thousand) as security deposit which is returned if the Fair Price Shop wants to surrender their licence.
  • The District wise break up of Fair Price Shops is as under:-
  • South 420 North 74 West 336 East 590 Total 1420


Languages and Literature of Sikkim

Languages and Literature of Sikkim

  • Today, all the main languages spoken in Sikkim have been given the status of a “State language”.
  • Notably, Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo languages have been included in college curricula, while other languages, such as Rai, Gurung, Pradhan (Newar), Mangar and Tamang, are taught till the secondary school level.
  • Financial help is directly given to different communities to promote research in their respective languages
  • Sikkim is inhabited by over twenty ethnic communities, each unique in their tradition, customary practices, language and attire.
  • The outstanding beauty of these people living in harmony and sharing in amity each other’s cultures, ethos and traditions is a colourful mosaic of Sikkimese society

Bhutia People Language of Sikkim

  • Bhutias are divided into two groups – Tongdu-ruzhi with four clans and Bebtsengyed with eight clans, though there are a number of other sub castes.
  • They speak and write in the Bhutia language which is also called Lhokey although their script, language, religion, dress and ornaments have semblance with the Tibetans.
  • The Bhutia language, a long with the Lepcha and Limboo languages are taught in Sikkim till t he univer ity level.

Lepcha People Language of Sikkim

  • They have their own language, known as ‘Rongring’, with its script, ‘Mutanchi Rong Aming’.
  • The State Government has accorded official status to the language, along with the Bhutia and Limboo languages.
  • Since the year 2000 it has been taught in schools and colleges in Sikkim and from 2016 it has been taught at the university level.

Bhujels People Language of Sikkim

  • They have their own language, called Puhgal Gnur which is a part of the Tibeto-Burman sub-family and Sino Tibetan family of languages.
  • Some o f them converse in their own language .

Gurungs People Language of Sikkim

  • Gurungs have their own language, Tamu Kye and script, Khema.
  • The Gurung language (along with six others) was given official status in 1995 by Chief Minister Pawan Chamling, and is being taught in selected Government schools up to the secondary level.
  • Text books, magazines and dictionaries have also been published in Tamu Kye.
  • Since 2001, the Gurung edition of the Sikkim Government weekly newspaper, the Sikkim Herald, is also being taken out.

Jirels People Language of Sikkim

  • Jirels are known to have an ethnic and linguistic semblance with the Sherpas and Central Tibetan tribes.
  • Their language, like the Sunuwar language, is also a part of the Kanauri branch of Tibeto-Burman.

Kagatey People Language of Sikkim

  • The community is divided into several sub-groups like Dongba, Sarpa, Shyangba, Lama and Chyaba.
  • They speak in Kagate, a language of the Kyirong-Kagate language sub-group of the Sino-Tibetan language family, which has similarities with languages of Yolmo, Sherpa and Bhutia

Majhis People Language of Sikkim

  • Majhis converse in their own language but have no script of their own.
  • They are dark brown in complexion, medium in height and well built, and have classic Mongoloid features

Mangar People Language of Sikkim

  • They have their own language, belonging to the Tibeto-Burman family, and also have their own script, ‘Akkharika’.
  • In 1995, the State Government recognized this language as one of the State languages of Sikkim along with the Rai, Gurung, Tamang, Sherpa, Newar and Sunuwar languages.
  • The teaching of the Mangar language is being introduced in schools that have the greatest number of Mangar students

Newars People Language of Sikkim

  • The Newars have their own language.
  • They used to have a number of scripts as well but in Sikkim the “Prachalit” script is the one in use.
  • The “Ranjana” script is used in Buddhist Monasteries and the Tantric Kutaktshar Mantra of Buddhists consists of seven letters of Ranjana script.
  • The Newar language has been declared an Official Language of Sikkim in 1995 and has been introduced in selected Government schools’ curricula from the year 2002.

Rai People Language of Sikkim

  • The Rai or Kirat Khambu Rai community is one of Sikkim’s major indigenous ethnic communities and has been living in Sikkim from ages past.
  • Their language and script, which belongs to the Tibeto-Burman family of languages, was recognised as one of the official languages of Sikkim with effect from 31 March, 1995 vide the Languages (Amendment) Act, 1995, and published in the Sikkim Government Extraordinar y Gazette No. 76 dated 21 April, 1995.
  • This language has, since the year 2002, been taught in various Government schools in Sikkim.

Sherpas People Language of Sikkim

  • They have their own dialect, which belongs to the Tibeto-Burman languages, and they use the Sambhota script as a medium of writing books in their language.
  • The Government of Sikkim granted official status to the Sherpa language in 1995 along with other languages and the language is being taught in selected Government schools up to the secondary level.
  • The Sikkim Herald – the official newspaper of the Sikkim Government – Sherpa edition started publication in the year 2001 and has since been in print on a weekly basis

Sunuwar People Language of Sikkim

  • Mongoloid in appearance, they speak both in Nepali and Koinchlo, which originates from the Sino-Tibeto-Burman family of languages.
  • Their script is believed to be of ancient origin and possesses only six vowels and twentyfour consonants.
  • Koinchlo was recognised by the Sikkim Government under the Sikkim Official Languages Act, 1977, and is being taught in Government schools till Class V.
  • Since 2001, the Sikkim Government weekly newspaper, Sikkim Herald (Sukhim Neskutek) is also being produced in the Koinch language.

Yolomo People Language of Sikkim

  • Theys peak the Yolmo language o f the Kyiron g-Ka gate branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family, which has a similarity to the Kagatey, Sherpa and Tibetan languages.
  • They use the Sambhoti (Tibetan) script, though modern academics pre fer to use the Devana gari scri pt as well.

Thakuri People Language of Sikkim

  • They speak and write Nepali, using the Devanagari script.
  • But their spoken language is markedly different from that of common Nepali.
  • For instance, Thakuris use the word ‘darshan’, instead of ‘namaste’ or ‘namaskar’.
  • Claiming to have belonged to Rajgharana, they also use a respectable dialect of Nepali like “maiya sahiba”, “babu sahib,” “yuraj,” dulahi rani,” “muma hajur,” “buba hajur”, “khaisyo”, “laisyo” etc.

Handicrafts of Sikkim

Handicrafts of Sikkim

  • Traditional arts and handicrafts have been the very breath of Indian Civilization visa-vis Sikkim too.
  • Significantly, Sikkim is also known for its traditional handicrafts, paintings, motifs, carpet, traditional tribal shoes, dresses, ornaments, weaving, and so on.
  • The traditional handicrafts in Sikkim had has enormous cultural significance.
  • Many of the Bhutia and Lepcha as well as Nepalese are engaged in traditional handicrafts production of Sikkim.

Handloom Weaving of Sikkim

  • In ancient times, the Lepcha’s of Sikkim were said to use yarn spun out of stinging nettle (sisnu) plant to weave clothes.
  • Today cotton and woollen yarn are used together with vegetable dyes and synthetic colours.
  • Lepcha weaves or ‘thara’ is woven in vertical looms with a backstrap. Such looms are of small width.
  • Traditional design with different colours are used to make tharas which are used for making bedspreads, bags, belts, curtains, cushion covers, table mats, tray cloths etc, apart from their traditional dress.

Woodcarving of Sikkim

  • It is one of the most important crafts of Sikkim.
  • Traditionally, only the Buddhists Bhutias and Lepchas used to practise wood carving. Indeed, wood carving is an ancient art form of both the Lepchas and Bhutias of Sikkim.
  • The items of woodcraft having wide range of variety can be found from household items to partitions to eight Buddhists lucky signs.
  • Woodcrafts are available in the following shapes choktse or table, almirah, sofa-sets, drawers or bhodin , screens, lamp stands, cheosum or altars, wall decorations, etc.

Wooden mask of Sikkim

  • One of the most important materials items of Buddhists’ traditional culture that has special socio-religious significance is wooden mask of various types being used during their religious dances by the Lamas.
  • The masks are carved out of the tough light wood of the giant climber called Zaru-shing, mostly found in the high altitude areas of Sikkim.
  • While in Tibet they were composed of mashed paper and cloth.
  • In all cases they are beautifully painted and varnished, and are provided with yak tail wig.
  • Each mask has a specific meaning and a story with certain religious connotation associated Various Wooden Masks with it.
  • Traditionally the mask dances are staged by the Lamas or monks in the Gonpas or Monasteries.
  • Such dances are normally performed only by men in the monasteries.
  • There are different types of mask normally made by Bhutias and Lepchas like mask of Khangchendzonga, mask of Garura, mask of Mahakal, etc.

Thangka Painting of Sikkim

  • The important Thangka is a paintings of divinities or group of divinities on silk clothes which depicts different incarnations and life of Lord Buddha, Goddess Doma (Tara), Guru Padmasambhav or God Chana Dorji or for that matter, any Tibetan saint, wheel of life (one of the purest Buddhists emblems) or some other deity, surrounded by deities of lesser significance etc.
  • Thangkas are the religious scrolls found hung in monasteries and houses of Buddhists.
  • It has an excellent tradition in Sikkim.
  • Such paintings are considered very auspicious and are supposed to drive away evil spirits.
  • Thangka painting is a renowned art of Sikkim.
  • “The Thangka works of master craftsmen sell for thousands of rupees abroad. They work in seclusion in remote villages” as cited by exgovernor of Sikkim namely Taleyarkhan (1981)

Cane and bamboo work of Sikkim

  • It is also the traditional handicraft Bhutias, Lepchas and Nepalese of Sikkim.
  • Cane and bamboo pieces are first of all split by using simple tools like Khukri or knife to make thin strips.
  • Thereafter the strips are sized as per requirement and are then intricately woven and modified and improved upon as per the graphical design.
  • There are varieties of cane and bamboo-craft products like, fruit, baskets, bamboo flower sticks bear mugs, hair clips, tea-trays, tea strainers, spoons, flower vases, piras, mats, hats and tumblers.
  • In Sikkim bamboo grows in abundance. But the cane is grown only in limited areas; thereby bulk of it comes from neighboring Siliguri or other parts of the North East.

Preparation of Lucky signs of Sikkim

  • Another important handicraft is the ‘Lucky signs’ mostly made by women in Sikkim.
  • The lucky signs are made by adopting two types of methods
  1. one type of embroidery work done by using needle on silk or ‘sharteen’ clothes
  2. Another is the paintwork (fabric) on silkl’shirteen’ clothes.
  • Such lucky signs are presented either in the form of words or symbol. It is used as wall hanging and means the ‘symbol of peace’.

Hand-made paper making of Sikkim

  • It is another important handicraft item.
  • Apart from other units, there is another important section namely Handmade – paper unit in the Government Institute of Cottage Industry at Gangtok, Unit was opened in the year of 1962.
  • Handmade paper, namely ,
  1. Rayon paper (used for rapping);
  2. Rags paper (used for making files);
  3. Card sheet (used for making greeting cards and paper bag).
  • Raw materials are used to be brought from Kolkata.

Carpet Weaving of Sikkim

  • Traditionally, carpet (locally known as Den) weaving is a symbol of cultural expression in the state of Sikkim.
  • Besides, Carpet is very important export oriented handicraft industry in Sikkim.
  • The carpets are of with various exquisite and intricate designs, motifs and colours which are typical of Sikkimese type and made of various sizes.
  • The price ranges vary according to size and quality of the particular carpet. Carpet weaving is dominated Carpet product by women.
  • Though it is a traditional activity, very few families follow it as apart of family tradition.

Blanket Weaving of Sikkim

  • It is also one of the traditional handicrafts of Sikkim
  • It is normally done by women particularly in North Sikkim.
  • The blankets are woven on loom, and the raw materials are available in local market.
  • There are mainly two sizes of blanket available i.e. 4 ft. by 6ft. and 4 ft. by 7 ft.

Soft Toys of Sikkim Supported by Sikkim Government and GoI

  • The Soft Toys Production unit of the Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom, Zero Point, Gangtok is one of the prominent sectors for support and creation of self employment in Sikkim.
  • This sector is being re-energized into a home to home industry through a project initiative namely “Production and Training for Soft Toys at Gangtok, Sikkim “funded by the North Eastern Council, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and also Government of Sikkim.
  • The toy making craft is an activity that can supplement and contribute to the family income and also create self employment.
  • The focus of the department is therefore to facilitate continuous capacity building and skill upgradation in this sector and thereby create a resource base of trained manpower.
  • Quality standardization and product diversification are two important areas of focus and therefore the best raw materials for creation of quality products are being used in the training centres.
  • The training module has been oriented in such a manner so as to emphasis and promote products that are closely connected with the environment and also identify with the local ethos.
  • Our main motto is to offer quality products to our valued customers at competitive prices.
  • The Soft Toys Sector provides self employment and income to the large number of artisan in terms of quality and cost comparativeness of the soft toys products of DHH are compared to the best of the world.
  • Presently, one project on “Production and Training on Soft Toys at Gangtok, Sikkim” funded by North East Council is underway and 225 numbers of trainees are being trained all over the state.
  • The department is required to ensure placement and create self employment for the trainees within and outside the state.

Sikkim : Trade and Commerce

Sikkim : Trade and Commerce

Sikkim is one of the fastest growing states in India. The state has favorable agro-climatic conditions, which support agriculture, horticulture and forestry. As per the state budget 2016-17, Sikkim got certified as first fully organic state in India by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

Between 2004-05 and 2015-16, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.44 per cent to US$ 2.75 billion whereas the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) expanded at a CAGR of 19.11 per cent to US$ 2.33 billion.

The State Government has achieved remarkable progress in the core areas of agriculture, health, education and development in infrastructure. Today, Sikkim is the most talked-about state in the Country.

Sikkim has evolved as a progressive State with marked improvements in socio-economic indicators, despite facing the disadvantages of inadequate connectivity, high cost of infrastructure building and maintenance, difficulty in delivering services to dispersed populations in hilly areas.

People of Sikkim engage in different economic activities, prominent among which are Tourism, Industries, horticulture & agriculture etc. giving rise to a definite occupational structure. Major contributions to the economy are provided by sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture, Forest, Mining, Industries, Power, Tourism, Aqua Culture and  Livestock etc.

Agricultural economy

The state’s economy is largely agrarian, based on the terraced farming of rice and the cultivation of crops such as maize, millet, wheat, oil seeds, pulses, spices, cereals barley, oranges, tea and cardamom.

Agriculture is vital to the progress of Sikkim as more than 64% of the population depends on it for their livelihoods. The Sikkim AGRISNET is an internet-based agriculture information centre to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector. Sikkim has a suitable climate for agricultural and horticultural products. It supports multiple crops; viz., rice, wheat, maize, millet, barley, urad, pea, soya bean, mustard and large cardamom. The surveyed arable land in Sikkim is 109,000 ha, of which only 9.5% is used, this provides a vast untapped potential for development. The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state.

Agriculture is the major economic activity and is practiced on terraced field that has been laboriously created from steep hillsides. There are in all 689 enterprises that have been identified, which are mostly concentrated in rural areas.

Sikkim is the largest producer of cardamom and also boasts to utilize largest area for its cultivation. Tea is exported to USSR & Germany. A coffee plantation has also been started at Majitar.

The  economy broadly depends on the agriculture which provides livelihood to the majority of population in the state. However, it’s progress remained limited due to difficult topography and other natural barriers. As a result all head sectors related to agriculture emerged, government is doing its best to improve the situation.


Horticulture also contributes to the economy of  Sikkim. Large Cardamom, ginger and turmeric are the principal crops while Mandarin orange, guava, mango, banana and so on are the principal fruits grown in the state. The department of Horticulture is deeply involved in motivating and providing technical guidance to local farmers. Sikkim is also a paradise for flowers. Gladioli, anthuriums, lilliums, primulas, rhododendrons, orchids as well as many other floral species thrive here. The state is home to an amazing 450 species of exotic orchids alone. There is immense potential for developing floriculture on a commercial basis here, and the department of Horticulture is making concerted efforts to turn this sector into an export-oriented industry.


Sikkim has rich bio diversity and thus provides economic activities. The total land area managed by and under administrative control of Forest Department is above 80% of the total geographical area of the state. The composition ranges from tropical Dry Deciduous Forests with Sal and its associates in the valleys of Teesta and Rangit to the Alpine Scrub and Grasslands in high altitudes. During the two last decades Forest Department has laid emphasis on development of fodder and fuel wood in the agriculture fallow lands of the villagers giving priority to plantation of broom grass for fodder and for economic up liftment of the villagers.

Aqua Culture

Pisiculture is an important area of economic activity particularly in the context of enabling the rural people. The state’s natural resources endowments with an extensive network of freshwater rivers, lakes and streams offers conditions which are conducive for development of inland fisheries where a variety of carps and trout’s can thrive. With a view to exploit these natural resources endowments.


Mulberry, muga, eri and  oak-tussar are cultivated in Sikkim. The Sericulture Directorate is responsible for development of sericulture in Sikkim. The sericulture potentiality of Sikkim state has been explored jointly by the State Department and Central Silk Board, through launching a flagship programme titled Catalytic Development Programme. Over the years with consorted efforts from the both ends (state and central governments), considerable success have been achieved by the state sericulture industry in generating employment. Raw silk production in the state increased from 0.20 metric tonnes in 2013-14 to 6.0 metric tonnes in 2015-16.


Animal Husbandry provides an additional source of income to the people. Animal husbandry form an extremely important element in the effort to bring about substantial improvements in living standards. The overall area available for agriculture operations is limited to about 15% of the geographical area of the state and with the increasing population, per capita land availability has been consistently declining, it is therefore, essential, that supplementary sources of income should be developed in order to provide not only the much needed support to the rural families but also to make available in increasing quantity, protein rich food items such as milk, egg, and meat. Adequate number of livestock like cattle, buffaloes, pigs, sheep’s, goats, yaks and few other are reared in Sikkim. Yaks are reared in north eastern ranges bordering Tibet, Bhutan and western region bordering Nepal.

Industries and Mining

The Commerce and Industries Department of Sikkim is involved in promoting trade and industry in Sikkim. The Sikkim Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (SIDICO) is the state-level institution engaged in promoting, financing and developing the tiny and small scale industries (SSI) sector in the state.

Brewing, distilling, tanning and watch making are the main industries located in the southern regions of Sikkim. A small mining industry exists in the state, extracting minerals such as copper, dolomite, talc, graphite, quartzite, coal, zinc and lead. Sikkim has identified Rangpo-Gangtok, Melli-Jorethang, Jorethang-Rishi and Ranipool-Gangtok as industrial corridors with provision for giving land to investors on a lease basis.

The units that are engaged in the manufacturing sector are mainly dealing with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, liquors, foam mattresses, food products, iron rods, etc. Sikkim has identified agro-based industries, horticulture and floriculture, minor forest-based industries, animal husbandry and dairy products, tourism-related industries, IT including knowledge-based industries, precision oriented high value-low volume products, hydro-power, tea, education and hospitality as thrust sectors. The Information Technology (IT) Department, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up a state-of-the-art IT Park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong.


Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labor costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. The North-East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy, 2007 and the pollution free atmosphere are highly beneficial for pharma investments in Sikkim. Some of the policy incentives are: 100% excise duty exemption on finished products. 100% income

tax exemption. 30% capital investment subsidy on investments in plant and machinery.

The policy of framework in regard to industrialization in Sikkim has to be formulated keeping in mind the particular factors endowments that the state has the limitations in regard to resources, particularly, minerals and industrial raw materials as well as man power. The state is not so rich in mineral resources and apart from the deposits of copper, lead and zinc, no other viable and exploitable mineral deposits have so far been discovered. While on the other hand the state enjoys a tranquil climate, a dust free atmosphere and peaceful industrial entrepreneurial talent, has also to be taken note of. In regard to industrial development, a number of small and medium units have been promoted in the state. For example, The Sikkim Time Corporation (SITCO) and Government Institute of Handicraft and Handlooms.


The state of Sikkim is endowed with rich geological resources. The department of mines and geology has been responsible for exploration and establishment of mineral resources, with the object of developing commercially exploitable mineral resources. Moderate to fair amount of success has been achieved during the investigation carried out by different agencies in certain sectors namely dolomite, coal, quartzite, graphite, lime stone, silliminite, talc, mineral water, thermal springs, building stone and materials for porcelain.


Tourism provides the main thrust to the economy. With the tranquil climate, the natural beauty and the fine cultural heritage of Sikkim, the growth of tourism has immense possibilities. There are large number of places of tourist attraction particularly the snow clad mountains, the lakes and unspoiled forest areas and valleys of flowers. The advantage of having very fine monasteries in Sikkim can also be taken to attract Buddhist tourists from countries like Japan and the South Eastern countries.

Sikkim was the first to promote the concept of eco-tourism, village tourism and home stay tourism in the country. This essential concept promoting man-nature affinity has been recognized as a new model of tourism. Today, Sikkim is already on the national and international tourism map.

Sikkim has been featured and ranked 17th in the New York Times “52 best places to go in 2017”. Similarly, Sikkim has also been featured as the best destination to visit in the world in 2014.

The Year 2017 has been declared as the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, an area of development in which Sikkim has already made considerable strides with eco-friendly tourism and the development of innovative initiatives such as Chaar Dham and Tathagatha Tsal. Additionally, Gangtok City has been recognized as the safest tourist destination in the country.

Keeping nature at the backdrop, the State Government proposes to promote tourism mainly through nature based tourism. Few activities which are proposed include, Rock Art Sculpture, Folk Healing Center and Yoga Sthan. In the niche Tourism Sector, facilities such as golf courses, water sports etc, are being proposed.

A priority has been given to create mega projects, one example of which is the Sky Walk at Bhaleydunga. The Ropeway to Bhaleydunga, currently under progress is expected to be completed in 2 years

time. Today, Sikkim having been featured in leading International Journals and magazines, has become one of the most sought after destinations and caters to all types of tourists. Film tourism is also catching up fast with the support of the government, as many recent film shoots by popular Bollywood artistes in the state takes place.

Through sustainable forest management practices and massive afforestation drives, about 72.60 lakh saplings have been planted till date under the State Government’s flagship programmes such as Smritivan, State Green Mission, Ten Minutes to Earth and Paryavaran Mahotsav. The forest and tree cover of the State has increased by about 4% over the last two decades from 43.95% to 47.80%. The State Government has also banned the use and sale of disposable Styrofoam products, prohibited the burning of tyres, agricultural waste, use of packaged drinking water bottles, bursting of crackers in Sikkim which are first such prohibitions imposed in the entire world.

The declaration of the Khangchendzonga National Park as UNESCO’s World Heritage Site on 17th July, 2016 at Istanbul, Turkey, is a testimony to the tireless efforts of the government. The Khangchendzonga National Park has also been declared as one of the 100 top Green Destinations of the world for the second consecutive time. In addition to this, the State Government is also proposing to develop a world class Biodiversity Park and Ecotourism Centre at Tendong, South Sikkim.

The State Government has now prioritized the construction of a Ropeway from Pelling to Sangacholing Monastery in West Sikkim connecting the landmark statue of Lord Chenrezig, that is near completion, to Pelling. This project along with the Statue of Lord Chenrezig would be a great value addition to tourism in boosting tourism footfall in the State. The boost in the tourist footfall is very encouraging as Sikkim hosted over 8 lakhs tourists in 2016 alone.

Major initiatives taken by the government to promote economy of the state

The state government launched Sikkim AGRISNET, an internet-based agriculture information centre, to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector.

The Government of Sikkim has placed information technology high on its agenda. The budget allocation for information and broadcasting is expected to be US$ 0.96 million during 2015-16.

Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labour costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. These include Cipla, Sun Pharma, ZydusCadila, Alembic, IPCA, Alkem Lab, Intas Pharma, Torrent Pharma and Unichem.

The Sikkim government has announced a technical collaboration with floriculturists from the Netherlands and Thailand to develop the state’s potential in floriculture and market cut flowers from the state globally.

The Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up an IT park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong. The IT Park will have state-of-the-art facilities that will offer a plug and play environment and cater to the specific needs of the information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) segments.

In order to give a boost to handloom and handicrafts sector, the Government of Sikkim has been making several efforts, which include providing training to upgrade the quality and designs of the products; bringing expertise and professionals for their marketing and supply, etc.

The Sikkim Government plans to set up Tea Development Corporation of Sikkim, which would be the nodal agency for developing the tea Industry in Sikkim. It would work to expand the Temi tea estates in the state and acquire new gardens either wholly or partially owned by the government.

The Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), a partnership between the Government of Sikkim and Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG), provides technical, healthcare and science education. It is rated as one of the top universities in the country.

The State Government is very concerned with the youth populace and therefore, has laid special emphasis to skill the youth and to make them employable and self-dependent so that they can lead a life of self-respect and confidence. A separate Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building therefore has been setup with its network of the State Institute of Capacity Building, Livelihood schools, Industrial Training Institutes, Kaushal Kendras and Incubation Centres for skilling the youth. These initiatives aim at creating opportunities for self-employment, for industrial wage employment, and community based employment as Social Entrepreneurs.

Till December 2016, a total number of 10,151 trainees have been trained in sectors such as Beauty & Wellness, Tourism & Hospitality, Apparel, Homestay, Driver cum Tour Guide, Primary Teacher Training etc. An Atal incubation centre has been approved by the Ministry of Skill Development in Assam Lingzey. Two more incubation projects for the distillation of lemon grass oil has been set up in Kerabari, South Sikkim, and Timberbong, West Sikkim, under the Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana.

Sikkim : Schemes and Projects

Sikkim : Schemes and Projects

Various schemes have been implemented in the State for the growth and development. In order to provide inclusive growth and provide equal benefits and opportunities to all the people, schemes have been launched.

Various schemes are as

Chief Ministers Start Up Scheme

In order to develop entrepreneurship to young minds , this scheme has been launched. In this scheme, 25% subsidy will be provided

with an investment of up to Rs. 20 lakhs. This Scheme is being launched with the objective to boost entrepreneurship and encourage start-up ventures by providing them with financial support. Initially a sum of Rs. 10  crores is being earmarked during this fiscal.


Proud Mother Scheme

A new scheme has been launched with initial allocation of Rs. 5 crores, known as “Proud Mother Scheme” which provides a cash incentive of Rs. 7000 at the time of birth of the first child and another Rs. 10,000 at the time of birth of the second child.

Chief Minister’s Annual and Total Health Checkup (CATCH)

It is first of its kind public Health care initiative in the country .The programme’s first phase covering more than 95% of total population has been completed.

In this health profile of all the citizens have to be made. It provides comprehensive health care with focus on health promotions and preventions of  by annual and periodical head to toe health check up free of cost. for all the citizens of Sikkim.

Mukhya Mantri Jeevan Raksha Khosh

It was started in the state during 2014-15, by the state government under which financial assistance of US$ 0.03 million would be provided to the patients. The patients under the BPL category would be granted a financial assistance of US$ 0.05 million.

Rural Development

Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana

The state government has launched Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana. Under this scheme, the Sikkim government will construct 250 residential housing units. The decision was taken by the Sikkim Housing & Development Board.

A list of the beneficiaries of Mukhyamantri Nagar Awas Yojana will be prepared by the state government. Besides this, the state government has also approved housing scheme of flats in east Sikkim. Although this scheme will be joint ventured under the state government and the private agencies but houses will be provided to the poor people of the state.

Green Mission

Sikkim Organic Mission

State has voluntarily adopted Organic mission and act as a role model for the whole world.

The process for bringing total cultivable land of 58,168 hectare under Organic Mission has been started in 2010. Agencies accredited by Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority are certifying the organic process in

Organic products like fruits and

vegetables not only provide additional value to the farmers but  also provides multiple benefits. It also supplements the ecotourism of the Sikkim .

Sikkim Green Mission

State Green Mission has completed 12 years in June 2017. Its main aim is to boos t green measures in the state. The  mission envisages in avenue plantation and beautification of all vacant and waste lands It protects roads from sides and also in maintaining aesthetic beauty for the travelers.

10 minutes to  Earth Mission

Six lakh saplings of trees and flowering plants are planted every year within 10 minutes just before monsoon since 2009. This will help in sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The forest department provides free saplings to other departments and other organizations. It is also being done in Urban areas, as in these areas ornamental flowers and shrubs have been planted.

Universal Financial Inclusion

The Chief Minister’s Rural Universal Financial Inclusion Programme was launched during the Independence Day Celebration on 15th Aug, 2010. The programme aims to provide universal access to formal banking services to rural Sikkim, provide easy access to formal financial services, ensure inclusive and equitable growth, empower rural women and to accelerate economic development in rural areas in general.

It will also provide insurance services related to house and personal accident to the beneficiary families. Under this programme, about 70,000 rural families in the State will be benefited by opening a savings bank account in the name of the mother of the nuclear family. They will be able to operate this account through a composite biometric smart bank card. The facility for savings and withdrawals from these bank accounts will be provided in the Gram Panchayat Unit itself by opening 163 Points of Service (PoS) facilities to be operated by Banking Business Correspondents as per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines.

Self Sufficiency Mission

Government has made significant strides in transforming it as a producer State particularly in regard to enhancement of produce from the agriculture and allied sectors. State is working hard to ensure that all kinds of demands created in the State are met within the State. And state wants to see the people of Sikkim themselves fulfill local demands by becoming producers of goods and services. State has been successful in achieving 100% chicken meat and eggs self sufficiency within the State. Government is  striving towards creating vital infrastructure for training, value addition and marketing in this sector to enable people to become producers.

Social Security Mission

Under the mission, the State government has initiated various schemes for different age groups. Various shelter homes for welfare of distressed women have been established. Besides, the State government has introduced welfare schemes for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes and Other Backward Classes. The schemes are in the form of scholarships, inputs to farmers belonging to marginalized section of society, Scheduled Caste sub-plan and Tribal sub-plan and establishments of a development corporation for the various communities.

Government has worked relentlessly to guarantee full socio-cultural and economic security to all section of the people on a larger canvass of human centric development. Special dispensation in various forms and formats is bring provided to the needy and deserving sections of citizens belonging to various social groups, differently abled persons, old aged and vulnerable groups.

Skill Development Mission

The Skill Development Initiative was launched in 2003 and apart from the Directorate of Capacity Building, the State Institute of Capacity Building at Karfectar with state of the art facilities for residential training have been established. Under the Chief Minister’s Self-Employment Scheme 5,780 youths have been covered for self-vocational ventures encompassing various agro-based activities and IT and Tourism related vocations.. Many boys and girls primarily from rural areas are undergoing different kinds of vocational up gradation trainings in such Institutes across the State.

Chief Minister’s Self Reliant Mission

Objective : Main objective is to empower youth to realise their full potential and understand their roles and responsibilities in making full contribution to the development. This mission plays the significant role in creating employment  opportunity  thereby  making  financial  independent  by  setting micr0 small and medium enterprise  in the state.

Various sectors include

Industrial-Manufacturing, Processing & preservation of food items.

Animals Husbandry-Dairy, piggery, Poultry , bee keeping.

Tourism-Rural tourism, eco tourism, gust house, home stays, cyber cafes, restaurant/fast food ,travel agencies, adventure tourism(pare gliding , rafting, trekking).

Handicrafts-indigenous  handicraft like carpet & ravi weaving ,woodcraft, traditional painting ,tailoring ,jewellery, black smithy.

Agriculture, Floriculture & horticulture-organic seed production ,ginger, cardamom, orange & apple plantation. ,vermin  compost,  bio-fertilizer production, orchid production, seasonal flower production etc.

IT Sector-computer hardware, software programming, web designing. Creative Sector-Fashion design, interior design draftsmanship.

Sikkim Tourism Policy 2015

To create a plan for the development of human resources in the tourism sector. Providing a quality experience to tourists by enhancing the infrastructure and transport facilities in the state.

To promote tourism in the state of Sikkim by creating a marketing cell within the Tourism Department.

To establish Sikkim as an ultimate and unique ecotourism destination, offering memorable and high quality learning experiences to visitors to contribute to poverty alleviation and promote nature conservation.

To promote ecotourism in a sustainable manner based on the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

IT Policy of Sikkim

To provide better governance and generate employment.

To improve productivity in government departments through computerization.

To promote the Northeast as an attractive investment destination through several concessions and incentives.

Sikkim : Planned Development

Sikkim : Planned Development

State government has given large attention to the planned development of State so as to improve the socio economic indicators of the State. Urbanization is a part of the development process and rural-urban migration is largely common in developing economies and it is common for the state of Sikkim. During these processes, existing urban facilities like housing, sanitation, transportation, safe drinking water supply, and health are generally under stress. Therefore, in the case of towns like Gangtok, Namchi, Gyalshing, Mangan and other notified bazaars, Government is working to develop sufficient support facilities and are already transforming each urban center as models of excellence.

Sikkim government has laid emphasis on the planned development of the state. Overall strategy to induce positive development in

the state has been laid. It has been laid at for levels :-

State as a whole

Four Districts

Urban Growth centers

Basic Urban Settlements

A well planned  strategy has been adopted to envision the “Urban” Sikkim of the future. The State Government has also adopted a Concept Note on Micro Cities, a granular intervention in the development of Rural Marketing Centers and Class III Bazars. All bazars will be eco friendly and smart bazars. It is unizue programme for the development of state and government has provided huge investments for the programme.

The Strategic Urban Plan for the State documents the guidelines for the planning of towns and bazaars across the State with due room to keep their unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as part of the planning process.

One city of Sikkim i.e. Namchi has been selected among the 100 shortlisted cities to be developed under the Smart Cities Mission of the Government of India. With overall development, Namchi can be made a world class city.

Gangtok which is the capital of the State with a population of a little over one lakh, is already implementing schemes under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation(AMRUT) to improve basic services. Gangtok has also been shortlisted to participate in the Smart City programme and is a probable addition to the Smart City list.

State Government has decided to introduce the Smart City concept to construct underground malls and markets in these towns to create larger spaces for urban business hubs. Under the Smart City concept, Government want to develop the cities into a vibrant and connected city of opportunities.

Central Plans in Development of the State

Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) launched North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) that would create 0.3 million jobs in Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The US$ 115.1 million project would be implemented during the 12th Five Year Plan and is financed by the World Bank. It would be implemented in 14 blocks of Sikkim. The project is expected to be completed by 2018

Up gradation and modernization of raw water trunk mains and water treatment plant for Greater Gangtok has been taken up. 80% of work completed Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)has been completed. The rehabilitation of sewerage systems of Gangtok is being undertaken at a cost of US$ 5.3 million. Water treatment and distribution system up gradation are also being undertaken at a cost of US$ 15.74 million.

To extend financial support to the state government and to provide water supply facilities in towns having population less than 20,000, the centrally sponsored Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP) was launched that has been merged with Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT). Under this, US$ 8.7 million has been allocated for development of water supply systems and sewerage in Mangan, Namchi, Jorethang, Melli and Rangpo.

The Sikkim Water Security & Public Health Engineering Department (WS & PHED) provides water supply to Gangtok, six major notified towns, 41 other urban towns and 92 notified rural marketing centers. Gangtok has a requirement of 30 million litres per day and the WS & PHED has a storage and distribution capacity of 45.5 million litres. During 2015-16, the major functions such as solid waste, car/bazaar parking contract, sanitation, trade license, etc. were relocated to urban local bodies. Moreover, during 2016-17, the state government is targeting development of residential colonies to minimize uncontrollable migration across the state.

The state government is laying emphasis on providing Wi-Fi services across various major towns of the state, during 2016-17. In addition, other mobile technologies such as online payments, inner line permit tracking system, m-Tourism, etc. would also be provided in the state during the same period. Moreover, during 2016-17, an announcement was made by the Chief Minister that under “Micro-Cities” concept, development work on 39 small bazaars would be undertaken in a phased manner, during 2016-17. The total budget allocation for urban development during 2016-17, is estimated to be US$ 15.77 million. In addition, US$ 5.82 million and US$ 5.27 million would be allocated for the development of water supply & sanitation as well as housing sector, respectively.

Smart City Mission

Smart Cities Mission focus on the  most pressing needs and  the greatest opportunities to improve lives of the people. They tap a range of approaches – digital and information technologies, urban planning best practices, public-private partnerships, and policy change – to make a difference. They always put people first.

The objective is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. The focus is on

sustainable and inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a replicable model which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission is meant to set examples that can be replicated both within and outside the Smart City, catalyzing the creation of similar Smart Cities in various regions and parts of the country.

The Smart City Mission is an urban renewal programme initiated by the central government in June 2015. The main aim of the program is to improve infrastructure and to create sustainable and citizen friendly urban cities. A smart city is defined as a city which is highly developed in terms of infrastructure and communications. At its launch in 2015, the central government had identified 100 towns across India to be under this programme.

The central government has announced plans to develop Gangtok, Pelling, and Yuksam cities as smart cities as in coming years.

The central government announced plans to develop Namchi as one of the 98 smart cities in India.

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

It emanates from the vision of the Government articulated in the address of the President of India. The objective of the Mission is for providing basic services like water supply, sewerage, urban transport etc to household and build amenities in cities which will improve the quality of life for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged is a national priority.

As per the state budget 2016-17, work on service level improvement plan under AMRUT is expected to be submitted to the Central Ministry during 2016-17.

Gangtok which is the capital of the State with a population of a little over one lakh, is already implementing schemes under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation(AMRUT) to improve basic services.

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main theme of the Budget 2017-18 – Sustainable Development

Total Receipts and Total Expenditure

For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget.

After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20

crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 crores.

The fiscal deficit remains in adherence to the fiscal management targets set in the Sikkim Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2010, i.e. not more than 3% of GSDP. The contribution from total tax revenue is of the order of Rs. 669.51 crores and in the case of Non-Tax revenue, Rs. 426.46 crores.

The total gross expenditure includes allocations amounting to Rs. 81.76 crores under the dispensation of the North Eastern Council, Rs. 153.66 crores under Non Lapsable Pool of Central Resources, and Rs. 1326.76 crores under Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

In Union budget, the distinction between Plan and Non-Plan has been done away with from the year 2017-18 onwards. This has been done as a measure towards bringing about major fiscal and budgetary reforms while retaining the distinction on the basis of Revenue and Capital expenditures. Since the Union and the States have to work together on the methodology, State has also adopted the same system from the financial year 2017-18 budget.

Reforms in various sectors

Eco Smart Villages

A new concept of “Eco-Smart Villages” is being proposed in this budget with an initial budgetary provision of 1 crore. This is being proposed on the premise that each village has its own characteristic strengths which can be developed independently in providing welfare services and local employment to the people. Each village could develop their unique development models, whether in the promotion of village tourism, pilgrimage centres or dairy farming, etc. This also includes the development of “One Home One Garden” concept through which each household will develop a personal garden with the Government providing necessary technical support.


Education in Sikkim is free up to the college level and state is further  making sincere efforts to improve educational standards further both in terms of coverage and quality.

A programme for Educational Quality Improvement launched in eight pilot Senior Secondary Schools of the State has received a funding of around one crore from North Eastern Council. Further it is set to be expanded to cover all Senior Secondary Schools of the State.


In the terms of clean and renewable energy, Sikkim has attained self-sufficiency in power generation. The Teesta Stage-III with 1200 MW capacity was successfully commissioned on 17th February 2017. State’s total installed capacity has improved to 2013.07 MW subsequently, by initiating other hydro electric projects. The on-going 97 MW Tashiding and 96 MW Dikchu hydro power projects are scheduled to be commissioned by April/May of 2017. The installed capacity will be enhanced correspondingly.

This is a historic milestone and it has made the State self-reliant in clean energy production and has boosted the State’s revenue generation capacity. With the commissioning of such power projects at this scale, state is  no more a consumer state when it comes to energy. The state has become a producer State that provides energy for the nation.

It is estimated that Sikkim has a peak potential capacity of 8,000 MW and a steady 3,000 MW of hydroelectric power. About 28 hydropower projects are being set up in the state under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode.


The state government is also laying emphasis on improving organic farming in the state. During 2015-16, the state government recognized the existing MPCS in the state to promote and enhance organic farming in the state. As a result of these initiatives, the state was certified as the first fully organic state in India, by the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare as well as other recognized agencies of the country.

The Sikkim Organic Mission is introducing an e-voucher card system as an effective mechanism to distribute assistances under the Direct Benefit Transfer for ensuring that the Scheme funds are channeled directly to the beneficiaries. This would be a first of its kind initiative in Sikkim and probably in the Country as well.

The state government launched Sikkim AGRISNET, an internet-based agriculture information centre, to promote scientific agricultural methods and convert research into practice in the agricultural sector.

The Sikkim government has announced a technical collaboration with floriculturists from the Netherlands and Thailand to develop the state’s potential in floriculture and market cut flowers from the state globally.

The state government is targeting to launch new agricultural schemes for making farming more profitable in the state and allowing the youth to determine agriculture as a budding source of livelihood. Implementation of such schemes is expected to result in increase in the area utilization for the cultivation and production of various crops.

The Sikkim Government plans to set up Tea Development Corporation of Sikkim, which would be the nodal agency for developing the tea Industry in Sikkim. It would work to expand the Temi tea estates in the state and acquire new gardens either wholly or partially owned by the government.


Tourism in Sikkim has emerged as the new profession of the  people with its vast natural potential. Promotion of village tourism, homestay, cultural tourism, trekking tourism, ecotourism, wellness tourism, flori–tourism and adventure tourism has given fillip to the tourism trade in the state where a large of number of people are engaged under different employment opportunities.


As of 2015-16, Sikkim had a total road network of 2,425.45 km.

The state government proposed an allocation of US$ 15.36 million for construction of roads and bridges in the state and US$ 7.46 million for road transport.

The total allocation of budget for urban development is estimated to be US$ 5.94 million during 2015-16. In addition, US$ 17.14 million would be allocated for the development of water supply and sanitation and housing sector in the state.


Allocated budget for the industry and minerals sector in Sikkim is estimated to be US$ 9.46 million. Out of this total allocation, villages and small industries would be allocated US$ 5.97 million and large industries would be allocated US$ 2.75 million. The remaining US$ 0.73 million would be allocated to the non-ferrous mining and metallurgical industries of the state.

Pharmaceutical is an emerging industry in Sikkim due to tax incentives offered by the state government as well as low manufacturing and labour costs. Sikkim is home to 14 major pharma companies, which have significant investments in the state. These include Cipla, Sun Pharma, ZydusCadila, Alembic, IPCA, Alkem Lab, Intas Pharma, Torrent Pharma and Unichem.

In order to give a boost to handloom and handicrafts sector, the Government of Sikkim has been making several efforts, which include providing training to upgrade the quality and designs of the products; bringing expertise and professionals for their marketing and supply, etc.

The Government of Sikkim has placed information technology high on its agenda. The budget allocation for information and broadcasting is expected to be US$ 0.96 million during 2015-16.

The Department of Information Technology, Government of Sikkim is in the process of setting up an IT park and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) at Pakyong. The IT Park will have state-of-the-art facilities that will offer a plug and play environment and cater to the specific needs of the information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) segments.