Vegetation of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Vegetation of Sikkim

  • Sikkim provides a great variety of habitats, that support and sustains rich flora and fauna.
  • The Vegetation of Sikkim changes from tropical to subtropical upwards through middle hills with much coniferous and Oak forests of temperate character to the higher slopes with sub alpine scrub and alpine “meadows” generally related to higher alpine flora of the north temperate zone.
  • Sikkim has been known to be the most humid region in the whole range of Himalaya, because of its proximity to the Bay of Bengal and direct exposure to the south-west monsoon.
  • The annual rainfall ranges from 200 – 500 cm in most of its inner valleys except for its northern most region which receives scanty rainfall.
  • Throughout the year, but particularly from June to September, monsoon brings heavy rainfall to the state.
  • Lower hills and valleys enjoy a sub tropical climate, warm in winter, hot and extremely humid in summer.
  • Towards interior the climate becomes gradually more temperate.

Flowering Plants of Sikkim

  • Sikkim is one of the biodiversity rich states of our country.
  • The flowering plant diversity Sof the state with some indicative figures of dominant genera like Bulbophyllum, Calanthe, Coelogyne, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Gentiana, Juncus, Pedicularis, Primula, Rhododendron and Swertia recorded from the region.Vegetation of Sikkim
  • Nearly 165 species have been named after the state, as they were first collected from the state or plants were known to occur in Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • Some of the representative endemic species of the state have also been listed.
  • One hundred ninety seven families, 1371 genera have been appended with indicative number of species of each genus known to occur in Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • In all more than 4450 species of flowering plants recorded so far.


Biodiversity of Vegetation of Sikkim

  • India is recognized as one of the 12 mega diversity centres of the world. Out of the 18 Biodiversity hot-spots in the world, India owns 2, namely the Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas.
  • Sikkim covering just 0.2 % of the geographical area of the country has tremendous biodiversity and has been identified as one of the HOT-SPOT in the Eastern Himalayas.
  • There are 10 bio-geographic zones & 25 biotic provinces— which have 16 major forests types & > 200 sub types as per (Champion & Seth 1968).
  • Sikkim falls under Himalayan (2) Bio-geographic zone & Central Himalaya (2c) biotic province—-having about 9 types of forests types (Champion & Seth).
  • The State is endowed with rich floral and faunal diversity. Species wise, the State harbors over 4500 flowering plants, 550 Orchids, 36 Rhododendrons, 16 Conifers, 28 Bamboos, 362 Ferns and its allies, 9 Tree Ferns, 30 Primulas, 11 Oaks, over 424 Medicinal plants, 144+ mammals, 550 Birds, 48 Fishes and over 600 Butterflies.
  • While these figures are still not absolute, it may be kept in mind that this is only the mega-fauna and flora.
  • The tremendous diversity of insects like beetles and moths as well as a host of other life forms is yet to be enumerated.
  • Most of the high altitude medicinal plants are rare and endangered species.
  • Sikkim also has 28 Mountains/Peaks, more than 80 Glaciers, 227 high altitude lakes/wetlands and over 104 rivers and streams.
  • Nature has been particularly generous in her gift of sylvan treasures to the state of Sikkim.
  • Luxuriant forest, abound in all part of state and variety of medicinal plants, herbs, shrubs, bamboos and trees growing in state is truly rich.
  • In the forest, there are number of plants whose medicinal values have been well recognized by local people as well as by different pharmaceutical, insecticidal and perfumery sectors.
  • Medicinal plants ought to be given the status of a “National Resources” because their sustained availability is essential to sustain one of the world’s oldest medicinal traditions, a priceless legacy of the Indian people.
  • The local inhabitants for treatment of various ailments use numerous herbal remedies.
  • Modern medicines owes to the flora of these mountains.
  • Many inhabitants for treatment of various ailments use numerous herbal remedies.
  • Many species of Himalayan origin have revolutionized the allopathic systems of medicine

Forest and Forestry of Vegetation of Sikkim

  • Forest is one of the richest natural resources of Vegetation of Sikkim.
  • With luxuriant forest abounding in all part of state, Forestry has been the major land use in the State and 82.31% of the total geographical area of the State is under the administrative control of the State Forest Department.Vegetation of Sikkim
  • The total forest and tree cover of the State is 3392 sq. km (47.80% of the total geographical area of the state).
  • The composition ranges from tropical Dry Deciduous Forests with Sal and its associates in the valleys of Teesta and Rangit to the Alpine Scrub and grassland in high altitude.

Forest Type of Vegetation of Sikkim

S.No. Groups Characteristic of Species Altitude (Mts) Places
1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 1.      Dillenia pentagyna

2.      Dysoxylum floribundum

3.      Gymnema arborea

4.      Lagerostroemia patviflora

5.      Shorea robusta

6.      Toona ciliata

250-900 Rangpo Chhu, Sherwani,  Jorethang, Rangit
2. Sub-Tropical Forest      
Sub-Tropical Broad Leaved  Forest 1.      Albizia procera,

2.      Alnus Nepalensis,

3.      Bauhinia purpurea

4.      Castanopsis indica, 

5.      Macaranga denticulate

6.      Michelia champaca,

7.      Schima wallichii

1000-2000 Tong,Gyalzing, Sangklang Selem Chakung Chhu.
ii)Sub Tropical Pine forests 1.      Pinus roxburghii,

2.       Engelhardtia colebrookiana

3.      Quercus leucotrichophora

1000-1800 Gangtok, Gyalzing,     Rongli
3. Montantane Wet Temperate Forest
Broad Leaved
1.      Acer campbellii,

2.      Engelhardtia spicata,

3.      Machilus edulis,

4.      Michelia cathcartii,

5.      Quercus lamellose,

6.      Taxus baccata

1700-2700 Chunthang- Lachung, Yumthang
ii)Mixed Coniferous
temperate forest
1.      Abies densa,        

2.      Acer campbellii,

3.        Betula utiis,

4.       Rhododendron,  arboreum,

5.      Abies densa,

6.      Taxus baccata,

7.      Tsuga dumosa,   

8.      Larix   griffithianum

2700-3000 Lachen, Zemu, Yathang, Lachung
4. Sub-Alpine Forest
 Sub-Alpine Forest 1.      Abies densa,

2.       Betula utiis

3.       Casiope fastigata

4.       Rhododendron sp.

Above 3000 Above Yathang
5. Moist Alpine
i) Birch-  Rhododendron  Scrub Forest 1.      Betula utilis,

2.      Sorbus foliolosa,

3.      Rhododendron campanulatum,

Above 3600 Thangu, Maiminchu
ii) Deciduous
Alpine Scrub
1.      Betula utilis, 

2.      Berberis sp.,

3.       Lonicera sp., 

4.      Rosa sp

3600-3900 Changu      Thangu
iii) Dwarf Rhododen ron  Scrub 1.      Rhododendron lepidotum Above 3600 Thangu
iv) Alpine pastures 1.      Allium,

2.      Anemone,

3.      Delphinium

Above 4000 Chopta  Yumasong
b) Dry Alpine Scrub      
 i) Dwarf Juniperous scrub 1.      Juniperusrecurva  

2.      J. wallichiana

Above 3600 Chopta    Chhangu
ii) Dry alpine scrub 1.      Ephedra gerardiana,

2.       Meconopsis sp., 

3.      Ribes sp.

Above 4000 Chopta




Soils of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Soils of Sikkim

  • Sikkim is a small, extremely mountainous state in the Indian Himalayas with sharply defined and extremely steep watersheds.
  • Although, Sikkim is only about forty miles in width and seventy miles in length, its altitude escalates rapidly from about 300 m above mean sea level in the South to about 8583 m along the Himalayan Kanchenjunga range.
  • Agriculture is mostly concentrated in the lower mountain ranges, primarily in the East and South Districts.Soils of Sikkim
  • Nomadic high-altitude Legend 6 livestock herding (primarily goats, sheep and yaks) is found along the borders of Nepal, Bhutan and in the North District approaching the Tibetan Plateau.

Different Series Soil in Scheme (Deep Analysis)

Markong Series (M):

  • It comprises moderately deep, well-drained loamy skeletal soil with dark brown to dark reddish brown colour.
  • They have been developed on mica schists.
  • This soil occurs on strongly sloping (10-15%) hill top with moderate to severe erosion. Soils are under moderately dense forest and pasture land.
  • The Markong Series is tentatively classified as a member of loamy skeletal mixed thermic family of Topic Haplumbrepts.

Putuli Series (p):

  • It comprises shallow excessively drained dark brown loamy skeletal soil having some rock particles scattered over the surface.
  • These are developed on micaceous gneissic parent rock of talus deposits.
  • These Soils of Sikkim occur on moderately sloping and very steep upper hill slopes.
  • They are moderately to severely eroded and are susceptible to landslides.


Lingtse Series (L):

  • It comprises very deep, moderately well-drained fine loamy Soils of Sikkim with dark grayish brown to dark brown colour.
  • They have been developed on gneissic parent rock. These soils occur on steep low hill slopes and moderately eroded.
  • The Soils of Sikkim are under terraced cultivation.
  • The Lingtse Series is tentatively classified as a member of fine loamy mixed thermic family of Typic Dystrochrepts.

Thekabong Series (T):

  • It comprises moderately deep, moderately well drained loamy skeletal Soils of Sikkim with dark grayish brown in colour.
  • They have developed on micaceous gneissic parent rock.
  • These Soils of Sikkim occur in the steep to very steep middle and lower slopes of hill.
  • Soils of Sikkim are bench terraced for cultivation.
  • The Soils of Sikkim are moderately eroded and susceptible to severe erosion.

Machong Series (MA):

  • It comprises moderately deep moderately well-drained, grayish brown fine loamy soils.
  • They have been formed from the underlain micaschists.
  • These Soils of Sikkim occur on the moderately steep to steep low hill slopes and piedmont.
  • The Soils of Sikkim are under terraced cultivation.
  • Erosion is moderate to severe.

Chatrikhola Series (C):

  • It comprises deep, moderately well-drained fine loamy soils with very dark grayish brown to dark brown colour.
  • They are developed on micaceous gneiss parent rock.
  • These Soils of Sikkim occur on steep to very mid slope of low hill slopes and rare moderately to severely eroded.

Gompa Series (G):

  • It comprises shallow excessively drained loamy skeletal soils within brown to dark brown colour.
  • They have been developed on gneissic parent rock.
  • This soil occurs on moderately sloping and steep to very steep escarpments.
  • The Soils of Sikkim  are under severe to very severe erosion and are susceptible to sliding.

Losep Series (LO):

  • It comprises deep, moderately well-drained, loamy skeletal soils with grayish brown to yellowish brown colour.
  • They have been developed on colluvial material over gneissic parent rock.
  • These Soils of Sikkim occur on steep lower slopes of hills and are moderately to severely eroded.

Namthang Series:

  • It comprises deep, well-drained, loamy skeletal soils with brown to dark yellowish brown colour developed from phyllite parent rock occurring on moderately sloping to strongly sloping mid hill slopes and are moderately eroded.
  • Soils of Sikkim are under paddy cultivation.

Simikara Series:

  • It comprises moderately deep excessively drained coarse loamy, fragmental Soils of Sikkim with yellowish brown to light olive brown colour and developed on micaschist parent rock.
  • This soil occurs on very steep escarpment slope and is severely eroded. Soils are under dense forest.

Nandugaon Series:

  • It comprises well-drained coarse loamy, fragmental soils with brown to dark brown colour, developed from sandstone parent rock.
  • The soil occurs on steeply sloping mid and upper part of hills are severely eroded.
  • Soils of Sikkim are under predominantly cultivation maize.

Hilly Series:

  • It comprises very deep moderately well-drained fine loamy soils with dark reddish brown to reddish brown colour developed on gneissic parent material.
  • The soil occurs on steeply sloping upper hill slope and is moderately eroded.
  • Soils of Sikkim are under cultivation.

Padamchen Series:

  • It comprises moderately deep, moderately well-drained, fine loamy soils with brown to yellowish brown colour and developed from gneissic parent material.
  • This soil occurs on moderately steep to upper hill slope with severe erosion under thin forest vegetation.

Taraku Series:

  • It comprises very deep, moderately well-drained fine loamy soils with brown to dark colour developed on sand stones.
  • Soils of Sikkim occur on moderately steep to steep upper and midhill slopes and are moderately eroded.
  • Soils of Sikkim are under horticultural crops.

Majitar Series:

  • It comprises deep, well-drained loamy soils with grayish brown to light gray colour.
  • They are of alluvial and collurial origin.
  • This soil occurs on gently sloping to moderately sloping uplifted river terraces and is susceptible for river bank erosion and flooding.
  • Soils of Sikkim are under horticultural crops

Climate of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Climate of Sikkim

  • The Climate of Sikkim is extremely varied largely due to variation in altitude.
  • It has the Himalayan or high mountain type of climate.
  • Altitude is the most important factor controlling the climate and weather condition here.
  • Relief features such as high mountains act as the barriers for the movements of monsoon winds.
  • Low temperature, high rainfall on windward slopes, comparatively dry on the leeward side and heavy precipitation in the form of snow at the mountain top are the main features of the Climate of Sikkim.
  • Due to great variation in sharp edged mountains throughout the state, there is large variation in rainfall and temperature.
  • The Himalayas act as barrier to monsoon winds forcing them to ascend therebClimate of Sikkimy causing orographic rainfall and snow fall.
  • The Himalayas also act as barrier to the flow of cold winds from Central Asia, resulting heavy snowfall on the mountain tops and higher elevations and dry winter season at lower elevation located at the leeward side.
  • The monsoon winds dominate the Climate of Sikkim.
  • There is seasonal reversal of winds almost throughout the Climate of Sikkim.
  • The monsoon imposes the seasonal rhythm which is apparent in the activities of the people since most of them are agriculturists.
  • The following four seasons are prevalent on the basis of the monsoon circulation over the state.
  1. The cold weather season – December to February
  2. The spring weather season – March to May
  3. The south-west monsoon – June to September
  4. The period of retreating monsoon – October to November



Rainfall and temperature of Climate of Sikkim

  • The mean annual rainfall varies from 2000 mm. to 4000 mm. with intensity of rain from drizzling showers in lower altitude to torrential rains in higher altitude.
  • There are two maximum rainfall areas (i) South-East region and (ii) South-West region.
  • There is an area in the North-West region which gets very little rainfall.
  • The greater part of rain fall is received during May to September.
  • The annual rainfall of Sikkim is 2739 mm.
  • The temperature varies with the altitude and slope aspect.
  • The mean temperature in the lower altitudinal zone, it varies from 1.5 degree centigrade to 9.5 degree centigrade.
  • The maximum temperature is usually recorded during July-August which varies from 21 Degree Celsius to 26 Degree Celsius and minimum during December-January between 6 Degree Celsius and 8 Degree Celsius.
  • Fog is a common feature in the entire state from May to September.
  • Biting cold is experienced at high altitude places in the winter months and snowfall is also not uncommon during this period.
  • Climatic factors are entirely influenced by altitude.
S. No. Station Maximum Temperature (Degree Centigrade) Minimum Temperature

(Degree Centigrade)

Rainfall (millimeter)
1 Gangtok 18.8 12.7 3589.5
2 Mangan 25.5 15.3 3244.1
3 Mazitar 29.4 17.3 1620.2
4 Namthang 32.1 14.0 1972.0





Climatic types in Climate of Sikkim

  1. Snow Peak Type:
  • This climate conforms to altitude of 4001 meters or more above the mean sea level.
  • The mountain peaks are mostly covered by snow. Precipitation is mainly through snowfall.
  • Cultivable land is not available in this climatic type.
  • Vegetation is mainly herbs or medicinal herbs.


  1. Densely forested hill type:
  • These climatic conditions are found between 2701 metres and 4000 metres above the mean sea level.
  • The land has dense vegetation with tall trees and variety of rhododendron and primula flowers.
  • It is mostly covered by snow during winter season and precipitation is through snow and heavy rainfall during summer.
  • Winter is extremely cold. Potato and cabbage are cultivated during summer months at Thangu, Lachen and Lachung in North District.


  1. Very high hill type:
  • Such climatic conditions are associated with the height between 1701 metres and 2700 metres above the mean sea level.
  • Snow fall is common during winter months, i.e. December to February and heavy rainfall during June-July.
  • This climate is suitable for seed potato growing. Other alternative crops are temperate fruit plants cabbage, peas, radish and other vegetables.
  • Soyabeans, high altitude maize and off season cabbage cultivation is common.
  • Lachen, Lachung, Ravongla, Damthang, Phadamchen, Zuluk, Okhrey, Hilley, Bhareng and Ribdi are the important areas in this climatic type.


  1. High hill type:
  • The climate between 1501 metres and 1700 metres above the mean sea level falls under this category.
  • Precipitation is mainly through rainfall.
  • This is essentially a large cardamom growing belt.
  • Other important crops of the zone are the maize, peas, millets, vegetables etc. Usually, this is essentially a dry weather with occasional drizzling in winter and heavy rainfalls in summer.


  1. Mid hill type:
  • Such climate is found between 881 metres and 1500 metres above the mean sea level.
  • This is essentially an orange belt, most suited for cultivation of orange.
  • Winters are cold and dry without any rain and summers with heavy rainfall.
  • The other crops are the maize, paddy, oilseeds, pulses, large cardamom, ginger and vegetables etc.


  1. Low hill type:
  • The climate between 300 to 880 metres above the mean sea level may be called low hill type.
  • This climate is essentially a sub-tropical type and suitable for cultivation of sub-tropical fruits such as banana, guava, lemon and lime etc.
  • Most of the area is under paddy cultivation. Other important crops are maize, pulses, oilseeds, ginger and vegetables.
  • The winters are dry and comparatively warm and the summer are hot and have comparatively less rainfall.
  • Thus the Climate of Sikkim and the seasons of Sikkim state are suitable for growing varieties of crops which include not only cereals but also commercial crops.
  • Paddy, maize, millets, pulses are the principal crops and large cardamom, potato, ginger and other horticultural crops are the cash crops.
  • Orange is also a commercial fruits of Sikkim

Agriculture of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Agriculture of Sikkim

  • The economy of Sikkim is linked with Agriculture of Sikkim that serves as the source of livelihood and economic security of sizeable native population.
  • The growth, however, has been restricted because of biotic and abiotic factors.
  • It is estimated that over 80 per cent of the rural population depends on agriculture and allied sectors for economic, food, and nutritional security.
  • The agriculture systems practiced in Sikkim are integrated in natures that have evolved through years of experimentation by the farmers.
  • A marginal improvement in the lifestyle of the farmers has been witnessed with the adoption of modern technologies.
  • Sikkim State has some inherent strength that largely supports organic farming.
  • The policies and programmes on organic farming, in tune with our natural endowment envisage making Sikkim a Model Organic State.
  • The march towards organic farming has led to substantial departmental intervention.
  • A large number of initiatives have been taken by the Agriculture and Horticulture departments.Agriculture of Sikkim

Area, Production and Productivity in Agriculture of Sikkim 2015-16

           Crop Area (000’ hectares) Production (000’ tones) Productivity (kg./ha)
Rice 10.67 19.69 1845.25
Wheat 0.32 0.35 1071.21
Maize 38.96 68.31 1753.56
Finger Millet 2.85 2.91 1020.33
Barley 0.45 0.47 1055.93
Buckwheat 3.57 3.47 972.27
Pulses 5.67 5.38 948.85
Oilseeds 6.94 6.31 909.75



  • Cultivation of rice requires hot and moist climate.
  • It is a Kharief crop and is sown in March-April and harvested in Autumn.
  • Sufficient water must cover the fields.
  • Temperature: Rice requires hot and humid conditions. The temperature should be fairly high i.e. 24°C mean monthly temperature with average temperature of 22°C to 32°C.
  • Rainfall: Rainfall ranging between 150-300 cm is suitable for its growth, where rainfall is less than 100 cm, rice is cultivated with the help of irrigation.
  • Soil: Rice is grown in varied soil conditions but deep clayey and loamy soil provides the ideal conditions.


  • Wheat is another cereal crop of Sikkim growing in almost all villages of Sikkim having cool winter and hot summer climate, irrespective of elevation and irrigation facilities.
  • It is a rabi crop and its plant requires a cool and somewhat moist climate in the beginning and warm and dry weather at the harvest time.
  • The average rainfall should be between 50 to 70 cms. and that too at intervals.
  • It is sown in August and harvested in March, April.


  • Maize is one of the most important cereal crops of Agriculture of Sikkim.
  • It is grown over an area of about 36,000-40,000 hectare which is about 35-40% of total cultivable area.
  • It requires hot dry climate.
  • Rainfall required for maize varies from 75 cms to 125 cms.
  • It is sown in May-July and harvested in August-November.

Oil- seed

  • Rape Seed, Mustard, linseed, sesamum, toria, cottonseed are the chief varieties of oil-seeds.
  • They require hot and moist climate.


  • Barley is a minor rabi cereal crop of Sikkim grown only in small pockets over an area of about 1.15 thousand hectare.
  • The production of barley is subjected by systematic implementation of Agronomic Practices as well as crop improvement work including introduction and Acclimatization of high yielding varieties.

Tuber crops, spices, fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants

  • Tuber Crops: Potato,Sweet Potata
  • Spices: Large Cardamom, Ginger, Chilli, Turmeric, Coriander
  • Fruits: Mandarin, Passion fruit, Banana, Guava, Papaya, Jack fruit, Litchi
  • Vegetables: Brocoli, Onion, Brinjal, Carrot, Iskus, Pumpkin, Radish, Tomato, Tree Tomato, Cabbage, Cauli flower
  • Ornamental Plants: Anthurium, Cymbidium, Rose

Important Organic Cash Crops of Agriculture of Sikkim

  • Important organically grown cash crops of the state are oranges, large cardomom, ginger, turmeric, cherry paper, baby corn, buck heat, pulses etc.
  • All these organic crops have a high demand in domestic and international markets.


  • Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) is the most common among citrus fruits grown in India.
  • It occupies nearly 50% of the total citrus area in India.
  • Mandatrin group includes all types of loose jacket oranges commonly called Santra or mandarin such as Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Khasi Mandarin, Sikkim Mandarin etc.
  • Sikkim mandarin represents the most important commercial fruit of Sikkim and is similar to the Nepal or Assam or Darjeeling mandarin.


  • The Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an important spice used conventionally as a natural food colorant and as an additive for imparting to food orange-yellow colour, flavor and aroma.
  • It is also valued as an antiseptic for its anti-inflammatory property and is used in beauty treatment or in the cosmetic industry and dye plants.
  • It is the most researched spice for medicinal use and occupy prominent place in traditional medicine system for treatment of cough, flu, anemia, asthma, sprain and pain, skin diseases, sinus etc. It is loaded with antioxidant properties.
  • It is propagated through tuberous seed rhizome. Its cultivation in unutilized areas and forest areas as well as in cultivated land is gaining popularity in the state in recent years, especially in niche areas having an altitude of 3000 ft amsl and less.
  • With similar cultivation practices as that of ginger, turmeric is grown both as pure crop as well as mixed with maize, chilly, bean, vegetable etc under both rainfed and irrigated conditions.
  • Small and marginal farmers in the state take up the crop in small operational holdings with cultivation of the crop contributing to generation of income as well as in promotion of livelihood of farmers in the state


  • The area and production of this crop in Sikkim are 2760 hectares and 1,380 tonnes respectively.
  • It is widely grown in the hilly tracts of the Sikkim.
  • In recent years, the area and production has gone up considerably.
  • It is now considered a cash crop fetching even higher price than rice.
  • As a result, it is not only grown on slopy dry land but also as a chief rotational crop between paddy and maize in Sikkim.
  • The crop is grown right from 300 m to 2,500 m in the hills.


  • Baby Corn cultivation is a recent development in Sikkim.
  • Major motive behind popularization of the crop is to increase the economic condition of farmers.
  • The potential of growing the crop in the state is visualized from the production and productivity of maize.
  • Thought less remunerative, maize is the only crop in Sikkim which is successfully grown in approximately 39000 ha area across different agroecological condition.


  • Ginger is cultivated in Sikkim since time immemorial.
  • It is also used for religious purpose by Limboo Phedangma and Rai Bijuwas which shows its attachment with the people of Sikkim from ancient period.
  • Its commercial value has been recently exploited due to sudden price hike in market.
  • Now, it is grown as one of the important cash crops of Sikkim below 1,500 m amsl occupying a considerable area.
  • The important ginger-growing areas are:
  1. Mangalbaria, Chakung, Tharpu, Gyalshing, Zoom in West district;
  2. Turuk, Sumbuk, Rateypani, Namthang, Mellidara, Maniram, Namchi and Temi-Tarku in South district;
  3. Rhenock, Rongli, Pakyong, Rorathang, Khamdong, Pendam, Sirwani and Rangpo in East district and in small pockets of North district.
  • The important markets of ginger are Melli, Gyalshing, Rangpo, Singtam, Nayabazar and Resh.


  • It is a native crop of Agriculture of Sikkim.
  • The presence of wild species, locally known as ‘Churumpa’ like Amomum aromaticum, A. dealbatum, A. Kingir, A. corynostachyum, A. Lingiforme etc. and tremendous variability within the cultivated species in Sikkim support the view of its origin.
  • It is the most important revenue earning crop of Agriculture of Sikkim.
  • The dried capsules are marketed at Amritsar,Delhi, Kanpur, Kolkata and Lucknow for further distribution.
  • Large cardamom is also cultivated in parts of Uttarakhand and in some other North-Eastern States.
  • Nepal and Bhutan are other countries where large cardamom is cultivate.


Salient Features of  India/Agriculture of Sikkim

  1. Subsistence Agriculture of Sikkim: Most parts of India have subsistence agriculture. This type of agriculture has been practised in India for several hundreds of years and still prevails in a larger part of India in spite of the large scale change in agricultural practices after independence.
  2. Pressure of population on Agriculture of Sikkim: Despite increase in urbanization and industrialization, about 70% of population is still directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture.
  3. Mechanization of farming of Agriculture of Sikkim: Green Revolution took place in India in the late sixties and early seventies. After more than forty years of Green Revolution and revolution in agricultural machinery and equipments, complete mechanization is still a distant dream
  4. Dependence upon monsoon: Since independence, there has been a rapid expansion of irrigation infrastructure. Despite the large scale expansion, only about one third of total cropped area is irrigated today. As a consequence, two third of cropped areas is still dependent upon monsoon. Monsoon in India is uncertain and unreliable. This has become even more unreliable due to change in climate.
  5. Variety of crops Agriculture of Sikkim: India has diversity of topography, climate and soil. Since India has both tropical and temperate climate, crops of both the climate are found in India. There are very few countries in the world that have variety comparable to that of India..
  6. Predominance of food crops of Agriculture of Sikkim: Since Indian agriculture has to feed a large population, production of food crops is the first priority of the farmers almost everywhere in the country. However, in recent years, there has been a decline in the share of land used for food crops due to various other commercially most advantageous uses of this land.
  7. Seasonal patterns of Agriculture of Sikkim: India has three distinct agricultural/cropping seasons. You might have heard about kharif, rabi and zaid. In India there are specific crops grown in these three seasons. For example rice is a kharif crop whereas wheat is a rabi crop.


Challenges are faced by farmers

Farmers of our country are facing lot of problems regarding agricultural production of crop. Few of them are shortlisted below:

  • Uncertain weather
  • Uneven water availability
  • Lesser yield
  • Low quality crops
  • Lack of soil nutrients
  • Buyer’s monopoly
  • Less cash in hand
  • Less scientific guidance during agricultural
  • Less information regarding selection of crop seed
  • Inadequate information of plant root moisture holding capacity
  • Less information of scientific irrigation process for maximum yield
  • Less aware of the market and growing technology